Access the interview transcripts! Click here.

The Local Fisheries Knowledge (LFK) Database is a free web-based database where all interview transcripts associated with the Local Fisheries Knowledge Project are published, with consent of the interviewees. The LFK Database is searchable by topics and demographic information.

Students transcribe the interviews and provide a summary for the database. They classify, or content code, each interview according to the topics listed in the database. In addition, students provide background information about the interview participants, such as age, gender, and occupation.

Transporting a tuna. Sicily 1979. Photo credit Danilo Cedrone, UNFAO.

Archive Your Interviews in the LFK Database

Oral historians, professional researchers, graduate students, and others with local fisheries knowledge interviews are encouraged to archive their transcripts in NOAA's Local Fisheries Knowledge Database starting in the fall of 2006. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity, please visit

** This project uses interviews as a method to collect LFK and is not a general interview project. The interviews published in the LFK Database should fall into the category of local fisheries knowledge, rather than scientific knowledge. How is scientific knowledge different? However, students are strongly encouraged to talk with or interview scientists and fisheries managers for background information in preparation for their LFK interviews or to compare with information obtained from the LFK interviews.


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