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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 340  Current-fund revenue from state and local governments of institutions of higher education and degree-granting institutions, by state: 1985-86 to 1995-96 [In thousands]

                      |     Current-fund revenue from state and local governments      |           Current-fund revenue from state and local governments
                      |             for institutions of higher education               |               for degree-granting institutions, 1995-96\2\
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |State appro-|Local appro-| State and  |  State and  |  State and
        State         |            |            |            |            |            |            | priations  | priations  |local appro-|local grants |local grants
                      |  1985-86   |  1990-91   |  1993-94   |  1994-95   | 1995-96\1\ |   Total    | for public | for public | priations  |and contracts|and contracts
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |institutions|institutions|for private | for public  | for private
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |institutions| institutions| institutions
          1           |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10     |     11      |     12
   United States\3\ ..|$32,456,006 |$43,412,081 |$46,908,594 |$49,508,974 |$51,211,615 |$51,300,582 |$40,081,437 | $4,397,098 |   $245,507 |  $4,838,522 |  $1,738,018
Alabama ..............|    656,823 |    758,900 |    849,967 |    956,058 |    932,994 |    933,041 |    879,680 |      4,736 |      4,804 |      39,178 |       4,643
Alaska ...............|    159,781 |    175,938 |    186,305 |    184,683 |    186,469 |    186,469 |    171,580 |        693 |          0 |      14,190 |           5
Arizona ..............|    539,054 |    768,654 |    817,274 |    885,484 |    941,265 |    947,411 |    691,335 |    217,426 |          0 |      37,057 |       1,594
Arkansas .............|    266,898 |    332,367 |    415,536 |    436,261 |    468,365 |    487,917 |    437,257 |      2,524 |          0 |      45,764 |       2,373
California ...........|  4,943,659 |  6,628,037 |  6,411,115 |  6,620,028 |  6,941,662 |  6,954,655 |  4,811,297 |  1,353,630 |        337 |     738,796 |      50,596
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Colorado .............|    391,468 |    510,649 |    521,088 |    550,059 |    601,294 |    601,791 |    497,663 |     28,786 |          0 |      67,876 |       7,466
Connecticut ..........|    280,012 |    406,306 |    411,711 |    517,270 |    519,140 |    518,510 |    462,183 |          0 |      5,886 |      23,350 |      27,091
Delaware .............|     88,661 |    124,881 |    140,191 |    150,656 |    154,637 |    154,637 |    107,968 |     12,379 |          0 |      34,061 |         229
District of Columbia .|     71,761 |     84,471 |     77,727 |     81,762 |     77,794 |     79,705 |          0 |     68,257 |          0 |       7,189 |       4,259
Florida ..............|  1,172,112 |  1,863,133 |  1,942,724 |  2,071,336 |  2,178,675 |  2,168,310 |  1,898,618 |        116 |     15,192 |     145,801 |     108,583
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Georgia ..............|    689,379 |  1,001,889 |  1,242,527 |  1,419,447 |  1,560,494 |  1,469,948 |  1,254,216 |     17,371 |      8,470 |     152,142 |      37,748
Hawaii ...............|    195,375 |    321,195 |    400,980 |    401,145 |    292,299 |    292,299 |    280,503 |          0 |          0 |      11,733 |          63
Idaho ................|    125,338 |    193,188 |    218,399 |    244,514 |    252,641 |    257,596 |    223,108 |     10,435 |          0 |      23,993 |          60
Illinois .............|  1,405,622 |  1,855,023 |  1,931,481 |  2,064,998 |  2,152,959 |  2,153,129 |  1,161,833 |    418,269 |          0 |     444,872 |     128,154
Indiana...............|    645,880 |    984,176 |  1,019,058 |  1,026,788 |  1,074,213 |  1,074,383 |    977,517 |      2,831 |          0 |      63,791 |      30,244
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Iowa .................|    431,840 |    599,407 |    673,738 |    697,177 |    727,973 |    729,291 |    649,901 |     29,098 |          0 |      27,787 |      22,505
Kansas ...............|    422,278 |    556,372 |    630,158 |    662,454 |    686,794 |    693,030 |    528,243 |    117,684 |          0 |      42,838 |       4,264
Kentucky .............|    483,027 |    665,808 |    705,050 |    737,954 |    759,829 |    759,701 |    690,328 |      6,041 |          0 |      56,213 |       7,119
Louisiana ............|    562,205 |    634,541 |    683,174 |    756,642 |    731,129 |    777,333 |    603,825 |      8,061 |      2,487 |     153,105 |       9,856
Maine ................|    103,724 |    189,099 |    178,079 |    171,750 |    177,300 |    178,795 |    158,044 |         27 |          0 |      19,012 |       1,712
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Maryland .............|    631,471 |    943,620 |    898,788 |    924,547 |    979,175 |    979,175 |    717,377 |    136,661 |     30,213 |      79,708 |      15,216
Massachusetts ........|    589,876 |    545,606 |    639,251 |    700,546 |    768,557 |    773,902 |    669,102 |      1,779 |      4,525 |      64,542 |      33,955
Michigan .............|  1,215,291 |  1,589,630 |  1,769,771 |  1,866,604 |  1,926,437 |  1,926,437 |  1,572,241 |    215,733 |      7,590 |      93,848 |      37,025
Minnesota ............|    533,573 |    818,117 |    956,836 |    982,180 |  1,016,743 |  1,022,884 |    901,114 |          0 |         74 |      95,582 |      26,114
Mississippi ..........|    362,517 |    419,177 |    471,136 |    611,482 |    651,102 |    658,887 |    570,035 |     31,725 |          0 |      55,642 |       1,485
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Missouri..............|    506,246 |    651,819 |    685,610 |    751,150 |    805,954 |    807,597 |    669,832 |     72,895 |          0 |      56,407 |       8,463
Montana ..............|     97,672 |    119,813 |    136,263 |    133,066 |    136,988 |    136,988 |    121,730 |      3,526 |          0 |      11,208 |         524
Nebraska .............|    248,544 |    374,112 |    419,798 |    432,997 |    456,602 |    456,809 |    382,465 |     53,004 |          0 |      17,875 |       3,465
Nevada ...............|     99,841 |    173,580 |    208,216 |    252,977 |    251,125 |    251,136 |    223,413 |          0 |          0 |      27,704 |          19
New Hampshire ........|     52,393 |     79,979 |     90,950 |     95,768 |     97,170 |     97,170 |     79,376 |          0 |          0 |      10,348 |       7,446
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
New Jersey ...........|    837,214 |  1,190,657 |  1,359,960 |  1,409,358 |  1,441,939 |  1,441,937 |  1,045,117 |    156,011 |      3,327 |     170,877 |      66,605
New Mexico ...........|    221,094 |    413,558 |    431,098 |    482,860 |    507,945 |    515,083 |    413,344 |     42,363 |          0 |      57,014 |       2,362
New York .............|  2,726,150 |  3,421,222 |  3,893,354 |  3,982,026 |  3,746,100 |  3,746,940 |  2,202,186 |    405,160 |     41,920 |     482,696 |     614,976
North Carolina .......|  1,074,960 |  1,633,096 |  1,746,867 |  1,852,503 |  1,881,020 |  1,881,041 |  1,686,718 |     79,490 |      1,607 |      58,867 |      54,360
North Dakota .........|    118,691 |    133,796 |    136,744 |    163,593 |    144,751 |    144,751 |    138,785 |        170 |          0 |       5,518 |         278
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Ohio .................|  1,132,678 |  1,541,996 |  1,553,389 |  1,659,566 |  1,786,481 |  1,791,873 |  1,488,806 |    120,161 |      5,736 |     119,586 |      57,583
Oklahoma .............|    437,693 |    535,024 |    580,522 |    606,743 |    625,298 |    625,273 |    536,307 |     18,578 |          0 |      68,676 |       1,712
Oregon ...............|    394,899 |    544,631 |    571,448 |    592,624 |    581,381 |    581,437 |    442,603 |     82,282 |          0 |      53,454 |       3,098
Pennsylvania .........|    961,089 |  1,276,665 |  1,379,619 |  1,508,534 |  1,552,669 |  1,564,432 |  1,110,896 |     78,912 |     66,146 |     116,199 |     192,279
Rhode Island .........|    107,265 |    123,502 |    117,735 |    125,567 |    129,286 |    129,286 |    121,153 |          0 |          0 |       6,408 |       1,725
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
South Carolina .......|    491,802 |    618,304 |    631,482 |    669,239 |    703,837 |    703,837 |    647,111 |     25,737 |          0 |      17,982 |      13,007
South Dakota .........|     65,151 |     86,262 |    106,452 |    105,197 |    109,075 |    123,707 |    105,090 |        957 |          0 |      17,473 |         186
Tennessee ............|    528,933 |    711,103 |    824,936 |    898,678 |    922,486 |    922,904 |    850,110 |      2,113 |      1,476 |      54,055 |      15,150
Texas ................|  2,521,860 |  3,069,099 |  3,783,870 |  3,895,369 |  4,296,038 |  4,299,323 |  3,302,958 |    280,141 |     33,490 |     592,738 |      89,995
Utah .................|    256,997 |    346,711 |    402,523 |    441,726 |    470,613 |    470,673 |    414,407 |          0 |          0 |      55,251 |       1,015
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Vermont ..............|     35,334 |     48,485 |     49,586 |     49,432 |     57,909 |     57,909 |     42,400 |         62 |          0 |       6,074 |       9,373
Virginia .............|    775,474 |    961,845 |    914,056 |    977,099 |    967,358 |    967,313 |    839,587 |      1,282 |     12,228 |      99,093 |      15,123
Washington ...........|    620,383 |    915,462 |  1,023,612 |  1,009,039 |  1,044,083 |  1,067,489 |    914,200 |        100 |          0 |     151,961 |       1,228
West Virginia.........|    222,693 |    280,199 |    316,565 |    329,313 |    346,867 |    347,179 |    320,198 |        693 |          0 |      25,240 |       1,049
Wisconsin ............|    825,610 |  1,053,246 |  1,213,191 |  1,219,284 |  1,241,107 |  1,241,665 |    937,513 |    275,712 |          0 |      13,800 |      14,639
Wyoming ..............|    127,714 |    137,727 |    138,684 |    143,439 |    147,597 |    147,597 |    130,162 |     13,489 |          0 |       3,945 |           0

\1\Preliminary data.
\2\Preliminary data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.
\3\Excludes U.S. Service Schools. NOTE.
--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared October 1998.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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