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Digest of Education Statistics
1998 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 151. -  Percent of students (grades 7 to 12) who feel that certain problems are very serious: 1996
                                     |   Tight   | Hostile or |   Threats    |  Turf   |   Physical    |
                                     | groups of |threatening |or destructive| battles |fights between |  Gang
                                     |  friends  |  remarks   | acts, other  | between |  members of   |violence
               Student               |that do not|  between   |     than     |different|   different   |
           characteristics           |talk to one| groups of  |   physical   |groups of|   groups of   |
                                     |  another  |  students  |    fights    |students |    friends    |
                  1                  |     2     |     3      |      4       |    5    |       6       |   7
  All students ......................|        10 |         25 |           24 |      21 |            26 |     26
Location                             |           |            |              |         |               |
  Urban .............................|        11 |         32 |           33 |      30 |            33 |     36
  Suburban ..........................|        11 |         22 |           20 |      18 |            24 |     21
  Rural .............................|         8 |         20 |           19 |      13 |            20 |     17
                                     |           |            |              |         |               |
Sex                                  |           |            |              |         |               |
  Male ..............................|        10 |         24 |           23 |      21 |            26 |     25
  Female ............................|        10 |         27 |           26 |      21 |            27 |     26
                                     |           |            |              |         |               |
School level                         |           |            |              |         |               |
  7th and 8th grades ................|         9 |         32 |           28 |      24 |            32 |     31
  9th through 12th grades ...........|        11 |         22 |           22 |      20 |            23 |     23
                                     |           |            |              |         |               |
Race/ethnicity                       |           |            |              |         |               |
  White .............................|         9 |         22 |           21 |      16 |            22 |     19
  African American ..................|        12 |         36 |           33 |      32 |            37 |     40
  Hispanic ..........................|        13 |         33 |           32 |      33 |            34 |     41

SOURCE: Metropolitan Life/Louis Harris Associates, Inc., The Metropolitan Life Survey of The American Teacher, 1996. Part I. "Students Voice Their Opinions On: Violence, Social Tension and Equality Among Teens." (This table was prepared July 1997.)

1998 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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