
The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) is a Department of Energy/Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center (NSRC) operating as a national user facility devoted to establishing the scientific principles that govern the design, performance, and integration of nanoscale materials. Through its Core Facility in Albuquerque and Gateway to Los Alamos Facility, CINT provides open access to tools and expertise needed to explore the continuum from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro- and macro world.

CINT News...

Bob Hwang Andy Shreve Toni Taylor

CINT Management Changes
We are pleased to announce recent changes in the CINT leadership team. Toni Taylor, former CINT Director, has assumed the position of Division Leader for the Materials Physics and Applications (MPA) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MPA Division is the administrative unit in which CINT resides at LANL. In her new role as the MPA Division Leader, she will remain actively engaged in CINT’s success and looks forward to working with her successor on the CINT management team.

Bob Hwang is now the CINT Director. Andy Shreve, will serve as the Acting CINT Co-Director while we complete a national search for the new CINT Co-Director at Los Alamos. Andy will remain as the CINT thrust leader for the Soft, Biological and Composite Nanomaterials Thrust.

CINT searching for Co-Director
CINT is currently searching for a LANL Co-Director to replace Toni Taylor, who has become LANL's Materials Physics and Applications Division Leader. Details of the job posting can be found here and by following our job opportunities link. John Sarrao (sarrao@lanl.gov) and Julie Phillips (jmphill@sandia.gov) are co-chairing the search committee and would welcome inquiries from potentially interested applicants.

Fall 2008 User Proposal Summary
CINT received 119 submissions in response to our Fall 2008 Call for User Proposals. We are pleased to accept a total of 105 continuation and new projects. A list of the approved project titles and investigators will be available on this website shortly. The approved user proposals will remain valid through December 2009. The next Call for User Proposals will be announced in March 2009 in conjunction with the 2009 LANSCE/CINT User Conference.

Rapid Access to CINT
Prospective users seeking rapid access to CINT for limited, time-critical research before the Spring 2009 proposal cycle are asked to contact the CINT User Program Manager, Neal Shinn (ndshinn@sandia.gov, 505-844-5457). Users who are approved for rapid access must submit a regular User Proposal in the next available regular cycle (Spring 2009) in order to have continued access to CINT.

CINT February 2009 Newsletter
Coming in this issue: CINT User Association Update, 2009 LANSCE/CINT User Conference Announcement, 2008 Fall Proposal Cycle Summary, CINT Leadership, CINT in the News, Science Highlight.

Job Opportunties (LANL)
CINT Postdoctoral Research Position

Job Opportunities (SNL)
CINT Postdoctoral Research Position

Bob Hwang, Director, Sandia
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1315
FAX 505-284-7778


Andrew Shreve, Acting Co-Director, Los Alamos 
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MS K771
Los Alamos, NM 87545
FAX 505-665-9030
Contact Heather Brown (hdbrown@sandia.gov) to be added to the CINT Electronic mailing list.
Facility phone numbers
505-283-CINT (CINT Core Facility, SNL)
505-667-9243 (CINT Gateway to Los Alamos, LANL)

CINT Fax numbers
505-284-7778 (CINT Core Facility, SNL)
505-665-9030 (CINT Gateway to Los Alamos, LANL)



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