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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 77  Opinions of public school teachers, law enforcement officials, and public school students about why students 1998-99

     Reasons students carry weapons      |Percent of|Percent of |Percent of
                to school                | teachers |    law    |students\1\
                                         |          |enforcement|
                                         |          | officials |
                    1                    |    2     |     3     |     4
To impress friends/be accepted by peers .|       46 |        25 |        60
For protection/self defense/fear         |          |           |
For protection/self defense/             |          |           |
   fear in school .......................|       24 |        53 |        34
For self-esteem/to feel powerful         |          |           |
   or important .........................|       19 |        27 |        59
Used for hunting/regular daily           |          |           |
   equipment/culturally accepted ........|        9 |         5 |       ---
Because they want to hurt someone .......|        7 |        11 |        32
Forgot to leave at home .................|        3 |         5 |         1
To intimidate/threaten/frighten  ........|        2 |         3 |       ---
Because friends carry weapons ...........|        2 |       --- |        33
Anger/frustration/fear ..................|        2 |       --- |       ---
Gang-related ............................|        1 |       --- |       ---
Part of work equipment/used as tool .....|      --- |       --- |         1
They don't carry weapons ................|      --- |       --- |     (\2\)
Other (specify) .........................|        6 |         5 |         7
Don't know ..............................|        2 |         3 |       ---

\1\Grades 7-12 only.
\2\Response was less than 0.5 percent.
---No responses.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Life/Louis Harris Associates, Inc., The Metropolitan Life Survey of The American Teacher, 1999, "Violence In America's Public Schools: Five Years Later." (This table was prepared August 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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