link to USGS home page San 
Francisco Bay Region Landslide Folio Home Page

Open-File Report 97-745

USGS, science for a changing world, San 
Francisco Bay Landslide Team

View the introduction to the Landslide Folio View Some Sample Maps from the Landslide Folio

Response to possible slope failure in the San Francisco Bay area is aided by digital maps of topography, landslides, and rainfall thresholds, together with data from the National Weather Service and the State Office of Emergency Services. The data are available for the entire region as well as by county. The San Francisco Bay Region Landslide Folio comprises six separate but related reports keyed by letter to the same Open-file Report number as follows:

Related USGS pages:

For more information on the geology
of the San Francisco Bay region:
Visit the sfgeo website

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Updated: March 6, 2008 (bwr, mfd)