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WIC FY 2002 Special Project Grants 

On September 10, 2002, FNS announced the names of the applicants who were selected to receive funding in support of the WIC Special Project theme entitled, “Revitalizing Quality Nutrition Services (RQNS) for WIC.”

Three State Agencies were selected to receive full grants through the issuance of a cooperative agreement. The purpose of these full grants is to develop an approach that addresses the RQNS focus area and report how the results may be used to improve WIC program services. Extensive dissemination of project results is expected.

Two State Agencies were selected to receive grants to develop concept papers. The purpose of the concept paper grant award is to develop a preliminary concept paper, which addresses the RQNS focus area. The FY02 concept paper award will be developed into a full grant award for submission under the FY03 WIC Special Project Grant competition.

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Johnson at 703-305-2848


Grant Amount

Type of Award

State of Missouri $499,723 Full Grant
State of Vermont $207,030 Full Grant
State of Virginia $151,128 Full Grant
State of Nevada $15,000 Concept Paper
State of North Dakota $15,000 Concept Paper


Last modified: 12/04/2008

See Also