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Basic Information
  • The goal of contraception (or birth control) is to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. The majority of methods of contraception enable sexually active couples to temporarily avoid pregnancy. Permanent birth control is accomplished through sterilization. Be sure you know and understand the different types of birth control available to you, the risks and benefits of each, and any side effects, so that you can make an informed choice.
  • The cervical cap is a small cup-like device (thimble shaped) made of soft rubber (or rigid plastic) about 1 1/2 inches long. The cap blocks only the entrance into the cervix. Suction holds it in place. A cervical cap is considered a barrier method of birth control because it provides a mechanical barrier to sperm transport. It is used with a spermicide that helps the suction and inactivates any sperm that might get by the cap.
  • Is generally effective for contraceptive (82-94%). Proper and consistent usage increases the effectiveness.
  • Easily transported.
  • May be used only when needed.
  • May be used during light menstruation to temporarily contain the menstrual flow.
  • Does not involve the hormones, used in some other forms of birth control, that can have side effects.
  • May be left in place 1 to 2 days (however, a foul discharge may develop after the first day).
  • Low cost and long wear.
  • Not 100% effective for birth control.
  • May be difficult to fit properly. The existing sizes may not fit all women.
  • Requires high degree of motivation and fair degree of manual dexterity to position the cap correctly over the cervix.
  • Must be used simultaneously with a spermicide.
  • May develop undetectable flaws.
  • May become dislodged during intercourse.
  • May contribute to urinary tract infections.
Treatment/Post Procedure Care
General Measures
Instructions For Use
  • Be carefully fitted by a competent medical person. The cap comes in 4 sizes.
  • Repeat fittings after childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, any surgical operation involving the female genitals, or weight gain or loss of 12 or more pounds.
  • The cap should be inserted up to two hours before intercourse.
  • Leave the cap in place at least six hours after intercourse. You may leave it in for up to two days if you choose. Do not leave it in place beyond the initial time period if you are menstruating.
  • 1) To insert:
    • Before insertion, fill cap 1/3 full with a spermicide, preferably a jelly.
    • Never use a petroleum lubricant.
    • Squat or recline, to position the cap. Insert the cap fully into the vagina and press the rim around the cervix until the dome covers it entirely.
  • 2) To remove:
    • Wait at least 6 hours after intercourse. You must exert pressure with a fingertip to break the seal, then hook your finger over the rim of the cap and pull it down out of the vagina.
    • Take care to avoid injuring the rubber with fingernails.
    • Wash the cap with mild unscented soap and water.
    • Hold up to the light after each removal to check for holes. If any defects are found, call the doctor for advice.
    • Store in a dry place in its container.
Note: Follow the special written instructions that come with the cervical cap if they differ from those discussed in this instruction sheet.
No restrictions.
Notify Your Healthcare Provider If
  • You are interested in a cervical cap for contraception.
  • You find defects in a cervical cap you are using.


Women Health

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