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Digest of Education Statistics
1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 17  Estimated total and school-age resident populations, by state:\1\1970 to 1998 [In thousands]

                      |       1970 \2\   |       1980 \2\   |       1985 \3\   |      1990 \2\    |      1995 \3\    |      1997 \3\    |      1998 \3\
        State         | Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-| Total, |5- to 17-
                      |all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds|all ages|year-olds
             1        |   2    |    3    |   4    |    5    |   6    |    7    |   8    |    9    |   10   |   11    |   12   |   13    |   14   |   15
   United States .....|203,302 |  52,540 |226,546 |  47,407 |237,924 |  44,782 |248,765 |  45,178 |262,765 |  49,013 |267,744 |  50,490 |270,299 |  50,906
Alabama ..............|  3,444 |     934 |  3,894 |     866 |  3,973 |     798 |  4,040 |     774 |  4,270 |     783 |  4,322 |     789 |  4,352 |     789
Alaska ...............|    303 |      88 |    402 |      92 |    532 |     112 |    550 |     117 |    602 |     134 |    610 |     140 |    614 |     143
Arizona ..............|  1,775 |     486 |  2,718 |     578 |  3,184 |     601 |  3,665 |     686 |  4,307 |     825 |  4,553 |     879 |  4,669 |     895
Arkansas .............|  1,923 |     498 |  2,286 |     496 |  2,327 |     461 |  2,351 |     455 |  2,480 |     479 |  2,523 |     483 |  2,538 |     479
California ...........| 19,971 |   4,999 | 23,668 |   4,681 | 26,441 |   4,752 | 29,786 |    5344 | 31,472 |   5,974 | 32,182 |   6,284 | 32,667 |   6,347
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Colorado .............|  2,210 |     589 |  2,890 |     592 |  3,209 |     599 |  3,294 |     607 |  3,738 |     709 |  3,892 |     745 |  3,971 |     762
Connecticut ..........|  3,032 |     768 |  3,108 |     638 |  3,201 |     549 |  3,287 |     520 |  3,262 |     565 |  3,267 |     575 |  3,274 |     579
Delaware .............|    548 |     148 |    594 |     125 |    618 |     113 |    666 |     114 |    719 |     125 |    735 |     129 |    744 |     130
District of Columbia .|    757 |     164 |    638 |     109 |    635 |      88 |    607 |      80 |    552 |      75 |    530 |      74 |    523 |      72
Florida ..............|  6,791 |   1,609 |  9,746 |   1,789 | 11,351 |   1,792 | 12,938 |    2011 | 14,180 |   2,391 | 14,677 |   2,520 | 14,916 |   2,587
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Georgia ..............|  4,588 |   1,223 |  5,463 |   1,231 |  5,963 |   1,195 |  6,478 |    1230 |  7,189 |   1,370 |  7,490 |   1,430 |  7,642 |   1,454
Hawaii ...............|    770 |     204 |    965 |     198 |  1,040 |     194 |  1,108 |     196 |  1,183 |     212 |  1,192 |     215 |  1,193 |     214
Idaho ................|    713 |     200 |    944 |     213 |    994 |     223 |  1,007 |     228 |  1,164 |     255 |  1,209 |     259 |  1,229 |     260
Illinois .............| 11,110 |   2,859 | 11,427 |   2,401 | 11,400 |   2,192 | 11,431 |    2095 | 11,866 |   2,207 | 11,989 |   2,281 | 12,045 |   2,297
Indiana...............|  5,195 |   1,386 |  5,490 |   1,200 |  5,459 |   1,087 |  5,544 |    1056 |  5,787 |   1,079 |  5,865 |   1,101 |  5,899 |   1,107
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Iowa .................|  2,825 |     743 |  2,914 |     604 |  2,830 |     543 |  2,777 |     525 |  2,841 |     539 |  2,854 |     542 |  2,862 |     540
Kansas ...............|  2,249 |     573 |  2,364 |     468 |  2,427 |     452 |  2,478 |     472 |  2,575 |     505 |  2,601 |     512 |  2,629 |     515
Kentucky .............|  3,221 |     844 |  3,661 |     800 |  3,695 |     745 |  3,687 |     703 |  3,856 |     710 |  3,910 |     720 |  3,936 |     725
Louisiana ............|  3,645 |   1,041 |  4,206 |     969 |  4,408 |     937 |  4,222 |     891 |  4,328 |     898 |  4,354 |     892 |  4,369 |     878
Maine ................|    994 |     260 |  1,125 |     243 |  1,163 |     222 |  1,228 |     223 |  1,233 |     228 |  1,242 |     227 |  1,244 |     224
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Maryland .............|  3,924 |   1,038 |  4,217 |     895 |  4,413 |     788 |  4,781 |     803 |  5,023 |     904 |  5,095 |     931 |  5,135 |     943
Massachusetts ........|  5,689 |   1,407 |  5,737 |   1,153 |  5,881 |     989 |  6,016 |     940 |  6,058 |   1,017 |  6,114 |   1,050 |  6,147 |   1,064
Michigan .............|  8,882 |   2,450 |  9,262 |   2,067 |  9,076 |   1,824 |  9,295 |    1754 |  9,663 |   1,848 |  9,780 |   1,886 |  9,817 |   1,895
Minnesota ............|  3,806 |   1,051 |  4,076 |     865 |  4,184 |     796 |  4,376 |     829 |  4,605 |     920 |  4,687 |     937 |  4,725 |     942
Mississippi ..........|  2,217 |     635 |  2,521 |     599 |  2,588 |     576 |  2,575 |     550 |  2,690 |     551 |  2,732 |     556 |  2,752 |     555
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Missouri..............|  4,678 |   1,183 |  4,917 |   1,008 |  5,000 |     941 |  5,117 |     944 |  5,337 |   1,013 |  5,408 |   1,039 |  5,439 |   1,043
Montana ..............|    694 |     197 |    787 |     167 |    822 |     167 |    799 |     163 |    868 |     177 |    879 |     174 |    880 |     172
Nebraska .............|  1,485 |     389 |  1,570 |     324 |  1,585 |     305 |  1,578 |     309 |  1,635 |     327 |  1,657 |     331 |  1,663 |     331
Nevada ...............|    489 |     127 |    800 |     160 |    951 |     166 |  1,202 |     204 |  1,528 |     277 |  1,679 |     312 |  1,747 |     331
New Hampshire ........|    738 |     189 |    921 |     196 |    997 |     182 |  1,109 |     194 |  1,146 |     217 |  1,172 |     222 |  1,185 |     225
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
New Jersey ...........|  7,171 |   1,797 |  7,365 |   1,528 |  7,566 |   1,340 |  7,748 |    1269 |  7,962 |   1,388 |  8,058 |   1,430 |  8,115 |   1,443
New Mexico ...........|  1,017 |     311 |  1,303 |     303 |  1,438 |     304 |  1,515 |     320 |  1,684 |     359 |  1,724 |     368 |  1,737 |     371
New York .............| 18,241 |   4,358 | 17,558 |   3,552 | 17,792 |   3,173 | 17,991 |    3000 | 18,145 |   3,173 | 18,146 |   3,241 | 18,175 |   3,249
North Carolina .......|  5,084 |   1,323 |  5,882 |   1,254 |  6,254 |   1,175 |  6,632 |    1147 |  7,186 |   1,283 |  7,431 |   1,357 |  7,546 |   1,393
North Dakota .........|    618 |     175 |    653 |     136 |    677 |     133 |    639 |     127 |    641 |     128 |    641 |     125 |    638 |     122
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Ohio .................| 10,657 |   2,820 | 10,798 |   2,307 | 10,735 |   2,090 | 10,847 |    2012 | 11,138 |   2,078 | 11,193 |   2,103 | 11,209 |   2,102
Oklahoma .............|  2,559 |     640 |  3,025 |     622 |  3,271 |     635 |  3,146 |     609 |  3,271 |     645 |  3,322 |     653 |  3,347 |     651
Oregon ...............|  2,092 |     534 |  2,633 |     525 |  2,673 |     504 |  2,842 |     521 |  3,141 |     586 |  3,243 |     601 |  3,282 |     608
Pennsylvania .........| 11,801 |   2,925 | 11,864 |   2,376 | 11,771 |   2,079 | 11,883 |    1996 | 12,040 |   2,113 | 12,011 |   2,135 | 12,001 |   2,140
Rhode Island .........|    950 |     225 |    947 |     186 |    969 |     163 |  1,003 |     159 |    989 |     170 |    987 |     174 |    988 |     176
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
South Carolina .......|  2,591 |     720 |  3,122 |     703 |  3,303 |     663 |  3,486 |     662 |  3,699 |     683 |  3,788 |     702 |  3,836 |     706
South Dakota .........|    666 |     187 |    691 |     147 |    698 |     139 |    696 |     144 |    735 |     153 |    738 |     152 |    738 |     151
Tennessee ............|  3,926 |   1,002 |  4,591 |     972 |  4,715 |     903 |  4,877 |     882 |  5,235 |     944 |  5,372 |     965 |  5,431 |     969
Texas ................| 11,199 |   3,002 | 14,229 |   3,137 | 16,273 |   3,318 | 16,986 |    3437 | 18,694 |   3,789 | 19,386 |   3,963 | 19,760 |   4,014
Utah .................|  1,059 |     312 |  1,461 |     350 |  1,643 |     418 |  1,723 |     457 |  1,991 |     491 |  2,065 |     496 |  2,100 |     498
                      |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |
Vermont ..............|    445 |     118 |    511 |     109 |    530 |     100 |    563 |     102 |    582 |     110 |    589 |     110 |    591 |     109
Virginia .............|  4,651 |   1,197 |  5,347 |   1,114 |  5,715 |   1,039 |  6,189 |    1060 |  6,602 |   1,153 |  6,737 |   1,185 |  6,791 |   1,198
Washington ...........|  3,413 |     881 |  4,132 |     826 |  4,400 |     816 |  4,867 |     893 |  5,433 |   1,029 |  5,614 |   1,070 |  5,689 |   1,086
West Virginia.........|  1,744 |     442 |  1,950 |     414 |  1,907 |     383 |  1,793 |     337 |  1,822 |     319 |  1,815 |     311 |  1,811 |     305
Wisconsin ............|  4,418 |   1,203 |  4,706 |   1,011 |  4,748 |     908 |  4,892 |     927 |  5,137 |   1,003 |  5,201 |   1,015 |  5,224 |   1,018
Wyoming ..............|    332 |      92 |    470 |     101 |    500 |     108 |    454 |     101 |    478 |     103 |    480 |     100 |    481 |      99

\1\Includes Armed Forces residing in each state.
\2\As of April 1.
\3\Estimates as of July 1. NOTE.
--Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 1095 at the national level, CPH-L-74 (1990 data); and forthcoming state level P-25 Reports. (This table was prepared July 1999.)

1999 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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