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A Policy for Rapid Mobilization of USGS OBS (RMOBS)

Potential Sites
Alaska Volcanoes
Continental Borderland
Mendocino Triple Junction
Policy and Resources
Obligations of RMOBS Participants
Criteria for Support
Contact Information

Criteria for Supporting an RMOBS

Level 1: A very important event because of magnitude, location, and/or social impact (examples: Repeat of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, an imminent volcanic eruption)

Level 2: An important event with broad-based scientific interest (examples: Mendocino Triple Junction)

Level 3: Events of significant scientific interest when other instruments are not available (examples: large man-made shots of opportunity, moderate-size regional earthquakes of significant scientific interest)

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Dec-2007 09:17:19 EST