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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 51  Number of hours children age 5 and under spend in center-based programs, by childand maternal characteristics, and household income: 1995

                                   | Number  |Children in center-|  Percentage distribution of
        Child and maternal         |   of    |  based programs\1\|children, by hours in center-
         characteristics,          |children,|___________________|  based programs per week\1\
       and household income        |age 0 to | Number  |         |_____________________________
                                   |5,\1\ in |in thous-| Percent |1 to |11 to|21 to|31 to|Over
                                   |thousands|  sands  |         | 10  | 20  | 30  | 40  | 40
                 1                 |    2    |    3    |    4    |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9
  Total children ..................|  21,421 |   6,536 |    30.5 |31.6 |20.2 |12.5 |22.1 |13.6
Age                                |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  Under 1 year ....................|   4,158 |     270 |     6.5 | 9.2 |17.9 |11.7 |47.9 |13.2
  1 year old ......................|   4,027 |     434 |    10.8 |15.2 |14.2 |13.9 |34.1 |22.5
  2 years old .....................|   4,007 |     749 |    18.7 |23.7 |13.2 |10.8 |29.2 |23.1
  3 years old .....................|   4,126 |   1,679 |    40.7 |35.5 |16.5 |13.4 |20.3 |14.3
  4 years old .....................|   4,065 |   2,631 |    64.7 |37.3 |25.3 |11.4 |16.4 | 9.6
  5 years old .....................|   1,038 |     774 |    74.5 |32.9 |25.1 |15.2 |18.1 | 8.7
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Sex                                |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  Male ............................|  10,993 |   3,276 |    29.8 |31.4 |19.8 |13.9 |21.1 |13.9
  Female ..........................|  10,429 |   3,260 |    31.3 |31.8 |20.6 |11.1 |23.2 |13.3
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Race/ethnicity of child            |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  White ...........................|  13,996 |   4,600 |    32.9 |37.6 |20.2 |12.2 |17.6 |12.4
  Black ...........................|   3,344 |   1,103 |    33.0 | 6.7 |15.2 |13.0 |45.8 |19.2
  Hispanic ........................|   2,838 |     484 |    17.0 |20.9 |29.6 |14.3 |24.5 |10.7
  Other ...........................|   1,243 |     349 |    28.1 |20.9 |21.5 |13.8 |23.8 |20.0
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Mother's highest education         |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  Less than high school ...........|   4,205 |     824 |    19.6 |16.5 |20.1 |18.9 |29.2 |15.4
  High school diploma\2\ ..........|   6,475 |   1,678 |    25.9 |32.8 |17.8 |13.1 |25.2 |11.2
  Some postsecondary ..............|   4,537 |   1,510 |    33.3 |32.2 |23.7 | 8.9 |19.9 |15.3
  Associate degree ................|   1,479 |     507 |    34.3 |34.6 |21.4 |15.4 |14.8 |13.8
  Bachelor's degree ...............|   3,069 |   1,262 |    41.1 |36.3 |19.6 | 9.3 |20.1 |14.8
  Some graduate or master's degree |   1,368 |     640 |    46.8 |30.7 |20.0 |15.9 |20.8 |12.6
  Doctor's or professional degree .|     288 |     115 |    39.9 |23.9 |12.5 |19.7 |36.0 | 7.9
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Marital status of mother           |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  No mother in household ..........|     298 |     117 |    39.2 |14.6 | 2.4 |11.3 |34.3 |37.5
  Married .........................|  15,141 |   4,678 |    30.9 |36.7 |22.1 |11.1 |18.7 |11.5
  Separated .......................|     725 |     207 |    28.6 |13.3 |23.1 |15.3 |18.9 |29.4
  Divorced ........................|   1,258 |     537 |    42.7 |20.2 |15.7 |15.3 |26.2 |22.5
  Widowed .........................|     172 |      63 |    36.4 |29.9 |16.8 |20.9 | 5.5 |26.9
  Never married ...................|   3,826 |     934 |    24.4 |13.9 |13.5 |18.2 |40.7 |13.7
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Mother's employment status\3\      |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  In labor force ..................|  12,770 |   4,576 |    35.8 |24.5 |17.5 |13.6 |27.0 |17.4
    Working more than 35 hours/week|   7,101 |   2,760 |    38.9 |16.4 |12.4 |11.1 |33.8 |26.4
    Working 35 hours/week or less .|   4,034 |   1,413 |    35.0 |40.9 |27.7 |15.3 |12.9 | 3.3
    Looking for work ..............|   1,635 |     403 |    24.7 |22.5 |16.8 |27.5 |30.2 | 3.0
  Not in labor force ..............|   8,354 |   1,842 |    22.1 |51.2 |28.4 | 9.6 | 8.6 | 2.3
                                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
Household income                   |         |         |         |     |     |     |     |
  $5,000 or less ..................|   2,066 |     509 |    24.6 |17.1 |26.5 |15.3 |32.2 | 8.9
  $5,001 to $10,000 ...............|   2,437 |     619 |    25.4 |18.0 |22.8 |18.3 |32.2 | 8.7
  $10,001 to $15,000 ..............|   1,521 |     342 |    22.5 |17.5 |19.1 |17.6 |27.2 |18.6
  $15,001 to $20,000 ..............|   1,388 |     351 |    25.3 |23.5 |22.2 |16.3 |22.1 |15.9
  $20,001 to $25,000 ..............|   1,603 |     347 |    21.6 |23.9 |11.1 |14.6 |31.4 |19.0
  $25,001 to $30,000 ..............|   1,783 |     506 |    28.4 |25.0 |19.8 |14.7 |22.3 |18.1
  $30,001 to $35,000 ..............|   1,453 |     371 |    25.6 |37.6 |15.9 |11.1 |27.5 | 8.0
  $35,001 to $40,000 ..............|   1,595 |     439 |    27.5 |33.1 |21.5 |10.3 |20.1 |15.0
  $40,001 to $50,000 ..............|   2,304 |     743 |    32.2 |41.3 |19.2 | 7.1 |21.7 |10.7
  $50,001 to $75,000 ..............|   3,063 |   1,229 |    40.1 |37.1 |17.0 |11.7 |18.0 |16.2
  More than $75,000 ...............|   2,211 |   1,080 |    48.8 |36.7 |24.5 |11.2 |15.3 |12.2

\1\Excludes children who have entered kindergarten.
\2\Includes equivalency certificates.
\3\Excludes data for households with no mother present in household. NOTE.
--Details may not add to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Household Education Survey (NHES), 1995. (This table was prepared March 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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