Real Property Unique Identifier Registry (RPUIR)

The Real Property Unique Identifier Registry (RPUIR) is a centralized Web-based resource that will generate and maintain real property unique identifiers (UIDs) for sites and assets.  RPUIR contains two types of UIDs:

  1. Site UIDs – Each real property site is assigned a Site UID when legal interest in the first real property asset on that site is acquired by DoD.
  2. Asset UIDs – Each real property asset is assigned an Asset UID when DoD obtains a legal interest in the real property asset.

The Registry will translate static, isolated data from existing legacy systems into dynamic, integrated information for enterprise decision-making. As a result, DoD managers will have immediate access to consistent real property data, which, after integration with other types of UIDs, will allow them to efficiently and effectively manage people, property, and intangible assets around the globe.

Obtaining a Site UID

To obtain a Site UID, the Components must enter valid data for the site into their Real Property Inventory (RPI) System and transmit a Web Service transaction to the Registry. The Registry generates and transmits the UID to the Component’s RPI system. See attached process diagram describing "How to Obtain a Site UID".

Currently in the development and testing phase, DoD anticipates the Site Registry to be fully operational in late June 2007. The Asset Registry is scheduled to be operating in late December 2007.

Obtaining a Site UID: Key Process Steps

Text version of UID Key Process Steps

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