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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 387. School-age populations as a percentage of total population, by age group and country: Selected years, 1985 through 2002
                    |     5- to 14-year-olds as a percent of    |     15- to 19-year-olds as a percent of
                    |               total population            |              total population
Country             |1985\1\|1990\1\|1995\1\|1996|1998|1999|2002|1985\2\|1990\2\|1995\2\|1996|1998|1999|2002
1                   |      2|      3|      4|   5|   6|   7|   8|      9|     10|     11|  12|  13|  14|  15
Australia ..........|     14|     13|     13|  14|  14|  14|  14|      7|      6|      6|   7|   7|   7|   7
Belgium ............|     11|     11|     11|  12|  12|  12|  12|      6|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
Canada .............|     13|     12|     12|  13|  14|  14| ---|      6|      5|      5|   7|   7|   7| ---
Czech Republic .....|    ---|    ---|     12|  13|  13|  12|  12|    ---|    ---|      6|   8|   8|   7|   7
Denmark ............|     12|     10|     10|  11|  11|  12|  12|      6|      6|      5|   6|   6|   5|   5
                    |       |       |       |    |    |    |    |       |       |       |    |    |    |
Finland ............|     11|     12|     11|  13|  13|  13|  12|      6|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
France .............|     13|     12|     12|  13|  13|  13|  12|      6|      6|      5|   7|   7|   7|   7
Germany\3\ .........|      9|      9|     10|  11|  11|  11|  11|      6|      4|      4|   5|   6|   6|   6
Greece .............|    ---|    ---|     11|  12|  11|  11|  10|    ---|      5|      6|   7|   7|   7|   6
Iceland ............|     16|     15|     14|  16|  16|  16|  16|      7|      7|      6|   8|   8|   8|   7
                    |       |       |       |    |    |    |    |       |       |       |    |    |    |
Ireland ............|     18|     18|     15|  17|  16|  15|  14|      8|      8|      8|   9|   9|   9|   8
Italy ..............|     13|     10|      9|  10|  10|  10|  10|      6|      6|      5|   6|   6|   5|   5
Japan ..............|     14|     12|     10|  11|  11|  10|  10|      6|      7|      5|   7|   6|   6|   6
Korea, Republic of .|    ---|    ---|     14|  15|  14|  14|  14|    ---|    ---|      7|   9|   9|   8|   7
Luxembourg .........|     10|     10|     11|  12|  12|  12|  13|      5|      4|      4|   5|   6|   6|   6
                    |       |       |       |    |    |    |    |       |       |       |    |    |    |
Netherlands ........|     12|     11|     11|  12|  12|  12|  12|      7|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
New Zealand ........|     15|     13|     13|  15|  15|  15|  15|      7|      7|      6|   7|   7|   7|   7
Norway .............|     13|     11|     11|  13|  13|  13|  13|      6|      6|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
Russian Federation .|    ---|    ---|     14|  16| ---|  14|  12|    ---|    ---|      6|   7| ---|   8|   8
Spain ..............|     15|     13|     10|  11|  11|  10|  10|      7|      7|      6|   8|   7|   7|   6
                    |       |       |       |    |    |    |    |       |       |       |    |    |    |
Sweden .............|     11|     10|     11|  12|  13|  13|  13|      5|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
Switzerland ........|     11|     10|     10|  12|  12|  12|  12|      6|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
Turkey .............|     21|     21|     20|  20|  21|  21| ---|      9|      9|      9|  11|  11|  11| ---
United Kingdom .....|     11|     11|     12|  13|  13|  13|  13|      6|      5|      5|   6|   6|   6|   6
United States ......|     13|     13|     13|  15|  14|  15|  15|      6|      5|      6|   7|   7|   7|   7
---Not available.
\1\Data are for the 5- to 13-year-old population.
\2\Data are for the 14- to 17-year-old population.
\3\Data for 1985 are for the former West Germany.
SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance, selected years, 1987 through 2004. (This table was prepared April 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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