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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 349. Current-fund expenditures of public degree-granting institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1980–81 through 2000–01 

[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction 1980–81 1985–86 1990–91 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–991  1999–2000 2000–01 Percent change, 1995–96 to 2000–01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
United States $42,279,806 $63,193,853 $92,961,093 $115,464,975 $119,524,500 $125,428,736 $132,846,205 $140,538,586 $152,324,948 $170,344,840 42.5
Alabama 839,366 1,324,774 2,054,798 2,648,077 2,715,643 2,840,619 3,013,873 3,202,503 3,337,958 3,508,298 29.2
Alaska 158,700 224,042 289,606 336,584 352,811 344,723 349,939 361,140 385,553 432,793 22.7
Arizona 691,481 1,017,203 1,586,891 1,854,180 1,976,169 2,070,170 2,232,166 2,350,274 2,508,136 2,677,742 35.5
Arkansas 340,621 528,831 797,291 1,070,668 1,181,083 1,247,987 1,318,057 1,430,166 1,528,643 1,636,672 38.6
California 5,775,482 8,515,440 12,023,304 13,899,338 14,284,348 15,489,455 16,349,033 17,894,180 20,204,478 22,674,570 58.7
Colorado 738,363 1,057,558 1,452,137 1,862,438 1,974,306 2,077,034 2,257,920 2,358,290 2,440,045 2,630,166 33.2
Connecticut 367,850 562,696 886,846 1,134,014 1,168,038 1,193,722 1,301,238 1,419,257 1,568,490 1,621,083 38.8
Delaware 158,332 229,377 367,012 469,085 491,597 510,290 542,429 578,210 606,042 625,737 27.3
District of Columbia 71,791 80,764 97,556 99,351 103,072 92,985 69,345 83,575 81,990 91,938 -10.8
Florida 1,170,305 1,782,180 2,896,046 3,549,470 3,714,984 3,968,197 4,235,932 4,634,378 4,947,847 5,442,666 46.5
Georgia 754,060 1,255,964 1,929,993 2,728,682 2,835,505 3,043,813 3,337,172 3,506,991 3,955,764 4,049,036 42.8
Hawaii 222,718 312,248 498,307 653,303 634,970 638,096 684,248 688,307 679,287 737,605 16.2
Idaho 166,844 238,438 353,561 473,733 510,601 530,013 556,349 603,889 626,644 685,758 34.3
Illinois 1,780,403 2,571,409 3,528,967 4,293,437 4,498,142 4,712,347 4,942,580 5,217,493 5,525,410 5,932,860 31.9
Indiana 1,064,395 1,602,203 2,391,173 2,967,184 2,783,027 3,021,556 3,298,268 3,429,404 3,633,100 3,852,626 38.4
Iowa 767,590 1,092,542 1,734,476 2,051,631 2,163,536 2,233,470 2,368,381 2,478,128 2,612,023 2,603,053 20.3
Kansas 579,857 848,602 1,190,573 1,495,926 1,547,154 1,587,212 1,692,700 1,687,445 1,734,127 1,830,606 18.3
Kentucky 673,775 898,718 1,400,529 1,663,738 1,779,945 1,994,760 2,061,525 2,235,257 2,442,117 2,589,557 45.5
Louisiana 716,702 1,039,177 1,439,415 1,909,675 1,970,177 2,056,770 2,890,392 3,051,898 3,236,605 3,293,683 67.2
Maine 153,658 216,737 355,074 391,269 407,819 431,850 442,573 475,783 507,930 549,851 34.8
Maryland 795,100 1,064,430 1,684,341 1,997,636 2,136,898 2,309,739 2,490,326 2,567,437 2,920,899 3,141,491 47.0
Massachusetts 553,019 980,585 1,435,063 1,557,225 1,647,254 1,739,959 1,915,680 1,992,772 2,149,182 2,337,046 41.9
Michigan 2,053,795 2,946,336 4,416,914 5,395,757 5,653,791 5,980,104 6,293,933 6,658,103 7,329,879 7,966,990 40.9
Minnesota 876,632 1,324,691 2,012,225 2,624,464 2,694,395 2,583,477 2,607,348 2,763,990 2,898,495 3,076,832 14.2
Mississippi 539,222 706,380 978,366 1,358,795 1,440,692 1,490,260 1,636,580 1,816,580 2,008,628 2,111,975 46.6
Missouri 687,643 999,869 1,453,608 1,836,878 1,994,150 2,117,072 2,257,626 2,402,362 2,617,736 2,836,688 42.3
Montana 121,894 182,102 254,175 376,618 402,792 443,314 450,665 474,278 507,851 552,708 37.2
Nebraska 378,928 537,858 848,778 1,076,670 1,143,547 1,218,519 1,089,700 1,158,111 1,225,449 1,259,443 10.1
Nevada 111,347 180,107 330,592 447,901 505,518 547,065 597,026 648,485 701,413 757,424 49.8
New Hampshire 134,391 183,959 281,542 371,554 390,816 405,304 424,077 439,768 469,642 500,329 28.0
New Jersey 903,169 1,406,490 2,309,968 2,982,535 3,064,901 3,147,805 3,276,738 3,479,536 3,853,074 4,127,205 34.7
New Mexico 325,960 456,600 896,299 1,278,741 1,329,422 1,372,587 1,439,205 1,502,684 1,609,904 1,727,683 30.0
New York 2,519,104 3,802,602 5,605,621 6,922,118 6,728,593 6,872,196 7,180,732 7,170,827 7,798,717 13,541,832 101.3
North Carolina 1,128,383 1,799,173 2,581,156 3,406,215 3,538,606 3,791,447 4,057,906 4,335,879 4,665,386 5,062,536 43.1
North Dakota 192,046 288,214 367,959 456,730 440,332 450,580 472,760 481,388 487,364 516,617 17.3
Ohio 1,784,754 2,718,408 4,084,840 4,907,686 4,818,930 4,880,235 5,248,688 5,521,383 6,010,509 6,433,761 33.5
Oklahoma 583,174 844,829 1,057,248 1,263,002 1,329,938 1,458,358 1,592,465 1,698,453 1,904,467 2,129,124 60.1
Oregon 642,411 880,696 1,329,794 1,756,424 1,815,638 1,984,619 2,107,519 2,270,364 2,503,013 2,699,552 48.7
Pennsylvania 1,544,586 2,392,145 3,602,685 4,506,833 4,781,347 4,919,829 4,961,929 5,303,351 5,678,716 6,454,947 35.0
Rhode Island 158,365 213,253 292,199 344,457 353,270 368,598 376,190 401,526 421,252 451,179 27.7
South Carolina 617,963 951,848 1,475,074 1,817,631 1,903,952 2,020,736 2,192,724 2,311,108 2,515,415 2,194,033 15.2
South Dakota 124,103 149,092 197,853 252,443 290,868 294,514 319,705 335,243 350,211 382,250 31.4
Tennessee 665,885 1,081,052 1,585,614 2,042,171 2,062,547 2,126,871 2,185,603 2,286,000 2,258,072 2,430,880 17.9
Texas 2,736,276 4,375,082 5,959,584 7,817,433 8,300,915 8,758,306 9,313,169 9,843,327 10,820,078 12,744,081 53.5
Utah 405,314 669,714 993,625 1,354,017 1,442,592 1,536,120 1,654,048 1,867,303 1,978,429 2,085,409 44.6
Vermont 122,708 188,112 274,746 316,455 329,457 347,605 355,673 374,752 411,271 426,370 29.4
Virginia 1,143,755 1,825,156 2,812,109 3,414,167 3,515,201 3,804,552 3,608,285 3,832,003 4,085,736 4,415,701 25.6
Washington 993,171 1,399,780 2,157,074 2,807,168 2,945,074 3,102,644 3,599,004 3,521,717 3,807,514 4,205,962 42.8
West Virginia 317,482 376,293 548,802 674,664 718,596 741,058 755,252 799,193 847,145 916,466 27.5
Wisconsin 1,208,396 1,754,395 2,469,260 2,941,034 3,024,877 2,827,128 3,088,341 3,255,308 3,512,443 3,814,064 26.1
Wyoming 126,082 203,307 240,216 294,334 291,864 296,393 305,567 314,762 333,127 354,195 21.4
U.S. Service Schools 592,454 912,393 1,150,209 1,313,438 1,394,800 1,406,676 1,047,619 1,024,025 1,081,740 1,223,770 -12.3
Other jurisdictions 268,310 451,370 516,958 727,524 809,779 864,454 924,241 940,891 975,025 1,048,185 29.4
American Samoa 1,609 1,092 3,187 3,483 15,486 6,462 7,532 7,103 7,289 3,994 -74.2
Federated States of Micronesia 3,777 5,056 8,442 7,381 6,949 7,288 9,111 11,031 30.7
Guam 16,100 31,310 57,645 81,148 68,230 69,168 73,311 73,140 73,052 74,747 9.6
Marshall Islands 1,237 1,282 1,566 1,781 3,143 3,453 1,478 15.2
Northern Marianas 1,350 2,798 12,366 15,029 16,393 16,536 13,557 14,759 342 -97.7
Palau 3,837 3,667 5,942 3,940 4,032 4,567 4,127 4,494 -24.4
Puerto Rico 237,319 394,046 385,511 586,910 659,617 724,397 780,586 793,069 825,102 902,747 36.9
Trust Territory of the Pacific 1,447 5,992
Virgin Islands 11,835 17,580 60,202 33,656 35,750 35,149 33,513 39,023 38,131 49,352 38.0
1 Data were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
NOTE: Data through 1994–95 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys, 1980–81 and 1985–86; and 1990–91 through 2000–01 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY91–99), and Spring 2001 and Spring 2002. (This table was prepared October 2003.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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