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  Details for 11/20/2008

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Date 11/20/2008
Subject Medicares Practical Guide to the E-Prescribing Incentive Program is now available online
Audience All

"Medicare's Practical Guide to the E-Prescribing Incentive Program" is now available online!

The guide explains the e-prescribing incentive program, how eligible professionals can participate, and how to choose a qualified e-prescribing system. To read or print the guide, visit: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/partnerships/downloads/11399.pdf.

By adopting e-prescribing through Medicare's program, eligible professionals can save time, enhance office and pharmacy productivity, and improve patient safety and quality of care while earning incentives from Medicare.

For additional information about e-prescribing, you can also visit:
www.cms.hhs.gov/PQRI. Select "E-prescribing Incentive Program";
www.cms.hhs.gov/eprescribing. (for information on Part D e-prescribing standards that will be effective April 1, 2009); and
www.ehealthinitiative.org to download "A Clinician's Guide to Electronic Prescribing."

Continuing Education Credits Available
On October 6 "7, 2008, CMS and 34 partner organizations hosted the National E-Prescribing Conference to promote and explain the potential of e-prescribing to improve health care in the United States. Sessions included the e-prescribing incentive payment program; strategies and tools for integrating e-prescribing with current health care delivery practices; and privacy, security, and risk management implications.

The Massachusetts Medical Society and the American Pharmacists Association will provide continuing education for selected presentations from the conference through an online education portal. Available credits are a maximum of 22.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits , and Continuing Education for pharmacists (up to 13.25 hours of continuing education credit (1.325 CEUs)). To view or listen to the presentations, and complete an online test on each segment, go to www.massmed.org/cme/CMS_eprescribing.

Additional information is available on the National E-Prescribing Conference site at http://www.epsilonregistration.com/er/EventHomePage/CustomPage.jsp?ActivityID=378&ItemID=1117.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services looks forward to working with you on the adoption of e-prescribing and implementation of the incentive program.


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Last Modified Date : 12/15/2008
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