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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 232.Full-time instructional faculty with tenure for institutions reporting tenure status, by academic rank, sex, and type and control of institution: 1980-81, 1990-91, 1992-93, and 1993-94

                         |                       Percent with tenure, by rank                      | Percent with tenure,
                         |                                                                         |       by sex
  Academic year, type,   |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
     and control of      |            |         |Associate|Assistant|          |         |   No    |          |
       institution       | All ranks  |Professor|professor|professor|Instructor|Lecturer |academic |   Men    |  Women
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |  rank   |          |
            1            |     2      |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6     |    7    |    8    |    9     |    10
         1980-81         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
All institutions ........|       64.8 |    95.8 |    82.9 |    27.9 |      9.2 |    11.9 |    77.4 |     70.0 |     49.7
  4-year ................|       62.7 |    95.8 |    82.2 |    24.1 |      6.6 |    10.7 |    24.7 |     68.3 |     44.0
    University ..........|       64.5 |    96.7 |    83.7 |    15.3 |      5.4 |     4.3 |     3.5 |     70.0 |     41.0
    Other 4-year ........|       61.3 |    94.9 |    81.2 |    29.7 |      7.1 |    17.8 |    32.4 |     67.0 |     45.5
  2-year ................|       74.5 |    95.6 |    89.2 |    58.9 |     19.8 |    34.8 |    81.1 |     78.8 |     66.6
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Public institutions .....|       68.0 |    96.6 |    85.9 |    32.5 |     11.8 |    14.3 |    79.4 |     72.8 |     54.0
  4-year ................|       65.7 |    96.6 |    85.3 |    27.6 |      8.7 |    12.8 |    12.2 |     71.1 |     47.5
    University ..........|       66.0 |    96.9 |    86.5 |    16.8 |      6.1 |     4.9 |     4.5 |     71.3 |     42.8
    Other 4-year ........|       65.5 |    96.3 |    84.4 |    35.5 |     10.0 |    21.4 |    17.2 |     70.9 |     50.2
  2-year ................|       75.2 |    95.9 |    89.5 |    59.5 |     20.3 |    35.8 |    81.8 |     79.3 |     67.5
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Private institutions ....|       55.9 |    93.8 |    75.2 |    17.5 |      3.0 |     1.5 |    43.4 |     62.2 |     37.2
  4-year ................|       56.0 |    93.8 |    75.2 |    17.4 |      2.8 |     1.5 |    37.5 |     62.2 |     37.2
    University ..........|       60.4 |    96.3 |    75.8 |    11.5 |      3.5 |     1.8 |     0.6 |     66.3 |     36.5
    Other 4-year ........|       53.6 |    92.0 |    74.9 |    20.2 |      2.6 |     1.2 |    43.4 |     59.8 |     37.4
  2-year ................|       49.5 |    84.7 |    77.3 |    35.2 |      8.8 |     --- |    52.2 |     57.3 |     39.5
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
         1990-91         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
All institutions ........|       61.2 |    95.6 |    80.8 |    18.6 |      6.8 |     6.9 |    36.3 |     67.8 |     45.3
  4-year ................|       61.7 |    95.7 |    80.4 |    15.8 |      4.1 |     6.0 |    19.1 |     68.6 |     43.9
    University ..........|       65.2 |    97.2 |    85.4 |     9.0 |      3.5 |     2.1 |     1.4 |     71.6 |     43.6
    Other 4-year ........|       59.4 |    94.6 |    77.1 |    19.7 |      4.3 |     9.2 |    30.2 |     66.3 |     44.0
  2-year ................|       57.1 |    93.7 |    85.3 |    50.7 |     16.3 |    26.6 |    39.8 |     60.9 |     51.9
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Public institutions .....|       62.9 |    96.3 |    83.7 |    21.7 |      8.6 |     8.4 |    36.6 |     69.4 |     47.4
  4-year ................|       64.0 |    96.5 |    83.5 |    18.0 |      5.3 |     7.3 |    11.3 |     70.8 |     45.9
    University ..........|       66.3 |    97.3 |    88.3 |     9.7 |      4.2 |     2.4 |     0.4 |     72.8 |     44.5
    Other 4-year ........|       62.3 |    95.9 |    79.9 |    23.4 |      5.7 |    10.6 |    23.5 |     69.1 |     46.7
  2-year ................|       57.3 |    93.7 |    85.6 |    51.4 |     16.7 |    26.7 |    39.7 |     61.0 |     52.2
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Private institutions ....|       56.7 |    93.9 |    73.8 |    11.8 |      1.5 |     1.0 |    33.3 |     63.7 |     39.8
  4-year ................|       56.8 |    93.9 |    73.8 |    11.6 |      1.4 |     1.0 |    31.2 |     63.7 |     39.8
    University ..........|       62.2 |    96.9 |    77.4 |     7.3 |      1.4 |     1.4 |     6.5 |     68.5 |     41.3
    Other 4-year ........|       53.9 |    91.9 |    72.0 |    13.5 |      1.5 |     0.5 |    36.3 |     60.9 |     39.2
  2-year ................|       45.7 |    90.2 |    70.9 |    29.0 |      4.3 |     --- |    49.7 |     53.1 |     39.3
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
         1992-93         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
All institutions ........|       63.4 |    95.8 |    81.3 |    17.3 |      9.0 |     6.4 |    71.4 |     70.1 |     48.9
  4-year ................|       61.7 |    95.9 |    80.8 |    14.1 |      4.2 |     5.3 |    21.3 |     68.9 |     44.1
    University ..........|       65.4 |    97.3 |    85.7 |     7.4 |      3.1 |     1.7 |     1.5 |     72.3 |     44.2
    Other 4-year ........|       59.2 |    94.8 |    77.6 |    17.9 |      4.6 |     8.4 |    28.9 |     66.5 |     44.0
  2-year ................|       71.2 |    94.6 |    86.3 |    51.1 |     20.4 |    21.0 |    75.9 |     76.8 |     63.9
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Public institutions .....|       66.3 |    96.7 |    84.8 |    20.7 |     11.2 |     7.8 |    74.1 |     72.8 |     52.4
  4-year ................|       64.4 |    97.0 |    84.6 |    16.2 |      5.4 |     6.5 |    12.9 |     71.6 |     46.3
    University ..........|       67.2 |    97.7 |    89.1 |     8.0 |      3.8 |     1.8 |     2.0 |     74.0 |     45.7
    Other 4-year ........|       62.4 |    96.3 |    81.0 |    21.5 |      6.0 |     9.8 |    19.3 |     69.6 |     46.7
  2-year ................|       72.0 |    94.7 |    86.5 |    52.5 |     20.8 |    21.2 |    77.0 |     77.5 |     64.9
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Private institutions ....|       56.1 |    93.6 |    73.6 |    10.7 |      2.2 |     1.2 |    37.7 |     63.5 |     40.0
  4-year ................|       56.4 |    93.6 |    73.6 |    10.6 |      2.1 |     1.2 |    30.3 |     63.6 |     40.1
    University ..........|       61.0 |    96.1 |    76.8 |     5.9 |      1.0 |     1.6 |     0.4 |     67.8 |     40.8
    Other 4-year ........|       54.0 |    92.0 |    72.1 |    12.6 |      2.3 |     0.6 |    36.7 |     61.2 |     39.8
  2-year ................|       44.8 |    89.1 |    75.5 |    17.6 |      6.7 |     --- |    46.6 |     52.0 |     37.4
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
       1993-94\1\        |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
All institutions ........|       64.2 |    96.0 |    81.8 |    17.0 |      7.0 |     2.2 |    76.2 |     71.0 |     49.9
  4-year ................|       62.3 |    96.3 |    81.6 |    14.2 |      4.0 |     1.8 |    22.8 |     69.8 |     44.8
    University ..........|       66.4 |    97.6 |    86.5 |     7.9 |      2.6 |     1.8 |     3.8 |     73.5 |     45.2
    Other 4-year ........|       59.7 |    95.3 |    78.4 |    17.6 |      4.5 |     1.9 |    30.7 |     67.1 |     44.6
  2-year ................|       72.9 |    92.6 |    84.1 |    46.9 |     15.9 |     8.4 |    80.4 |     78.1 |     66.2
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Public institutions .....|       67.0 |    96.9 |    85.5 |    20.2 |      8.9 |     2.4 |    78.0 |     73.7 |     53.3
  4-year ................|       65.1 |    97.4 |    85.7 |    16.3 |      5.2 |     2.0 |    13.6 |     72.5 |     47.1
    University ..........|       68.2 |    98.0 |    90.0 |     8.6 |      3.2 |     1.9 |     2.0 |     75.3 |     46.7
    Other 4-year ........|       62.8 |    96.9 |    82.4 |    21.1 |      6.1 |     2.0 |    20.0 |     70.2 |     47.3
  2-year ................|       73.2 |    93.0 |    84.4 |    47.8 |     16.2 |     8.4 |    80.6 |     78.4 |     66.6
                         |            |         |         |         |          |         |         |          |
Private institutions ....|       57.0 |    93.9 |    73.7 |    10.6 |      1.6 |     1.4 |    52.8 |     64.4 |     40.9
  4-year ................|       56.9 |    94.0 |    73.8 |    10.6 |      1.6 |     1.4 |    32.5 |     64.4 |     40.7
    University ..........|       61.9 |    96.4 |    77.4 |     6.2 |      0.8 |     1.5 |     6.8 |     68.9 |     41.6
    Other 4-year ........|       54.5 |    92.5 |    72.1 |    12.3 |      1.8 |     1.1 |    40.0 |     61.8 |     40.4
  2-year ................|       61.9 |    66.7 |    67.3 |    19.2 |      1.8 |     --- |    73.6 |     70.2 |     49.8

\1\Preliminary data.
---Data not available or not applicable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Faculty Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Instructional Faculty" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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