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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 384  Occupation of employed persons 25 to 64 years old, by educational attainment and sex: 1998

                                                |         |
                                                |         |____________________________________________________________________________________
                                                |  Total  |       |           |        High school  |                     College
               Sex and occupation               |employed,|       | Less than |_____________________|__________________________________________
                                                |   in    | Total |one year of|1-4 years of| High   |  Some   |         |          |More than a
                                                |thousands|       |high school|high school,| school |college, |Associate|Bachelor's|bachelor's
                                                |         |       |           | no diploma |graduate|no degree| degree  |  degree  |  degree
                       1                        |    2    |   3   |     4     |     5      |   6    |    7    |    8    |    9     |    10
                  All persons                   |         |       |           |            |        |         |         |          |
All occupational groups ........................| 108,131 | 100.0 |       3.4 |        6.7 |   32.1 |    18.5 |     8.9 |     20.1 |      10.2
  Managerial and professional specialty ........|  35,600 | 100.0 |       0.4 |        1.3 |   13.0 |    13.4 |     8.8 |     36.7 |      26.5
    Executive, administrative, and managerial ..|  17,535 | 100.0 |       0.6 |        2.2 |   20.5 |    18.8 |     8.5 |     34.8 |      14.6
    Professional specialty occupations .........|  18,065 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        0.5 |    5.6 |     8.1 |     9.1 |     38.5 |      38.1
      Teachers, except college and university ..|   4,474 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        0.4 |    5.5 |     6.5 |     3.2 |     47.6 |      36.7
      Teachers, college and university .........|     779 | 100.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |    0.6 |     2.2 |     1.5 |     15.1 |      80.6
  Technical, sales, and administrative support .|  30,348 | 100.0 |       0.8 |        3.6 |   35.3 |    25.3 |    11.4 |     19.8 |       3.8
    Technicians and related support ............|   3,677 | 100.0 |       0.2 |        1.4 |   19.5 |    23.7 |    22.9 |     26.3 |       5.5
    Sales occupations ..........................|  11,693 | 100.0 |       1.3 |        4.9 |   32.7 |    21.9 |     8.2 |     25.7 |       5.3
    Administrative support, including clerical .|  14,977 | 100.0 |       0.6 |        3.0 |   41.2 |    28.1 |    11.1 |     13.7 |       2.2
  Service occupations ..........................|  12,674 | 100.0 |       7.4 |       12.8 |   42.5 |    20.2 |     8.0 |      7.9 |       1.2
  Precision production, craft, and repair ......|  12,581 | 100.0 |       5.0 |       11.4 |   46.6 |    20.0 |     9.5 |      6.6 |       1.0
  Operators, fabricators, and laborers .........|  14,397 | 100.0 |       8.8 |       15.9 |   50.2 |    15.1 |     5.1 |      4.2 |       0.7
  Farming, forestry, and fishing ...............|   2,531 | 100.0 |      17.8 |       13.2 |   37.6 |    14.3 |     5.6 |      9.5 |       2.0
                                                |         |       |           |            |        |         |         |          |
                       Men                      |         |       |           |            |        |         |         |          |
All occupational groups ........................|  58,326 | 100.0 |       4.1 |        7.5 |   31.9 |    17.8 |     8.0 |     20.0 |      10.8
  Managerial and professional specialty ........|  18,176 | 100.0 |       0.5 |        1.5 |   12.2 |    12.9 |     6.9 |     36.8 |      29.2
    Executive, administrative, and managerial ..|   9,740 | 100.0 |       0.8 |        2.3 |   18.4 |    16.9 |     7.3 |     37.4 |      16.9
    Professional specialty occupations .........|   8,436 | 100.0 |       0.2 |        0.6 |    4.9 |     8.3 |     6.4 |     36.1 |      43.5
      Teachers, except college and university ..|   1,111 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        0.4 |    4.1 |     6.1 |     3.4 |     45.7 |      40.1
      Teachers, college and university .........|     446 | 100.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |    0.7 |     2.9 |     1.3 |     12.8 |      82.5
  Technical, sales, and administrative support .|  10,984 | 100.0 |       1.1 |        3.3 |   27.7 |    23.8 |    10.3 |     27.8 |       6.0
    Technicians and related support ............|   1,684 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        1.1 |   17.6 |    24.2 |    19.1 |     30.9 |       6.9
    Sales occupations ..........................|   6,245 | 100.0 |       1.2 |        3.4 |   27.2 |    21.9 |     8.3 |     31.0 |       6.9
    Administrative support, including clerical .|   3,054 | 100.0 |       1.2 |        4.2 |   34.3 |    27.5 |     9.5 |     19.7 |       3.5
  Service occupations ..........................|   4,980 | 100.0 |       7.9 |       10.0 |   38.1 |    22.2 |     9.1 |     11.0 |       1.8
  Precision production, craft, and repair ......|  11,510 | 100.0 |       4.9 |       11.3 |   46.6 |    20.2 |     9.7 |      6.4 |       0.9
  Operators, fabricators, and laborers .........|  10,658 | 100.0 |       8.1 |       15.5 |   50.0 |    16.0 |     5.4 |      4.5 |       0.7
  Farming, forestry, and fishing ...............|   2,018 | 100.0 |      18.7 |       14.0 |   37.1 |    13.6 |     5.7 |      8.9 |       2.1
                                                |         |       |           |            |        |         |         |          |
                     Women                      |         |       |           |            |        |         |         |          |
All occupational groups ........................|  49,805 | 100.0 |       2.5 |        5.8 |   32.5 |    19.4 |    10.1 |     20.2 |       9.5
  Managerial and professional specialty ........|  17,424 | 100.0 |       0.2 |        1.2 |   13.8 |    13.8 |    10.8 |     36.5 |      23.7
    Executive, administrative, and managerial ..|   7,795 | 100.0 |       0.4 |        2.0 |   23.1 |    21.1 |    10.0 |     31.5 |      11.8
    Professional specialty occupations .........|   9,629 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        0.5 |    6.2 |     7.9 |    11.4 |     40.6 |      33.3
      Teachers, except college and university ..|   3,363 | 100.0 |       0.1 |        0.4 |    6.0 |     6.7 |     3.2 |     48.2 |      35.5
      Teachers, college and university .........|     333 | 100.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |    0.6 |     1.2 |     1.8 |     18.3 |      78.1
  Technical, sales, and administrative support .|  19,364 | 100.0 |       0.7 |        3.7 |   39.7 |    26.1 |    12.0 |     15.3 |       2.5
    Technicians and related support ............|   1,993 | 100.0 |       0.2 |        1.8 |   21.2 |    23.2 |    26.1 |     22.4 |       4.3
    Sales occupations ..........................|   5,448 | 100.0 |       1.4 |        6.7 |   39.1 |    21.8 |     8.1 |     19.6 |       3.3
    Administrative support, including clerical .|  11,923 | 100.0 |       0.4 |        2.7 |   43.0 |    28.3 |    11.5 |     12.2 |       1.8
  Service occupations ..........................|   7,694 | 100.0 |       7.1 |       14.5 |   45.4 |    19.0 |     7.3 |      5.9 |       0.8
  Precision production, craft, and repair ......|   1,071 | 100.0 |       5.6 |       11.6 |   47.1 |    18.8 |     7.1 |      8.5 |       1.3
  Operators, fabricators, and laborers .........|   3,738 | 100.0 |      10.9 |       17.2 |   50.8 |    12.6 |     4.3 |      3.5 |       0.6
  Farming, forestry, and fishing ...............|     513 | 100.0 |      14.2 |        9.9 |   39.6 |    16.8 |     5.7 |     11.9 |       1.9

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics, unpublished tabulations from the Current Population Survey. (This table was prepared August 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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