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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 227  Employees in institutions of higher education by race/ethnicity, primary occupation, employment status and type and control of institution: Fall 1995

                                         |          |          |        |        |        |American|        |
        Primary occupation, sex,         |          |  White,  | Black, |        | Asian/ |Indian/ |  Non-  |  Race/
 employment status, and type and control |  Total   |   non-   |  non-  |Hispanic|Pacific |Alaskan |resident|ethnicity
             of institution              |          | Hispanic |Hispanic|        |Islander| native | alien  | unknown
                    1                    |    2     |    3     |   4    |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8    |    9
Total, all institutions .................|2,662,075 |2,043,257 |273,450 |109,972 |101,818 | 13,491 | 77,758 |  42,329
  Professional staff ....................|1,744,867 |1,400,072 |107,025 | 48,795 | 75,226 |  7,354 | 71,268 |  35,127
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  147,445 |  125,569 | 13,268 |  3,991 |  2,649 |    732 |    642 |     594
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  931,706 |  781,960 | 46,002 | 24,187 | 38,278 |  3,654 | 15,224 |  22,401
    Instruction and research assistants .|  215,909 |  135,837 |  7,988 |  6,049 | 13,762 |    806 | 43,580 |   7,887
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  449,807 |  356,706 | 39,767 | 14,568 | 20,537 |  2,162 | 11,822 |   4,245
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  917,208 |  643,185 |166,425 | 61,177 | 26,592 |  6,137 |  6,490 |   7,202
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Men, total ..............................|1,274,676 |  980,448 |105,860 | 50,641 | 55,078 |  6,128 | 51,861 |  24,660
  Professional staff ....................|  946,134 |  757,657 | 45,498 | 24,784 | 44,737 |  3,690 | 48,732 |  21,036
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   82,127 |   71,373 |  6,123 |  2,062 |  1,456 |    376 |    392 |     345
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  562,893 |  472,998 | 23,050 | 13,904 | 26,340 |  2,037 | 11,003 |  13,561
    Instruction and research assistants .|  123,962 |   74,129 |  3,491 |  3,108 |  8,269 |    407 | 29,932 |   4,626
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  177,152 |  139,157 | 12,834 |  5,710 |  8,672 |    870 |  7,405 |   2,504
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  328,542 |  222,791 | 60,362 | 25,857 | 10,341 |  2,438 |  3,129 |   3,624
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Women, total ............................|1,387,399 |1,062,809 |167,590 | 59,331 | 46,740 |  7,363 | 25,897 |  17,669
  Professional staff ....................|  798,733 |  642,415 | 61,527 | 24,011 | 30,489 |  3,664 | 22,536 |  14,091
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   65,318 |   54,196 |  7,145 |  1,929 |  1,193 |    356 |    250 |     249
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  368,813 |  308,962 | 22,952 | 10,283 | 11,938 |  1,617 |  4,221 |   8,840
    Instruction and research assistants .|   91,947 |   61,708 |  4,497 |  2,941 |  5,493 |    399 | 13,648 |   3,261
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  272,655 |  217,549 | 26,933 |  8,858 | 11,865 |  1,292 |  4,417 |   1,741
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  588,666 |  420,394 |106,063 | 35,320 | 16,251 |  3,699 |  3,361 |   3,578
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Full-time, total ........................|1,801,371 |1,397,482 |216,762 | 78,632 | 67,882 |  9,812 | 24,815 |   5,986
  Professional staff ....................|1,066,510 |  885,234 | 74,410 | 29,282 | 47,737 |  4,735 | 21,337 |   3,775
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  140,990 |  120,242 | 12,657 |  3,795 |  2,511 |    709 |    616 |     460
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  550,822 |  468,518 | 26,835 | 12,942 | 27,572 |  2,156 | 10,853 |   1,946
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  374,698 |  296,474 | 34,918 | 12,545 | 17,654 |  1,870 |  9,868 |   1,369
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  734,861 |  512,248 |142,352 | 49,350 | 20,145 |  5,077 |  3,478 |   2,211
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Part-time, total ........................|  860,704 |  645,775 | 56,688 | 31,340 | 33,936 |  3,679 | 52,943 |  36,343
  Professional staff ....................|  678,357 |  514,838 | 32,615 | 19,513 | 27,489 |  2,619 | 49,931 |  31,352
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    6,455 |    5,327 |    611 |    196 |    138 |     23 |     26 |     134
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  380,884 |  313,442 | 19,167 | 11,245 | 10,706 |  1,498 |  4,371 |  20,455
    Instruction and research assistants .|  215,909 |  135,837 |  7,988 |  6,049 | 13,762 |    806 | 43,580 |   7,887
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   75,109 |   60,232 |  4,849 |  2,023 |  2,883 |    292 |  1,954 |   2,876
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  182,347 |  130,937 | 24,073 | 11,827 |  6,447 |  1,060 |  3,012 |   4,991
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Public 4-year ...........................|1,383,476 |1,042,710 |144,149 | 53,894 | 58,927 |  7,815 | 58,593 |  17,388
  Professional staff ....................|  893,345 |  697,570 | 52,721 | 24,200 | 45,376 |  3,998 | 55,591 |  13,889
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   60,590 |   51,714 |  5,771 |  1,442 |  1,011 |    307 |    141 |     204
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  384,399 |  318,839 | 18,035 |  9,124 | 20,768 |  1,518 | 10,647 |   5,468
    Instruction and research assistants .|  178,342 |  112,691 |  6,200 |  5,094 | 11,298 |    727 | 37,370 |   4,962
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  270,014 |  214,326 | 22,715 |  8,540 | 12,299 |  1,446 |  7,433 |   3,255
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  490,131 |  345,140 | 91,428 | 29,694 | 13,551 |  3,817 |  3,002 |   3,499
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Private 4-year ..........................|  770,004 |  591,777 | 83,314 | 28,828 | 31,191 |  1,882 | 18,011 |  15,001
  Professional staff ....................|  495,383 |  402,305 | 30,203 | 11,285 | 22,132 |    990 | 15,012 |  13,456
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   62,314 |   53,431 |  5,231 |  1,556 |  1,248 |    145 |    492 |     211
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  262,660 |  220,660 | 11,357 |  5,136 | 11,216 |    452 |  4,076 |   9,763
    Instruction and research assistants .|   33,853 |   20,065 |  1,496 |    850 |  2,414 |     67 |  6,205 |   2,756
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  136,556 |  108,149 | 12,119 |  3,743 |  7,254 |    326 |  4,239 |     726
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  274,621 |  189,472 | 53,111 | 17,543 |  9,059 |    892 |  2,999 |   1,545
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Public 2-year ...........................|  482,454 |  386,804 | 44,133 | 26,141 | 11,258 |  3,539 |  1,095 |   9,484
  Professional staff ....................|  336,661 |  283,455 | 22,885 | 12,701 |  7,383 |  2,219 |    617 |   7,401
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   21,806 |   18,049 |  2,109 |    918 |    357 |    239 |      5 |     129
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  272,434 |  231,818 | 15,936 |  9,598 |  6,071 |  1,625 |    476 |   6,910
    Instruction and research assistants .|    3,401 |    2,840 |    267 |     95 |     38 |     11 |      5 |     145
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   39,020 |   30,748 |  4,573 |  2,090 |    917 |    344 |    131 |     217
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  145,793 |  103,349 | 21,248 | 13,440 |  3,875 |  1,320 |    478 |   2,083
                                         |          |          |        |        |        |        |        |
Private 2-year ..........................|   26,141 |   21,966 |  1,854 |  1,109 |    442 |    255 |     59 |     456
  Professional staff ....................|   19,478 |   16,742 |  1,216 |    609 |    335 |    147 |     48 |     381
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    2,735 |    2,375 |    157 |     75 |     33 |     41 |      4 |      50
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|   12,213 |   10,643 |    674 |    329 |    223 |     59 |     25 |     260
    Instruction and research assistants .|      313 |      241 |     25 |     10 |     12 |      1 |      0 |      24
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|    4,217 |    3,483 |    360 |    195 |     67 |     46 |     19 |      47
  Nonprofessional staff .................|    6,663 |    5,224 |    638 |    500 |    107 |    108 |     11 |      75

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff" survey. (This table was prepared January 1998.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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