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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 328.Current-fund expenditures and expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in institutions of higher education, by type and control of institution: 1970-71 to 1992-93

             |        All institutions          |      4-year institutions         |       2-year institutions
             |   Current-fund      |            |   Current-fund      |            |   Current-fund      |
 Control of  |   expenditures,     |Current-fund|   expenditures,     |Current-fund|   expenditures,     |Current-fund
 institution |   in millions       |expenditures|   in millions       |expenditures|   in millions       |expenditures
  and year   |_____________________|per student,|_____________________|per student,|_____________________|per student,
             |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant
             | dollars  | 1992-93  |  1992-93   | dollars  | 1992-93  |  1992-93   | dollars  | 1992-93  |   1992-93
             |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\ |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\ |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\
      1      |    2     |    3     |     4      |    5     |    6     |     7      |    8     |    9     |     10
     All     |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|  $23,375 |  $87,837 |    $13,036 |  $21,049 |  $79,094 |    $15,372 |   $2,327 |   $8,743 |      $5,490
1973-74 .....|   30,714 |   97,373 |     13,064 |   26,912 |   85,320 |     15,686 |    3,802 |   12,052 |       5,984
1974-75 .....|   35,058 |  102,138 |     13,085 |   30,596 |   89,141 |     15,900 |    4,461 |   12,997 |       5,910
1975-76 .....|   38,903 |  106,295 |     12,535 |   33,811 |   92,382 |     15,657 |    5,092 |   13,913 |       5,394
1976-77 .....|   42,600 |  109,227 |     13,140 |   37,052 |   95,001 |     16,245 |    5,548 |   14,226 |       5,772
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1977-78 .....|   45,971 |  110,526 |     13,134 |   39,899 |   95,926 |     16,163 |    6,072 |   14,599 |       5,886
1978-79 .....|   50,721 |  113,655 |     13,614 |   44,163 |   98,960 |     16,681 |    6,558 |   14,695 |       6,082
1979-80 .....|   56,914 |  116,177 |     13,688 |   49,661 |  101,372 |     16,850 |    7,253 |   14,805 |       5,991
1980-81 .....|   64,053 |  117,965 |     13,376 |   55,840 |  102,840 |     16,691 |    8,212 |   15,125 |       5,691
1981-82 .....|   70,339 |  118,380 |     13,132 |   61,333 |  103,223 |     16,516 |    9,006 |   15,157 |       5,482
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1982-83 .....|   75,936 |  120,130 |     13,213 |   66,238 |  104,789 |     16,769 |    9,697 |   15,341 |       5,397
1983-84 .....|   81,993 |  123,891 |     13,516 |   71,680 |  108,307 |     17,123 |   10,314 |   15,584 |       5,485
1984-85 .....|   89,951 |  128,781 |     14,386 |   78,744 |  112,736 |     17,915 |   11,207 |   16,045 |       6,034
1985-86 .....|   97,536 |  133,479 |     14,925 |   85,560 |  117,090 |     18,602 |   11,976 |   16,389 |       6,187
1986-87 .....|  105,764 |  138,968 |     15,332 |   92,985 |  122,177 |     19,209 |   12,779 |   16,791 |       6,210
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1987-88 .....|  113,786 |  143,092 |     15,503 |  100,143 |  125,935 |     19,415 |   13,644 |   17,158 |       6,255
1988-89 .....|  123,867 |  147,226 |     15,556 |  109,141 |  129,723 |     19,466 |   14,726 |   17,503 |       6,251
1989-90 .....|  134,656 |  151,296 |     15,469 |  118,578 |  133,232 |     19,554 |   16,077 |   18,064 |       6,088
1990-91 .....|  146,088 |  155,840 |     15,610 |  128,594 |  137,179 |     19,687 |   17,494 |   18,662 |       6,189
1991-92 \2\..|  156,189 |  161,392 |     15,577 |  137,375 |  141,951 |     20,046 |   18,814 |   19,441 |       5,929
1992-93 \3\ .|  165,241 |  165,241 |     15,834 |  145,300 |  145,300 |     20,383 |   19,941 |   19,941 |       6,029
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   Public    |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|   14,996 |   56,351 |     11,377 |   12,899 |   48,471 |     13,974 |    2,097 |    7,880 |       5,308
1973-74 .....|   20,336 |   64,473 |     11,453 |   16,802 |   53,268 |     14,315 |    3,534 |   11,205 |       5,871
1974-75 .....|   23,490 |   68,437 |     11,512 |   19,309 |   56,256 |     14,621 |    4,181 |   12,181 |       5,808
1975-76 .....|   26,184 |   71,542 |     10,969 |   21,392 |   58,449 |     14,409 |    4,792 |   13,093 |       5,310
1976-77 .....|   28,635 |   73,420 |     11,562 |   23,411 |   60,026 |     15,012 |    5,224 |   13,395 |       5,696
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1977-78 .....|   30,725 |   73,871 |     11,549 |   25,013 |   60,138 |     14,889 |    5,712 |   13,733 |       5,826
1978-79 .....|   33,733 |   75,588 |     12,038 |   27,600 |   61,847 |     15,477 |    6,132 |   13,742 |       6,019
1979-80 .....|   37,768 |   77,095 |     12,060 |   30,979 |   63,237 |     15,578 |    6,789 |   13,859 |       5,939
1980-81 .....|   42,280 |   77,866 |     11,723 |   34,677 |   63,865 |     15,358 |    7,602 |   14,001 |       5,636
1981-82 .....|   46,219 |   77,786 |     11,471 |   37,890 |   63,767 |     15,152 |    8,330 |   14,019 |       5,449
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1982-83 .....|   49,573 |   78,424 |     11,448 |   40,616 |   64,254 |     15,224 |    8,957 |   14,170 |       5,388
1983-84 .....|   53,087 |   80,213 |     11,656 |   43,588 |   65,861 |     15,439 |    9,499 |   14,352 |       5,487
1984-85 .....|   58,315 |   83,487 |     12,489 |   48,017 |   68,745 |     16,221 |   10,298 |   14,743 |       6,025
1985-86 .....|   63,194 |   86,482 |     12,970 |   52,184 |   71,415 |     16,845 |   11,010 |   15,067 |       6,205
1986-87 .....|   67,654 |   88,894 |     13,115 |   56,003 |   73,585 |     17,131 |   11,651 |   15,309 |       6,167
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1987-88 .....|   72,641 |   91,350 |     13,167 |   60,137 |   75,625 |     17,204 |   12,505 |   15,725 |       6,186
1988-89 .....|   78,946 |   93,833 |     13,222 |   65,349 |   77,672 |     17,238 |   13,597 |   16,161 |       6,237
1989-90 .....|   85,771 |   96,370 |     13,073 |   70,865 |   79,622 |     17,235 |   14,906 |   16,748 |       6,086
1990-91 .....|   92,961 |   99,167 |     13,121 |   76,722 |   81,844 |     17,266 |   16,239 |   17,323 |       6,147
1991-92 \2\..|   98,847 |  102,140 |     12,990 |   81,334 |   84,044 |     17,525 |   17,513 |   18,096 |       5,900
1992-93 \3\ .|  104,570 |  104,570 |     13,217 |   86,065 |   86,065 |     17,938 |   18,505 |   18,505 |       5,943
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   Private   |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|    8,379 |   31,487 |     17,643 |    8,150 |   30,624 |     18,263 |      230 |      863 |       8,000
1973-74 .....|   10,377 |   32,900 |     18,038 |   10,110 |   32,052 |     18,655 |      267 |      847 |       8,015
1974-75 .....|   11,568 |   33,701 |     18,113 |   11,287 |   32,885 |     18,698 |      280 |      817 |       8,012
1975-76 .....|   12,719 |   34,753 |     17,755 |   12,419 |   33,933 |     18,403 |      300 |      819 |       7,220
1976-77 .....|   13,965 |   35,806 |     18,244 |   13,641 |   34,975 |     18,910 |      324 |      831 |       7,352
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1977-78 .....|   15,246 |   36,654 |     18,156 |   14,885 |   35,788 |     18,876 |      360 |      866 |       7,049
1978-79 .....|   16,988 |   38,067 |     18,396 |   16,563 |   37,113 |     19,168 |      425 |      953 |       7,166
1979-80 .....|   19,146 |   39,082 |     18,657 |   18,682 |   38,135 |     19,489 |      464 |      947 |       6,864
1980-81 .....|   21,773 |   40,099 |     18,422 |   21,163 |   38,975 |     19,458 |      610 |    1,124 |       6,472
1981-82 .....|   24,120 |   40,594 |     18,177 |   23,444 |   39,456 |     19,328 |      676 |    1,138 |       5,932
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1982-83 .....|   26,363 |   41,706 |     18,610 |   25,623 |   40,535 |     19,985 |      740 |    1,171 |       5,503
1983-84 .....|   28,907 |   43,678 |     19,116 |   28,092 |   42,446 |     20,611 |      815 |    1,231 |       5,460
1984-85 .....|   31,637 |   45,293 |     19,979 |   30,727 |   43,991 |     21,409 |      910 |    1,302 |       6,137
1985-86 .....|   34,342 |   46,997 |     20,652 |   33,376 |   45,675 |     22,230 |      966 |    1,322 |       5,983
1986-87 .....|   38,110 |   50,074 |     21,904 |   36,982 |   48,593 |     23,533 |    1,128 |    1,482 |       6,696
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1987-88 .....|   41,145 |   51,742 |     22,575 |   40,006 |   50,310 |     24,063 |    1,139 |    1,433 |       7,118
1988-89 .....|   44,922 |   53,393 |     22,554 |   43,792 |   52,050 |     24,116 |    1,130 |    1,343 |       6,424
1989-90 .....|   48,885 |   54,926 |     22,798 |   47,713 |   53,610 |     24,437 |    1,172 |    1,316 |       6,108
1990-91 .....|   53,127 |   56,673 |     23,366 |   51,872 |   55,335 |     24,837 |    1,255 |    1,338 |       6,777
1991-92 \2\..|   57,342 |   59,252 |     23,722 |   56,041 |   57,908 |     25,334 |    1,301 |    1,344 |       6,341
1992-93 \3\ .|   60,671 |   60,671 |     24,037 |   59,235 |   59,235 |     25,418 |    1,436 |    1,436 |       7,417

\1\Dollars adjusted by the Higher Education Price Index.
\2\Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
\3\Preliminary data.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" and "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" and "Finance" surveys; and Research Associates of Washington, unpublished data. (This table was prepared May 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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