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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 384. Full-time employment status of bachelor's degree recipients 1 year after graduation, by field of study: 1976 to 2001

                                          |                                                 |  Percent employed full-time in a job             |    Percent employed full-time
                                          |             Percent employed full-time          |   closely related to field of study              |    in nonprofessional jobs\1\
              Field of study              |1974-75|1979-80|1983-84|1985-86|1989-90|1999-2000|1974-75|1979-80|1983-84|1985-86|1989-90|1999-2000 |1974-75|1979-80|1983-84|1985-86|1989-90
                                          |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- | gradu-  |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- | gradu-   |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu- |gradu-
                                          |ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in  |ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in   |ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in|ates in
                                          |  May  |  May  | June  | June  | June  | July    |  May  |  May  | June  | June  | June  |  July    |  May  |  May  | June  | June  | June
                                          | 1976  | 1981  | 1985  | 1987  | 1991  | 2001    | 1976  | 1981  | 1985  | 1987  | 1991  |  2001    | 1976  | 1981  | 1985  | 1987  | 1991
                    1                     |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7     |   8   |   9   |  10   |  11   |  12   |   13     |  14   |  15   |  16   |  17   |  18
         Total ...........................|     67|     71|     73|     74|     74|84 (0.6) |     35|     38|     38|     38|     39|  52 (0.8)|     10|     12|     13|     14|     13
  Professional/technical fields ..........|     77|     80|     82|     81|     80|88 (0.8) |     51|     51|     47|     47|     48|  63 (1.3)|      9|     10|     13|     11|     11
  Arts and sciences fields ...............|     56|     56|     56|     62|     64|77 (1.1) |     18|     17|     15|     25|     26|  39 (1.3)|     12|     14|     15|     15|     14
  Other ..................................|     65|     74|     75|     74|     73|88 (1.2) |     36|     43|     47|     36|     38|  45 (2.2)|      9|     19|     12|     17|     13
Newly qualified to teach .................|     66|     75|     73|     68|     74|82 (1.0) |     43|     56|     54|     47|     58|  44 (1.3)|      7|      8|      9|      9|      6
                                          |       |       |       |       |       |         |       |       |       |       |       |          |       |       |       |       |
Not newly qualified to teach .............|     67|     71|     73|     74|     73|86 (0.7) |     33|     36|     36|     37|     36|  56 (1.1)|     12|     13|     13|     14|     14
  Professional/technical fields ..........|     80|     81|     82|     82|     83|89 (0.9) |     52|     49|     47|     47|     48|  66 (1.5)|     10|     10|     13|     11|     12
    Engineering ..........................|     79|     84|     84|     83|     84|87 (2.3) |     57|     55|     53|     46|     50|  71 (3.3)|      4|      2|      3|      5|      3
    Business and management ..............|     84|     83|     85|     85|     83|93 (1.2) |     49|     44|     41|     40|     42|  62 (2.3)|     15|     14|     19|     17|     16
    Health ...............................|     75|     77|     75|     76|     86|84 (1.7) |     71|     66|     70|     65|     83|  81 (2.3)|      2|      4|      2|      3|      1
    Education\2\ .........................|     66|     67|     63|     73|     67|81 (6.9) |     22|     29|     24|     57|     39|  30 (9.2)|     12|     18|     16|      9|     11
    Public affairs and services ..........|   --- |     77|     74|     72|     66|87 (2.8) |   --- |     46|     31|     37|     49|  58 (4.6)|   --- |     10|     15|     20|      9
  Arts and sciences fields ...............|     57|     56|     56|     63|     64|77 (1.5) |     17|     16|     15|     25|     23|  42 (1.8)|     13|     15|     15|     15|     15
    Biological sciences ..................|     56|     45|     43|     42|     50|66 (3.9) |     26|     18|     17|     15|     26|  47 (5.0)|      6|      8|     11|     11|      8
    Physical sciences and mathematics\3\ .|     50|     58|     51|     76|     72|89 (2.3) |     19|     29|     20|     48|     48|  66 (3.4)|      6|      2|      7|      9|      7
    Psychology ...........................|     61|     56|     57|     66|     59|80 (3.2) |     22|     17|     12|     22|     22|  37 (4.5)|     18|     17|     16|     19|     14
    Social sciences ......................|     59|     61|     61|     61|     68|76 (2.8) |     12|     10|     13|     12|     16|  25 (3.1)|     15|     21|     14|     17|     20
    Humanities ...........................|     56|     55|     59|     59|     59|72 (3.5) |     12|     14|     17|     19|     11|  41 (3.9)|     17|     18|     19|     19|     21
  Other ..................................|     68|     75|     77|     75|     73|89 (1.5) |     36|     43|     42|     36|     37|  48 (2.8)|     10|     20|     14|     21|     14
    Communications .......................|   --- |     71|     76|     77|     75|--- (---)|   --- |     31|     31|     33|     29|--- (---) |   --- |     24|     16|     18|     17
    Miscellaneous ........................|     66|     76|     77|     74|     73|--- (---)|     35|     46|     46|     38|     38|--- (---) |     11|     19|     13|     23|     13

---Not available.
\1\Includes those not working in technical, managerial, or administrative types of jobs who reported that they did not need a college degree to obtain their job. Data not collected in 2001.
\2\Includes those who have not finished all requirements for teaching certification or were previously qualified to teach.
\3\Includes computer sciences.

NOTE: Data are from sample surveys of recent college graduates. Notes on methodology are included in the Guide to Sources. Data exclude bachelor's recipients from U.S. Service Schools. Deceased graduates and graduates living at foreign addresses at the time of the survey are not included. Data not available for 2001 on percent of graduates employed full-time in nonprofessional jobs. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Recent College Graduates" surveys, 1976 through 1991; and 2000/01 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:2000/01). (This table was prepared September 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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