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From the Gulf of Maine Council (GOMC): Science translation report (PDF format) on seafloor mapping

Project Description
New technologies provide the capability to accurately and cost effectively image large areas of the nearshore and offshore seabed. This imagery provides maps of sea floor topography and reflectivity, from which targeted surveys can be planned to characterize sea floor sediments and associated benthic communities. This information can be extremely useful as a tool for marine resource management and as a basis for formulating hypothesis-driven research. Visit the GOMMI Web site for full details.

Figure from Geological Survey of Canada

Mapping Resources

USGS-Woods Hole

Geological Survey of Canada

The Scotian Shelf: An Atlas of Human Activities (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

Auke Bay Laboratory

Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping (WGMHM)

Seafloor Mapping - Marine and Coastal GIS , Davey Jones' Locker

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

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