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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 355  Educational and general expenditures of public institutions of higher education and degree-granting institutions, by state: 1980-81 to 1995-96 [In thousands of dollars]

                      |                           Institutions of higher education                                                       |
                      |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|  Degree-
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            | Percent  |  granting
        State         |  1980-81   |  1985-86   |  1990-91   |  1991-92   |  1992-93   |  1993-94   |  1994-95   |1995-96 \1\ | change,  |   insti-
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |1990-91 to|  tutions,
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            | 1995-96  |1995-96 \2\
          1           |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |    10    |     11
   United States .....|$34,173,013 |$50,872,962 |$74,395,428 |$78,554,534 |$83,210,979 |$87,139,226 |$92,173,768 |$95,970,979 |     29.0 |$96,085,623
Alabama ..............|    611,409 |    979,770 |  1,415,440 |  1,456,605 |  1,580,484 |  1,710,955 |  1,834,533 |  1,880,788 |     32.9 |  1,880,788
Alaska ...............|    150,421 |    210,894 |    273,577 |    288,999 |    304,137 |    316,779 |    316,397 |    331,723 |     21.3 |    331,723
Arizona ..............|    554,120 |    862,816 |  1,364,060 |  1,407,819 |  1,409,122 |  1,523,655 |  1,653,840 |  1,747,648 |     28.1 |  1,759,850
Arkansas .............|    266,522 |    415,800 |    633,194 |    604,885 |    676,378 |    707,166 |    746,129 |    817,974 |     29.2 |    843,906
California ...........|  4,847,879 |  7,049,635 |  9,615,356 | 10,341,888 | 11,000,665 | 10,734,842 | 11,280,758 | 11,709,716 |     21.8 | 11,719,821
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Colorado .............|    561,552 |    809,621 |  1,258,356 |  1,363,615 |  1,452,957 |  1,529,290 |  1,604,656 |  1,705,832 |     35.6 |  1,705,832
Connecticut ..........|    281,581 |    439,397 |    673,182 |    736,202 |    731,570 |    771,954 |    883,759 |    912,566 |     35.6 |    911,255
Delaware .............|    135,164 |    202,331 |    325,838 |    349,369 |    366,801 |    387,810 |    413,692 |    429,293 |     31.8 |    429,293
District of Columbia .|     71,245 |     79,922 |     96,411 |     98,973 |     97,586 |     95,824 |     98,041 |     97,399 |      1.0 |    101,839
Florida ..............|  1,071,754 |  1,638,227 |  2,657,553 |  2,710,041 |  2,904,932 |  3,101,072 |  3,234,938 |  3,402,373 |     28.0 |  3,390,561
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Georgia ..............|    628,939 |  1,046,341 |  1,617,020 |  1,665,009 |  1,834,141 |  2,037,534 |  2,277,756 |  2,484,493 |     53.6 |  2,366,561
Hawaii ...............|    202,154 |    282,058 |    454,880 |    526,269 |    546,473 |    556,567 |    590,389 |    569,448 |     25.2 |    569,448
Idaho ................|    141,296 |    202,736 |    303,224 |    334,762 |    346,932 |    375,289 |    395,733 |    420,747 |     38.8 |    428,068
Illinois .............|  1,487,123 |  2,152,955 |  2,979,768 |  3,068,891 |  3,245,802 |  3,397,183 |  3,583,012 |  3,794,018 |     27.3 |  3,794,018
Indiana ..............|    771,564 |  1,183,098 |  1,842,610 |  1,935,566 |  2,014,834 |  2,105,645 |  2,196,013 |  2,300,841 |     24.9 |  2,300,841
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Iowa .................|    512,205 |    736,894 |  1,172,328 |  1,184,382 |  1,267,646 |  1,354,777 |  1,392,753 |  1,459,013 |     24.5 |  1,459,013
Kansas ...............|    461,979 |    660,995 |    928,772 |    994,560 |  1,059,683 |  1,134,392 |  1,196,211 |  1,234,345 |     32.9 |  1,244,531
Kentucky .............|    527,235 |    737,101 |  1,112,190 |  1,208,448 |  1,212,211 |  1,254,859 |  1,321,523 |  1,419,040 |     27.6 |  1,419,040
Louisiana ............|    557,825 |    810,479 |  1,135,955 |  1,215,771 |  1,275,446 |  1,339,408 |  1,449,305 |  1,513,214 |     33.2 |  1,570,429
Maine ................|    127,983 |    183,349 |    308,699 |    316,116 |    324,515 |    338,776 |    343,665 |    356,682 |     15.5 |    360,331
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Maryland .............|    604,419 |    911,562 |  1,443,669 |  1,428,072 |  1,564,259 |  1,673,163 |  1,737,204 |  1,878,053 |     30.1 |  1,878,053
Massachusetts ........|    441,068 |    779,341 |  1,122,629 |  1,165,598 |  1,295,720 |  1,339,199 |  1,400,824 |  1,470,591 |     31.0 |  1,476,589
Michigan .............|  1,610,016 |  2,278,217 |  3,325,625 |  3,556,178 |  3,727,115 |  3,885,984 |  4,042,460 |  4,306,553 |     29.5 |  4,306,553
Minnesota ............|    667,119 |  1,023,324 |  1,563,054 |  1,728,356 |  1,775,640 |  1,937,650 |  2,068,280 |  2,072,145 |     32.6 |  2,076,375
Mississippi ..........|    409,942 |    542,022 |    756,492 |    772,618 |    842,603 |    919,354 |  1,049,356 |  1,099,535 |     45.3 |  1,111,120
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Missouri .............|    553,793 |    802,936 |  1,155,531 |  1,184,338 |  1,260,304 |  1,339,527 |  1,456,516 |  1,560,758 |     35.1 |  1,566,489
Montana ..............|     99,990 |    148,099 |    210,813 |    262,480 |    279,323 |    303,495 |    322,880 |    350,086 |     66.1 |    350,086
Nebraska .............|    286,122 |    397,523 |    600,224 |    639,475 |    672,427 |    706,454 |    727,977 |    753,703 |     25.6 |    753,703
Nevada ...............|    105,177 |    163,714 |    301,487 |    332,246 |    353,875 |    379,154 |    402,097 |    459,599 |     52.4 |    459,599
New Hampshire ........|    104,285 |    143,191 |    229,360 |    252,021 |    275,138 |    295,687 |    304,474 |    316,456 |     38.0 |    316,456
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
New Jersey ...........|    735,097 |  1,140,310 |  1,875,481 |  2,002,975 |  2,103,355 |  2,237,339 |  2,363,439 |  2,461,249 |     31.2 |  2,461,249
New Mexico ...........|    278,960 |    393,151 |    671,206 |    724,157 |    769,646 |    806,673 |    899,545 |    939,532 |     40.0 |    953,396
New York .............|  2,249,821 |  3,238,773 |  4,680,376 |  4,768,772 |  5,113,506 |  5,398,182 |  5,799,931 |  5,630,108 |     20.3 |  5,630,108
North Carolina .......|    971,928 |  1,527,535 |  2,227,060 |  2,406,405 |  2,600,325 |  2,671,176 |  2,849,310 |  2,881,827 |     29.4 |  2,881,827
North Dakota .........|    151,372 |    228,609 |    292,978 |    328,738 |    336,361 |    344,187 |    361,276 |    372,051 |     27.0 |    372,051
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Ohio .................|  1,327,483 |  2,019,351 |  3,046,603 |  3,214,612 |  3,185,955 |  3,362,837 |  3,616,901 |  3,769,392 |     23.7 |  3,774,974
Oklahoma .............|    404,178 |    594,561 |    830,929 |    906,908 |    930,102 |    953,027 |    996,963 |  1,037,701 |     24.9 |  1,037,701
Oregon ...............|    497,593 |    672,175 |    996,887 |  1,086,673 |  1,142,781 |  1,194,805 |  1,281,381 |  1,351,507 |     35.6 |  1,351,507
Pennsylvania .........|  1,231,502 |  1,814,384 |  2,737,817 |  2,963,168 |  3,087,186 |  3,280,879 |  3,439,340 |  3,562,793 |     30.1 |  3,562,793
Rhode Island .........|    138,965 |    185,215 |    251,992 |    260,123 |    284,957 |    285,742 |    297,597 |    306,825 |     21.8 |    306,825
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
South Carolina .......|    481,737 |    741,740 |  1,065,867 |  1,100,035 |  1,172,246 |  1,244,696 |  1,310,645 |  1,369,352 |     28.5 |  1,369,352
South Dakota .........|    108,632 |    130,825 |    173,396 |    192,001 |    211,716 |    229,080 |    222,811 |    233,749 |     34.8 |    258,488
Tennessee ............|    515,578 |    865,946 |  1,231,619 |  1,228,340 |  1,352,125 |  1,478,085 |  1,581,929 |  1,626,688 |     32.1 |  1,627,212
Texas ................|  2,278,337 |  3,674,109 |  5,105,246 |  5,439,843 |  5,961,535 |  6,352,088 |  6,643,734 |  7,023,005 |     37.6 |  7,026,170
Utah .................|    320,278 |    503,557 |    730,496 |    826,170 |    856,933 |    921,052 |    991,014 |  1,073,017 |     46.9 |  1,073,017
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
Vermont ..............|    101,539 |    157,266 |    238,512 |    258,150 |    263,475 |    271,261 |    279,882 |    292,072 |     22.5 |    292,072
Virginia .............|    796,616 |  1,241,534 |  1,852,416 |  1,892,627 |  1,991,591 |  2,124,635 |  2,248,402 |  2,282,078 |     23.2 |  2,282,078
Washington ...........|    837,281 |  1,143,285 |  1,757,053 |  1,837,095 |  2,007,044 |  2,074,451 |  2,211,588 |  2,273,160 |     29.4 |  2,308,241
West Virginia ........|    228,755 |    310,142 |    459,984 |    494,733 |    522,173 |    560,380 |    579,349 |    621,234 |     35.1 |    622,712
Wisconsin ............|    998,862 |  1,438,918 |  2,057,786 |  2,158,188 |  2,266,312 |  2,394,285 |  2,437,859 |  2,510,572 |     22.0 |  2,513,244
Wyoming ..............|    111,170 |    171,335 |    204,028 |    225,238 |    222,188 |    231,190 |    254,469 |    251,339 |     23.2 |    251,339
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
U.S. Service Schools .|    555,447 |    805,892 |  1,030,399 |  1,110,028 |  1,130,748 |  1,169,731 |  1,181,234 |  1,247,093 |     21.0 |  1,247,093
   Outlying areas ....|    253,820 |    421,500 |    498,958 |    555,054 |    607,730 |    637,164 |    700,528 |    780,785 |     56.5 |    777,274
American Samoa .......|      1,609 |      1,092 |      3,187 |      3,228 |      3,356 |      3,416 |      3,483 |     14,909 |    367.8 |     14,909
Federated States of   |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
  Micronesia .........|        --- |        --- |      3,302 |      3,286 |      2,898 |      3,096 |      4,589 |      7,965 |    141.2 |      7,965
Guam .................|     15,582 |     29,916 |     55,641 |     64,772 |     68,550 |     63,515 |     77,783 |     65,258 |     17.3 |     65,258
Marshall Islands .....|        --- |        --- |        --- |      3,093 |      1,220 |      1,454 |      1,183 |      1,226 |      --- |      1,226
Northern Marianas ....|        --- |      1,328 |      2,472 |      2,803 |      2,230 |      2,838 |     12,305 |     14,989 |    506.3 |     14,989
Palau ................|        --- |        --- |      3,277 |      3,172 |      3,808 |      2,847 |      3,156 |      3,332 |      1.7 |      3,332
Puerto Rico ..........|    224,988 |    367,523 |    378,352 |    427,021 |    497,590 |    529,255 |    567,140 |    641,083 |     69.4 |    637,571
Trust Territory of    |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |
   the Pacific .......|      1,320 |      5,992 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |      --- |        ---
Virgin Islands .......|     10,322 |     15,649 |     52,726 |     47,679 |     28,078 |     30,743 |     30,889 |     32,024 |    -39.3 |     32,024

\1\Preliminary data.
\2\Preliminary data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were eligible to particpate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.
---Data not reported or not applicable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared November 1998.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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