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White Floats out the Open Hatch Main Content
NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
Image # : S65-29730
Date : 06/03/1965


White Floats out the Open Hatch

Full Description

Astronaut Edward H. White II, pilot for the Gemini-Titan 4 space flight, floats in zero gravity of space. The extravehicular activity was performed during the third revolution of the Gemini 4 spacecraft. White is attached to the spacecraft by a 25-ft. umbilical line and a 23-ft. tether line, both wrapped in gold tape to form one cord. In his right hand White carries a Hand-Held Self-Maneuvering Unit (HHSMU). The visor of his helmet is gold plated to protect him from the unfiltered rays of the sun.


Edward White Ed White Extravehicular Activity EVA Gemini 4 Gemini IV Hand-Held Self-Maneuvering Unit HHSMU Spacewalk

Subject Category

Gemini-Program, EVAs-Spacewalk,

Reference Numbers

  • Center: JSC
  • Center Number: S65-29730
  • GRIN DataBase Number: GPN-2000-001407

Source Information

  • Creator/Photographer: NASA James McDivitt
  • Original Source: DIGITAL

Image Information ( Copyright Notification )

Thumbnail .jpg 90 66 14
Small .jpg 640 472 293
Medium .jpg 1500 1107 1,294
Large .jpg 3000 2214 4,548

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Updated October 31, 2002
• History Questions: NASA History Office
• Responsible NASA Official: Steve Garber
• Author: Michael Hahn.  Editor: Dwayne A. Day
• Curator & Technical Questions: Erin Needham
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