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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 76  Number and percent of public schools reporting one or more incidents of the following crimes and total number of incidents of crimes in schools in which police or other law enforcement officials were contacted, by school characteristics: 1996-97

                                      |Rape or other types of sexual battery     |Physical attack or fight with a weapon    |Physical attack or fight without a weapon
        School characteristics        |  Number of   |  Percent of  |            |  Number of   |  Percent of  |            |  Number of   |  Percent of  |
                                      |   schools    |   schools    |   Total    |   schools    |   schools    |   Total    |   schools    |   schools    |   Total
                                      | with one or  | with one or  | number of  | with one or  | with one or  | number of  | with one or  | with one or  | number of
                                      |more incidents|more incidents|incidents\1\|more incidents|more incidents|incidents\1\|more incidents|more incidents|incidents\1\
                  1                   |      2       |      3       |     4      |      5       |      6       |     7      |      8       |      9       |     10
  All public schools .................|        2,326 |            3 |      4,170 |        4,694 |            6 |     10,950 |       21,576 |           28 |    187,890
Instructional level                   |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
    Elementary school.................|          404 |            1 |        690 |        1,108 |            2 |      1,590 |        5,801 |           12 |     21,470
    Middle school ....................|          731 |            5 |      1,400 |        1,626 |           12 |      4,080 |        7,177 |           51 |     73,330
    High school.......................|        1,191 |            8 |      2,070 |        1,960 |           13 |      5,280 |        8,598 |           55 |     93,090
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Size of enrollment                    |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  Less than 300 ......................|          255 |            1 |        320 |          383 |            2 |      1,400 |        3,372 |           17 |     15,590
  300-999 ............................|        1,232 |            2 |      2,010 |        2,804 |            6 |      5,700 |       13,260 |           26 |     87,940
  1,000 or more ......................|          840 |           11 |      1,830 |        1,507 |           20 |      3,850 |        4,944 |           67 |     84,350
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Locale                                |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  City ...............................|          912 |            5 |      1,930 |        1,845 |           10 |      5,430 |        5,463 |           30 |     62,130
  Urban fringe .......................|          708 |            4 |      1,130 |        1,230 |            6 |      2,060 |        5,369 |           28 |     54,780
  Town ...............................|          256 |            1 |        290 |          580 |            3 |      1,670 |        6,242 |           32 |     46,290
  Rural ..............................|          451 |            2 |        820 |        1,039 |            5 |      1,800 |        4,501 |           21 |     24,680
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Region                                |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  Northeast ..........................|          333 |            2 |        510 |          627 |            4 |      1,130 |        3,424 |           23 |     29,060
  Southeast ..........................|          595 |            4 |      1,210 |          850 |            5 |      1,570 |        4,871 |           29 |     50,690
  Central ............................|          661 |            3 |      1,180 |        1,313 |            6 |      4,310 |        5,949 |           26 |     45,590
  West ...............................|          738 |            3 |      1,270 |        1,904 |            8 |      3,940 |        7,332 |           32 |     62,540
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Percent minority enrollment           |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  Less than 5 percent ................|          430 |            2 |        680 |          773 |            3 |        860 |        5,401 |           22 |     24,340
  5 to 19 percent ....................|          557 |            3 |        760 |          974 |            6 |      2,440 |        4,810 |           27 |     35,600
  20 to 49 percent ...................|          636 |            4 |      1,480 |        1,320 |            7 |      2,220 |        5,595 |           32 |     53,960
  50 percent or more .................|          704 |            4 |      1,250 |        1,628 |            9 |      5,440 |        5,545 |           32 |     72,600
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Percent of students eligible for free |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
or reduced-price school lunch         |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  Less than 20 percent ...............|          531 |            3 |        820 |          946 |            5 |      1,380 |        5,343 |           29 |     39,990
  20 to 34 percent ...................|          589 |            3 |      1,140 |        1,120 |            6 |      2,370 |        4,738 |           27 |     34,880
  35 to 49 percent ...................|          566 |            4 |        970 |          785 |            6 |      1,460 |        3,658 |           28 |     33,270
  50 to 74 percent ...................|          250 |            2 |        630 |          959 |            6 |      2,890 |        4,494 |           28 |     45,900
  75 percent or more .................|          373 |            3 |        590 |          844 |            7 |      2,740 |        3,102 |           25 |     28,800
                                      |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
Zero tolerance policy for violence    |              |              |            |              |              |            |              |              |
  Yes ................................|        2,017 |            3 |      3,670 |        3,860 |            6 |      9,180 |       17,436 |           29 |    157,710
  No .................................|          309 |            2 |        500 |          834 |            5 |      1,770 |        4,140 |           25 |     30,170

\1\Data rounded to nearest 10.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Violence and Discipline, Problems in U.S. Public Schools: 1996-97. (This table was prepared August 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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