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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 225.Average base salaries of full-time instructional faculty and staff in institutions of higher education, by type and control of institution and by field of instruction: 1987-88 and 1992-93

                       |    All     |  Total  |  Total  | Public |Private | Public |Private | Public |Private |Private | Public | Other
       Field of        |institutions| Public  | Private |research|research|doctoral|doctoral|compre- |compre- |liberal | 2-year |
      instruction      |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |hensive |hensive |  arts  |        |
           1           |     2      |    3    |    4    |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8    |   9    |   10   |   11   |   12   |   13
                       |                                            1987-88
                       |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 Instructional         |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 faculty, in thousands.|        515 |     356 |     159 |    102 |     42 |     56 |     25 |     97 |     37 |     38 |     96 |     22
All fields.............|    $39,323 | $39,685 | $38,515 |$47,237 |$51,749 |$43,913 |$46,503 |$36,853 |$32,157 |$28,823 |$32,387 |$30,641
                       |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
Agriculture and home   |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  economics ...........|     39,381 |  39,593 |   ---   | 44,241 |  ---   | 35,357 |  ---   | 38,147 |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |  ---
Business ..............|     36,773 |  37,213 |  35,826 | 47,319 |  ---   | 39,958 |  ---   | 35,285 | 36,835 |  ---   | 33,086 | 28,685
Education .............|     32,916 |  34,557 |  27,252 | 37,275 |  ---   | 35,206 |  ---   | 33,947 | 27,227 | 23,896 | 33,432 |  ---
Engineering ...........|     42,438 |  41,787 |  44,780 | 49,875 |  ---   | 43,186 |  ---   | 40,896 | 41,843 |  ---   | 29,906 |  ---
Fine arts .............|     30,756 |  32,143 |  27,934 | 32,753 |  ---   | 31,012 |  ---   | 31,997 | 26,960 | 28,028 | 32,687 |  ---
Health ................|     52,717 |  52,381 |  53,391 | 59,702 | 62,702 | 57,760 | 54,682 | 46,429 | 38,756 |  ---   | 30,087 |  ---
Humanities ............|     34,478 |  35,837 |  32,403 | 37,653 | 39,817 | 31,965 | 37,642 | 36,251 | 30,145 | 30,989 | 35,324 | 28,271
Natural sciences ......|     38,860 |  39,338 |  37,790 | 47,098 | 50,174 | 40,571 | 38,129 | 37,944 | 31,506 | 30,691 | 32,261 | 30,479
Social sciences .......|     37,578 |  37,799 |  37,169 | 42,949 | 49,614 | 38,964 |  ---   | 36,521 | 31,384 | 29,039 | 33,366 |  ---
Other .................|     36,341 |  35,957 |  37,253 | 42,790 |  ---   | 36,922 |  ---   | 34,017 | 29,043 |  ---   | 30,692 | 36,032
                       |                                            1992-93
 Instructional         |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 faculty, in thousands.|        475 |     340 |     135 |     90 |     25 |     47 |     21 |     92 |     35 |     37 |    105 |     23
                       |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
All fields.............|    $46,966 | $46,958 | $46,984 |$56,719 |$64,306 |$51,858 |$56,018 |$43,575 |$43,424 |$37,660 |$39,415 |$40,333
                       |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
Agriculture and home   |            |         |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  economics ...........|     48,175 |  48,874 |   ---   | 55,506 |  ---   | 44,530 |  ---   | 43,507 |  ---   |  ---   | 39,859 |  ---
Business ..............|     49,392 |  50,100 |  47,494 | 65,282 |  ---   | 59,018 | 56,399 | 47,792 | 53,855 | 32,353 | 42,003 | 33,877
Education .............|     42,148 |  43,329 |  37,653 | 50,118 |  ---   | 42,280 | 49,440 | 41,475 | 37,964 | 32,422 | 41,182 |  ---
Engineering ...........|     55,634 |  56,005 |  54,190 | 66,887 | 60,999 | 53,583 | 54,945 | 48,778 | 46,083 |  ---   | 38,716 | 55,684
Fine arts .............|     40,714 |  39,389 |  42,726 | 41,460 | 87,606 | 39,463 | 37,963 | 39,169 | 35,956 | 37,816 | 37,638 | 33,761
Health ................|     56,079 |  54,572 |  60,616 | 74,158 | 74,041 | 64,120 | 69,211 | 38,333 | 46,058 | 42,354 | 35,828 | 40,748
Humanities ............|     41,058 |  41,679 |  39,723 | 44,006 | 44,762 | 39,931 | 43,171 | 40,881 | 41,176 | 37,723 | 41,266 | 36,344
Natural sciences ......|     48,445 |  47,670 |  50,464 | 55,520 | 67,333 | 52,072 | 59,281 | 46,013 | 46,792 | 37,559 | 39,715 | 41,875
Social sciences .......|     46,128 |  46,238 |  45,897 | 53,286 | 59,504 | 48,989 | 49,834 | 43,753 | 40,118 | 40,509 | 40,322 | 44,528
Other ...............  |     44,352 |  43,699 |  45,820 | 51,568 | 65,896 | 43,957 | 56,689 | 45,558 | 41,843 | 36,498 | 37,811 | 39,468

---Too few sample cases (fewer than 30) for a reliable estimate.

NOTE.--Data for 1992-93 differ from other tables because of adjustments to maintain consistency with the 1987-88 data. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF), 1987-88 and 1992-93. (This table was prepared August 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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