NewsCastle - Safety Print

Vol. 37 No. 2       A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers        September 2007


By Susan Tianen

ImageA recent safety survey posted by several companies asked three simple questions.  Each person was asked to answer anonymously and truthfully.

You observe someone working and see they are about to do something that could injure them.

 1.  Should someone stop them?
 2.  Should you stop them?
 3.  Would you stop them?

When they ran the survey initially, almost everyone answered:

 1.  Yes
 2.  Yes
 3.  No

This was not surprising, since most people don't want to get involved.

Through Composite Risk Management we are trying to change people’s attitudes - to get involved and act to keep each other safe.

How many of you would really appreciate it when you were about to do something that might injure you, one of your coworkers/friends or a total stranger cared enough about you to stop that bad action?

The answer to that one may surprise you.  Most of you probably would, but some of you wouldn't.  You might be embarrassed that you were about to do something unsafe and had to be reminded.  Some of you would be angry with that person and forget they gave two of the greatest gifts possible; they CARED enough about you to act, and they helped you go back to your family uninjured.

It takes moral courage to actively care.

Thinking about safely doing our work, and having the moral courage to act, preventing others from injury, is our first goal.  Being able to truthfully answer “Of course” instead of “Yes” or “No” to the three questions, and not needing moral courage to act, because it is expected of you by both yourself and others, will mean we have truly achieved that goal.

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