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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 290. Earned degrees in mathematics conferred by degree-granting institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 to 2001-02

            |     Bachelor's degrees   |       Master's degrees   |   Doctor's degrees
    Year    |__________________________|__________________________|_______________________
            | Total  |  Men   | Women  | Total  |  Men   | Women  | Total |  Men  | Women
     1      |   2    |   3    |   4    |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8   |   9   |  10
1949-50 ....|   6,382|   4,942|   1,440|     974|     784|     190|    160|    151|      9
1959-60 ....|  11,399|   8,293|   3,106|   1,757|   1,422|     335|    303|    285|     18
1967-68 ....|  23,513|  14,782|   8,731|   5,527|   4,199|   1,328|    947|    895|     52
1969-70 ....|  27,442|  17,177|  10,265|   5,636|   3,966|   1,670|  1,236|  1,140|     96
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1970-71 ....|  24,937|  15,498|   9,439|   5,695|   4,149|   1,546|  1,249|  1,154|     95
1971-72 ....|  23,807|  14,542|   9,265|   5,537|   3,976|   1,561|  1,165|  1,075|     90
1972-73 ....|  23,186|  13,910|   9,276|   5,397|   3,878|   1,519|  1,089|    987|    102
1973-74 ....|  21,761|  12,912|   8,849|   5,306|   3,784|   1,522|  1,093|    992|    101
1974-75 ....|  18,460|  10,853|   7,607|   4,816|   3,358|   1,458|  1,048|    936|    112
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1975-76 ....|  16,329|   9,788|   6,541|   4,315|   2,961|   1,354|    909|    812|     97
1976-77 ....|  14,395|   8,476|   5,919|   4,109|   2,762|   1,347|    859|    748|    111
1977-78 ....|  13,065|   7,806|   5,259|   3,862|   2,635|   1,227|    848|    722|    126
1978-79 ....|  12,329|   7,301|   5,028|   3,553|   2,412|   1,141|    769|    644|    125
1979-80 ....|  11,872|   6,951|   4,921|   3,382|   2,262|   1,120|    763|    659|    104
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1980-81 ....|  11,433|   6,614|   4,819|   3,074|   2,106|     968|    775|    656|    119
1981-82 ....|  12,226|   6,999|   5,227|   3,263|   2,257|   1,006|    721|    623|     98
1982-83 ....|  12,719|   7,175|   5,544|   3,398|   2,316|   1,082|    731|    611|    120
1983-84 ....|  13,764|   7,716|   6,048|   3,244|   2,178|   1,066|    743|    614|    129
1984-85 ....|  15,861|   8,537|   7,324|   3,413|   2,289|   1,124|    734|    620|    114
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1985-86 ....|  17,147|   9,216|   7,931|   3,607|   2,397|   1,210|    777|    648|    129
1986-87 ....|  16,999|   9,110|   7,889|   3,730|   2,328|   1,402|    759|    628|    131
1987-88 ....|  16,608|   8,919|   7,689|   3,867|   2,391|   1,476|    796|    668|    128
1988-89 ....|  15,994|   8,662|   7,332|   3,903|   2,418|   1,485|    915|    737|    178
1989-90 ....|  15,176|   8,236|   6,940|   4,146|   2,568|   1,578|    966|    794|    172
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1990-91 ....|  15,310|   8,178|   7,132|   4,041|   2,446|   1,595|  1,036|    837|    199
1991-92 ....|  14,783|   7,888|   6,895|   4,011|   2,452|   1,559|  1,082|    851|    231
1992-93 ....|  14,812|   7,827|   6,985|   4,067|   2,455|   1,612|  1,189|    906|    283
1993-94 ....|  14,396|   7,735|   6,661|   4,100|   2,536|   1,564|  1,157|    904|    253
1994-95 ....|  13,723|   7,295|   6,428|   4,181|   2,543|   1,638|  1,226|    955|    271
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
1995-96 ....|  13,143|   7,134|   6,009|   4,031|   2,465|   1,566|  1,209|    962|    247
1996-97 ....|  12,820|   6,908|   5,912|   3,783|   2,241|   1,542|  1,174|    891|    283
1997-98 ....|  12,328|   6,596|   5,732|   3,643|   2,151|   1,492|  1,259|    936|    323
1998-99 ....|  12,539|   6,545|   5,994|   3,466|   2,027|   1,439|  1,124|    830|    294
1999-2000 ..|  12,070|   6,382|   5,688|   3,412|   1,881|   1,531|  1,106|    830|    276
            |        |        |        |        |        |        |       |       |
2000-01 ....|  11,674|   6,107|   5,567|   3,373|   1,962|   1,411|  1,024|    729|    295
2001-02 ....|  12,395|   6,608|   5,787|   3,487|   2,009|   1,478|    958|    680|    278

NOTE: Includes degrees conferred in statistics. Data for 1998-99 were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" surveys, 1986-87 through 1998-99, and Fall 2000 through Fall 2002 surveys. (This table was prepared August 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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