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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 338. Current-fund revenue of public degree-granting institutions, by source of funds and state or jurisdiction: 1999-2000 [In thousands]

                      |            |           |Federal appro-|State appro-|Local appro-|  Private  |          |           |           |Educational
State or jurisdiction |   Total    |  Tuition  |  priations,  | priations, | priations, |  gifts,   |Endowment | Auxiliary | Hospitals |activities
                      |            |    and    | grants, and  |grants, and |grants, and |grants, and|  income  |enterprises|           | and other
                      |            |   fees    | contracts\1\ | contracts  | contracts  | contracts |          |           |           |
          1           |     2      |     3     |      4       |     5      |     6      |     7     |    8     |     9     |    10     |    11
   United States .....|$157,313,664|$29,125,603|   $16,952,116| $56,369,564|  $6,039,978| $7,488,781|$1,170,163|$15,174,301|$13,990,587|$11,002,571
Alabama ..............|   3,525,748|    580,889|       426,717|   1,044,434|       9,800|    114,811|    31,766|    247,869|    886,164|    183,298
Alaska ...............|     397,313|     48,713|        67,227|     184,359|      13,676|     28,533|     4,558|     30,160|          0|     20,087
Arizona ..............|   2,603,994|    559,965|       340,114|     913,198|     305,828|    138,429|     7,666|    214,069|          0|    124,725
Arkansas .............|   1,563,411|    231,783|       116,837|     647,504|       9,323|     56,866|     4,951|    122,260|    300,087|     73,801
California ...........|  21,234,035|  2,415,485|     2,185,650|   7,704,082|   1,821,342|    970,213|   129,564|  1,484,348|  2,242,697|  2,280,653
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Colorado .............|   2,566,648|    660,338|       538,205|     697,333|      32,634|    128,394|    18,248|    296,112|     11,185|    184,199
Connecticut ..........|   1,567,975|    294,881|        92,177|     709,226|         181|     39,363|     1,272|    110,262|    260,873|     59,739
Delaware .............|     661,232|    222,544|        63,199|     190,596|      11,902|     28,021|    33,831|     72,066|          0|     39,072
District of Columbia .|      73,866|     11,565|         7,790|           0|      49,251|      1,550|       551|      1,374|          0|      1,784
Florida ..............|   5,069,280|    908,312|       506,213|   2,685,235|       4,442|    258,327|         0|    451,426|          0|    255,325
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Georgia ..............|   4,044,009|    618,902|       332,614|   2,075,454|      27,875|    216,787|     4,514|    308,668|    292,060|    167,135
Hawaii ...............|     650,138|    111,085|       142,007|     290,297|       1,164|     21,761|     2,450|     67,962|          0|     13,412
Idaho ................|     639,263|    136,378|        50,697|     299,085|      10,793|     28,366|    12,721|     62,418|          0|     38,804
Illinois .............|   5,577,595|  1,010,793|       518,098|   1,996,534|     508,428|    188,530|     6,775|    559,347|    292,200|    496,891
Indiana ..............|   3,779,471|    915,337|       271,293|   1,314,467|       6,500|    179,338|    13,885|    793,546|          0|    285,106
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Iowa .................|   2,686,809|    403,878|       325,488|     820,707|      38,444|    100,838|     8,142|    282,687|    495,278|    211,347
Kansas ...............|   1,767,439|    323,774|       171,134|     689,272|     154,209|     69,851|    53,462|    163,409|          0|    142,329
Kentucky .............|   2,600,972|    421,332|       192,213|     996,073|       9,632|    133,381|    21,419|    190,586|    325,377|    310,960
Louisiana ............|   3,234,279|    428,139|       158,343|     997,961|       5,375|    120,549|     9,180|    255,660|    983,963|    275,109
Maine ................|     525,720|    123,899|        43,845|     227,803|          28|     25,554|     5,055|     60,287|          0|     39,248
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Maryland .............|   3,027,414|    731,378|       363,043|   1,031,636|     177,057|    217,960|    11,964|    339,875|          0|    154,499
Massachusetts ........|   2,238,572|    518,152|       214,299|   1,007,194|       8,374|     72,571|     3,830|    219,657|      6,959|    187,537
Michigan .............|   7,849,161|  1,693,378|       724,550|   1,965,006|     291,264|    446,958|    57,532|  1,291,148|    824,757|    554,567
Minnesota ............|   2,938,833|    610,692|       358,609|   1,235,994|       5,258|    235,989|    15,997|    314,189|          0|    162,105
Mississippi ..........|   2,065,635|    278,277|       233,114|     873,656|      40,973|     61,453|     3,856|    181,560|    301,142|     91,603
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Missouri .............|   2,757,064|    590,169|       169,152|     985,717|      94,241|    113,602|    22,816|    252,633|    325,158|    203,575
Montana ..............|     516,443|    124,122|        89,128|     139,991|       6,163|     38,832|       487|     71,391|          0|     46,328
Nebraska .............|   1,254,988|    190,347|       154,412|     499,624|      30,280|     96,094|     3,631|    149,902|     71,877|     58,822
Nevada ...............|     688,812|    123,327|        65,479|     335,985|      11,301|     33,414|     4,617|     68,170|          0|     46,519
New Hampshire ........|     505,905|    193,481|        55,905|     101,322|       2,871|     25,416|     7,298|     97,765|          0|     21,846
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
New Jersey ...........|   4,006,134|    901,983|       258,709|   1,371,402|     175,900|    152,895|    21,124|    322,040|    555,256|    246,825
New Mexico ...........|   1,707,437|    147,064|       275,521|     591,772|      61,451|     78,834|    15,425|     94,675|    274,376|    168,319
New York .............|   7,860,352|  1,724,619|       584,117|   2,985,961|     475,379|    324,305|    21,740|    503,391|  1,030,892|    209,950
North Carolina .......|   4,783,002|    601,395|       524,985|   2,266,383|     115,516|    254,470|    34,341|    837,438|          0|    148,473
North Dakota .........|     505,360|    107,301|        80,047|     173,126|       1,107|     27,127|     4,738|     63,625|          0|     48,289
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Ohio .................|   6,150,522|  1,664,197|       395,603|   1,981,643|     114,270|    284,307|    78,253|    620,545|    715,486|    296,218
Oklahoma .............|   1,939,681|    289,889|       398,576|     789,257|      22,258|     92,013|    13,488|    263,044|          0|     71,155
Oregon ...............|   2,599,437|    395,611|       400,733|     659,313|     114,227|    167,176|     4,487|    235,898|    445,631|    176,361
Pennsylvania .........|   5,895,701|  1,731,453|       630,878|   1,411,638|     103,646|    244,195|    57,419|    504,288|    869,501|    342,681
Rhode Island .........|     426,782|    126,267|        53,262|     160,246|           0|     10,006|         0|     57,654|          0|     19,346
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
South Carolina .......|   2,516,539|    467,169|       228,947|     878,057|      36,928|     99,068|     3,151|    248,154|    473,290|     81,774
South Dakota .........|     362,193|     88,342|        51,176|     137,027|       1,216|     16,726|       958|     35,658|          0|     31,091
Tennessee ............|   2,368,878|    489,684|       310,069|     984,526|      19,763|    131,038|    21,656|    195,594|     74,400|    142,148
Texas ................|  11,336,629|  1,884,072|     1,050,266|   4,397,024|     666,097|    478,429|   278,227|    665,254|    629,024|  1,288,235
Utah .................|   1,918,070|    243,412|       222,080|     529,256|       2,841|    141,212|    15,852|    134,289|    334,073|    295,055
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
Vermont ..............|     407,181|    174,473|        49,418|      57,879|           0|     36,320|     6,604|     43,298|          0|     39,189
Virginia .............|   4,145,226|    860,417|       370,100|   1,394,763|      15,787|    230,134|    50,316|    615,614|    522,847|     85,248
Washington ...........|   3,888,798|    703,131|       597,161|   1,284,942|      39,386|    210,733|    21,729|    457,738|    355,271|    218,706
West Virginia ........|     864,530|    217,815|        81,914|     403,120|       2,150|     28,111|         0|    101,618|          0|     29,803
Wisconsin ............|   3,601,098|    771,819|       444,301|   1,105,166|     363,540|    270,825|    15,536|    311,872|          0|    318,040
Wyoming ..............|     337,773|     53,028|        43,273|     147,293|      19,903|     13,615|     3,083|     42,338|          0|     15,241
                      |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
U.S. Service Schools .|   1,080,319|      1,150|       923,429|          24|           0|      5,488|         0|     59,468|     90,761|          0
   Outlying areas ....|   1,060,191|     97,970|       166,441|     688,452|      22,296|     14,733|     7,894|     14,573|     32,650|     15,183
American Samoa .......|       5,572|      1,018|         1,403|           0|       2,800|          0|       255|         96|          0|          0
Federated States of   |            |           |              |            |            |           |          |           |           |
  Micronesia .........|       8,480|      1,945|         2,526|         156|       3,047|        132|         0|        674|          0|          0
Guam .................|      69,477|     12,140|         8,507|      30,721|      10,899|      1,883|       194|      2,400|          0|      2,734
Marshall Islands .....|       2,940|        121|           667|         471|           0|          0|       162|         90|          0|      1,430
Northern Marianas ....|      14,317|      2,450|         3,773|       7,958|           0|          0|       136|          0|          0|          0
Palau ................|       4,918|      1,013|           742|       2,345|           0|          0|       312|        505|          0|          0
Puerto Rico ..........|     913,465|     72,887|       141,982|     625,780|       5,550|     10,131|     6,478|      7,222|     32,650|     10,787
Virgin Islands .......|      41,023|      6,396|         6,843|      21,022|           0|      2,588|       358|      3,585|          0|        232

\1\Includes independent operations (federally funded research and development centers).

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" survey. (This table was prepared August 2002.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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