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US Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District
915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 980
Los Angeles, CA 90017
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District Commander:
COL Thomas H. Magness, IV

Public Affairs Office:
Jay Field, Chief

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Corps installs pedestrian bridge along Lake Balboa Trail
Written by Brooks O. Hubbard IV   
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

ENCINO, Calif. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Los Angeles District installed the third of four pedestrian bridges at the oxbow, a C-shaped channel within the Bull Creek Ecosystem Restoration project, Dec. 9. The project is located in the Sepulveda Dam flood control basin.

A 300-ton crane hoisted the 145-foot steel bridge across the channel as workers from USACE guided the bridge onto pre-constructed concrete footings.

“The unique part about this bridge is that it was constructed with a special rust factor that allows the bridge to rust once and forms a special coating that prevents the bridge from rusting any further, and never will have to be maintained or serviced,” said Paul Mundell, project superintendent with C.W. Crosser construction, Inc.

Corps hosts 24th Annual Retiree Recognition Day
Written by Danny Kelly   
Thursday, 04 December 2008

Retirees from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles district attended a day held in their honor at the district’s headquarters Dec. 2.

More than 30 retirees attended the 24th Annual Los Angeles District Retiree Recognition Day.

Lt. Col. Glen Reed, Los Angeles District deputy commander, welcomed retirees at the holiday-decorated luncheon, and thanked them for their service.

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done,” he said. “We haven’t forgotten you, and we never will.”

Reed updated retirees on the status of the district, from changes in district structure to current projects such as the border fence between the United States and Mexico.

Leadership identifies methods to achieve long-term success
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — More than 35 key leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District gathered at the Strategic Business Conference on Nov. 3 - 5 to update and refine a business plan that will pave the district’s course over the next three years.

Participants identified opportunities to grow and areas to improve by using employee and management surveys.  A key component of the strategic business conference included the discussion of significant employee and customer concerns.  Survey results were evaluated and discussed to determine how leadership could best address them.

"Today we set the plan for our future," said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, district commander.  "We will take a hard look at what our Chief's (Lt. Gen. Robert L. Van Antwerp’s) intent is for us, and what division has in mind for us, to identify the SPL way ahead."

Corps Rides in Valley Veterans Parade
Written by Jay Field   
Tuesday, 11 November 2008

PACOIMA, Calif. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) was among dozens of vehicles participating in the 5th Annual San Fernando Valley Veterans Day Parade Nov. 11.

The RRV, driven by dam operations supervisor Louie Munoz, showcased the district's rapid response capability to hundreds of spectators along the 1.1-mile route through the valley cities of San Fernando and Pacoima, culminating at the Ritchie Valens Recreation Center and Park.

The parade featured several veterans groups, high school marching bands and military units and their vehicles.  World War II-era fighter planes and a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster performed flyovers of the parade route.

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