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Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) & Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP)

Together the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) provide one roadmap and blueprint for defense business transformation. The ETP gives the Department - particularly the Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) and Investment Review Boards (IRBs) - a comprehensive management tool for business modernization, with measurable plans, schedules, and budgets. The major milestones for the systems and initiatives that are critical to achieving transformation priorities are outlined in the ETP. The BEA is the enterprise architecture for the DoD Business Mission Area (BMA) and includes activities, processes, data standards, business rules, operating requirements, and information exchanges. The BEA is developed using a set of integrated DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) products, including All Views (AV), Operational Views (OV), System Views (SV), and Technical Standards Views (TV) products.

The ETP and BEA are linked. The architecture and the ETP are organized by the same Business Enterprise Priorities (and their objectives), Business Capabilities, Operational Activities, Enterprise Systems and Initiatives, and System Functions.

The current defense transformation planning and architecture products are as follows:

September 2007 Enterprise Transition Plan - describes the roadmap for the Department's overall business transformation priorities and the key systems and initiatives that support those priorities.

March 2007 Congressional Report - provides a status against the September 2006 ETP and shows DoD’s business transformation progress. Additional features in the March 2007 Congressional Report include:

  • Cost and schedules that reflect revised urgency and adaptation to unplanned delays
  • A more complete performance management framework that charts the course toward planned transformation outcomes
  • New content on integration with other DoD plans
  • A summary of terminated legacy systems

Business Enterprise Architecture 4.1 provides the blueprint for the Department’s Business Enterprise Priorities and addresses architecture content gaps identified in the BEA 3.0 AV-1 Overview and Summary and the September 2006 ETP.