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Digest of Education Statistics
1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 75.Percent of students who give the teachers in their school grades"A" or "B" for their teaching skills, by school location andstudent's race/ethnicity: 1996

                                      |         |            School location            |         Race/ethnicity
                                      |         |_______________________________________|_____________________________________
            Teaching skill            |         |            |              |           |            |              |
                                      |  Total  |   Urban    |   Suburban   |   Rural   |   White    |    Black     |Hispanic
                  1                   |    2    |     3      |      4       |     5     |     6      |      7       |    8
Understanding the subjects they       |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    teach ............................|      77 |         71 |           80 |        83 |         81 |           68 |      73
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Helping students who are having       |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    problems with their studies ......|      70 |         67 |           70 |        74 |         72 |           67 |      63
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Treating students with respect .......|      65 |         63 |           63 |        70 |         67 |           59 |      61
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Keeping control and discipline in     |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    their classrooms .................|      65 |         59 |           66 |        71 |         68 |           59 |      56
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Caring about their students' futures .|      62 |         60 |           65 |        62 |         63 |           62 |      61
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Encouraging students' academic        |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    interests ........................|      58 |         51 |           64 |        59 |         61 |           49 |      47
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Making learning interesting for       |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    everyone .........................|      39 |         41 |           38 |        38 |         38 |           42 |      44
                                      |         |            |              |           |            |              |
Taking an interest in students'       |         |            |              |           |            |              |
    home and personal lives ..........|      27 |         26 |           25 |        31 |         26 |           31 |      28

SOURCE: Metropolitan Life/Louis Harris Associates, Inc., The Metropolitan Life Survey of The American Teacher, 1996, Part II. "Students Voice Their Opinions on: Their Education, Teachers and Schools." (This table was prepared July 1997.)

1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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