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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 163.Total and current expenditure per pupil in public elementary and secondary schools: 1919-20 to 1994-95

          |           Expenditure per pupil in            |          Expenditure per pupil in
          |           average daily attendance            |             fall enrollment\1\
  School  |                       |  Constant 1994-95\2\  |                       |  Constant 1994-95\2\
   year   |   Unadjusted dollars  |      dollars          |  Unadjusted dollars   |       dollars
          |   Total   |  Current  |   Total   |  Current  |   Total   |  Current  |   Total   |  Current
    1     |      2    |      3    |     4     |      5    |      6    |      7    |      8    |      9
1919-20 ..|       $64 |       $53 |      $505 |      $421 |       $48 |       $40 |      $378 |      $315
1929-30 ..|       108 |        87 |       953 |       762 |        90 |        72 |       789 |       631
1931-32 ..|        97 |        81 |     1,011 |       846 |        82 |        69 |       856 |       716
1933-34 ..|        76 |        67 |       866 |       766 |        65 |        57 |       736 |       651
1935-36 ..|        88 |        74 |       963 |       813 |        74 |        63 |       814 |       688
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1937-38 ..|       100 |        84 |     1,047 |       881 |        86 |        72 |       899 |       756
1939-40 ..|       106 |        88 |     1,138 |       948 |        92 |        76 |       986 |       822
1941-42 ..|       110 |        98 |     1,061 |       948 |        94 |        84 |       909 |       812
1943-44 ..|       125 |       117 |     1,076 |     1,010 |       105 |        99 |       907 |       851
1945-46 ..|       146 |       136 |     1,203 |     1,125 |       124 |       116 |     1,025 |       958
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1947-48 ..|       205 |       181 |     1,322 |     1,171 |       179 |       158 |     1,155 |     1,023
1949-50 ..|       260 |       210 |     1,654 |     1,336 |       231 |       187 |     1,467 |     1,185
1951-52 ..|       314 |       246 |     1,800 |     1,408 |       275 |       215 |     1,576 |     1,233
1953-54 ..|       351 |       265 |     1,963 |     1,481 |       312 |       236 |     1,746 |     1,317
1955-56 ..|       387 |       294 |     2,165 |     1,646 |       354 |       269 |     1,979 |     1,505
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1957-58 ..|       447 |       341 |     2,357 |     1,797 |       408 |       311 |     2,149 |     1,639
1959-60 ..|       471 |       375 |     2,411 |     1,920 |       440 |       350 |     2,252 |     1,794
1961-62 ..|       517 |       419 |     2,588 |     2,097 |       485 |       393 |     2,428 |     1,967
1963-64 ..|       559 |       460 |     2,725 |     2,245 |       520 |       428 |     2,536 |     2,089
1965-66 ..|       654 |       538 |     3,082 |     2,535 |       607 |       499 |     2,861 |     2,353
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1967-68 ..|       786 |       658 |     3,478 |     2,911 |       732 |       612 |     3,236 |     2,708
1969-70 ..|       955 |       816 |     3,803 |     3,249 |       878 |       750 |     3,495 |     2,987
1970-71 ..|     1,049 |       911 |     3,973 |     3,450 |       970 |       842 |     3,672 |     3,188
1971-72 ..|     1,128 |       990 |     4,122 |     3,617 |     1,034 |       907 |     3,780 |     3,317
1972-73 ..|     1,211 |     1,077 |     4,253 |     3,784 |     1,116 |       993 |     3,922 |     3,489
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1973-74 ..|     1,364 |     1,207 |     4,400 |     3,894 |     1,244 |     1,101 |     4,013 |     3,552
1974-75 ..|     1,545 |     1,365 |     4,486 |     3,963 |     1,424 |     1,258 |     4,135 |     3,652
1975-76 ..|     1,697 |     1,504 |     4,603 |     4,078 |     1,564 |     1,385 |     4,241 |     3,757
1976-77 ..|     1,816 |     1,638 |     4,654 |     4,196 |     1,673 |     1,509 |     4,288 |     3,866
1977-78 ..|     2,002 |     1,823 |     4,809 |     4,377 |     1,842 |     1,677 |     4,423 |     4,026
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1978-79 ..|     2,210 |     2,020 |     4,852 |     4,436 |     2,029 |     1,855 |     4,456 |     4,074
1979-80 ..|     2,491 |     2,272 |     4,825 |     4,401 |     2,290 |     2,089 |     4,437 |     4,047
1980-81 ..|\3\  2,742 |     2,502 |\3\  4,762 |     4,344 |\3\  2,529 |     2,307 |\3\  4,392 |     4,006
1981-82 ..|\3\  2,973 |     2,726 |\3\  4,752 |     4,356 |\3\  2,754 |     2,525 |\3\  4,402 |     4,035
1982-83 ..|\3\  3,203 |     2,955 |\3\  4,909 |     4,529 |\3\  2,966 |     2,736 |\3\  4,545 |     4,193
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1983-84 ..|\3\  3,471 |     3,173 |\3\  5,130 |     4,689 |\3\  3,216 |     2,940 |\3\  4,752 |     4,344
1984-85 ..|\3\  3,722 |     3,470 |\3\  5,293 |     4,935 |\3\  3,456 |     3,222 |\3\  4,914 |     4,582
1985-86 ..|\3\  4,020 |     3,756 |\3\  5,556 |     5,191 |\3\  3,724 |     3,479 |\3\  5,148 |     4,809
1986-87 ..|\3\  4,308 |     3,970 |\3\  5,825 |     5,369 |\3\  3,995 |     3,682 |\3\  5,402 |     4,979
1987-88 ..|\3\  4,654 |     4,240 |\3\  6,043 |     5,505 |\3\  4,310 |     3,927 |\3\  5,596 |     5,098
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1988-89 ..|     5,109 |     4,645 |     6,341 |     5,764 |     4,738 |     4,307 |     5,880 |     5,345
1989-90 ..|     5,542 |     4,972 |     6,565 |     5,889 |     5,167 |     4,635 |     6,121 |     5,491
1990-91 ..|     5,885 |     5,258 |     6,610 |     5,905 |     5,486 |     4,902 |     6,162 |     5,505
1991-92 ..|     6,075 |     5,421 |     6,611 |     5,900 |     5,629 |     5,023 |     6,126 |     5,467
1992-93 ..|     6,305 |     5,594 |     6,653 |     5,904 |     5,826 |     5,170 |     6,149 |     5,456
          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
1993-94\3\|     6,653 |     5,903 |     6,843 |     6,072 |     6,148 |     5,455 |     6,324 |     5,612
1994-95\3\|     6,857 |     6,084 |     6,857 |     6,084 |     6,336 |     5,623 |     6,336 |     5,623

1/Data for 1919-20 to 1953-54 are based on school-year enrollment.
2/Based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.

NOTE.--Beginning in 1980-81, state administration expenditures are excluded from both "total" and "current" expenditures. Beginning in 1988-89, extensive changes were made in the data collection procedures. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems; Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education; and Common Core of Data surveys. (This table was prepared May 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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