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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 229. Staff and student to staff ratios in degree-granting institutions, by control and type of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2001

                        |     Full-time-equivalent staff     |  Full-time-equivalent faculty    |   Full-time-equivalent    |   Full-time-equivalent    |Full-time-equivalent faculty
                        |____________________________________|__________________________________|   students per FTE staff  |  students per FTE faculty | as a percent of FTE staff
                        |      Public       |     Private    |      Public     |     Private    |___________________________|___________________________|____________________________
 State or jurisdiction  |                   |                |                 |                |    Public   |   Private   |    Public   |   Private   |    Public    |   Private
                        |  4-year  | 2-year | 4-year |2-year | 4-year | 2-year | 4-year |2-year |4-year|2-year|4-year|2-year|4-year|2-year|4-year|2-year|4-year |2-year|4-year|2-year
         1              |    2     |   3    |   4    |   5   |   6    |   7    |   8    |   9   |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17  |  18   |  19  |  20  |  21
   United States .......| 1,273,528| 386,766| 749,144| 27,036| 356,046| 183,535| 232,029| 11,426|   4.1|   8.9|   3.9|   8.6|  14.6|  18.8|  12.5|  20.4|   28.0|  47.5|  31.0|  42.3
Alabama ................|    35,442|   5,591|   4,136|    145|   7,293|   2,675|   1,479|     47|   3.0|   9.6|   5.9|   4.6|  14.8|  20.0|  16.6|  14.5|   20.6|  47.8|  35.8|  32.0
Alaska .................|     4,240|     185|     274|      †|   1,421|      46|      93|      †|   3.9|   2.4|   3.2|     †|  11.7|   9.7|   9.5|     †|   33.5|  24.7|  34.1|     †
Arizona ................|    22,373|   7,771|   5,114|  1,023|   5,139|   3,419|   1,815|    507|   4.1|  11.6|  11.4|   9.7|  17.7|  26.3|  32.1|  19.5|   23.0|  44.0|  35.5|  49.6
Arkansas ...............|    14,633|   3,285|   2,277|    131|   4,567|   1,492|     706|     44|   4.1|   7.4|   5.0|   7.2|  13.1|  16.2|  16.2|  21.5|   31.2|  45.4|  31.0|  33.4
California .............|   148,851|  55,514|  59,615|  4,039|  37,039|  31,942|  19,080|  1,521|   3.4|  13.6|   4.4|   8.4|  13.5|  23.7|  13.6|  22.4|   24.9|  57.5|  32.0|  37.7
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Colorado ...............|    24,222|   4,682|   5,747|    658|   9,144|   2,022|   2,056|    340|   4.7|   9.0|   5.2|   9.8|  12.5|  20.8|  14.5|  18.9|   37.8|  43.2|  35.8|  51.6
Connecticut ............|    12,201|   2,945|  17,707|    243|   3,169|   1,414|   5,797|    103|   4.0|   7.6|   2.8|   6.3|  15.3|  15.8|   8.5|  14.8|   26.0|  48.0|  32.7|  42.6
Delaware ...............|     4,892|   1,206|     892|     24|   1,232|     517|     389|     11|   4.4|   5.8|   8.1|   2.8|  17.5|  13.6|  18.6|   6.0|   25.2|  42.9|  43.6|  47.5
District of Columbia ...|       800|       †|  19,788|      †|     339|       †|   5,839|      †|   4.3|     †|   3.3|     †|  10.1|     †|  11.1|     †|   42.4|     †|  29.5|     †
Florida ................|    38,618|  25,150|  24,647|  1,529|  11,266|   9,837|   7,757|    705|   5.2|   7.4|   4.9|   9.8|  17.8|  19.0|  15.5|  21.4|   29.2|  39.1|  31.5|  46.1
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Georgia ................|    35,466|  10,522|  18,026|    507|   9,528|   4,973|   6,077|    220|   4.0|   7.4|   3.7|   7.6|  15.0|  15.7|  10.8|  17.6|   26.9|  47.3|  33.7|  43.3
Hawaii .................|     4,743|   1,682|   1,715|     87|   2,155|     994|     794|     40|   3.7|   9.2|   7.1|  14.8|   8.1|  15.5|  15.3|  32.4|   45.4|  59.1|  46.3|  45.7
Idaho ..................|     6,153|   1,269|   1,470|     31|   2,059|     524|     624|     15|   5.8|   5.7|   8.2|  13.2|  17.4|  13.8|  19.4|  27.1|   33.5|  41.3|  42.5|  48.8
Illinois ...............|    47,207|  18,653|  50,537|    734|  11,360|   8,191|  14,695|    234|   3.5|  10.1|   3.3|   6.0|  14.6|  23.0|  11.5|  18.9|   24.1|  43.9|  29.1|  31.9
Indiana.................|    36,791|   4,096|  14,645|    532|   9,588|   1,927|   4,594|    223|   4.3|   8.6|   4.4|  12.4|  16.6|  18.3|  14.0|  29.6|   26.1|  47.0|  31.4|  41.9
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Iowa ...................|    18,402|   5,669|   8,422|    169|   4,297|   2,232|   2,913|     65|   3.4|   8.3|   5.4|   9.1|  14.7|  21.1|  15.6|  23.7|   23.4|  39.4|  34.6|  38.4
Kansas .................|    17,438|   5,848|   2,754|    265|   4,890|   2,504|   1,038|    104|   4.3|   7.2|   5.6|   4.7|  15.4|  16.7|  14.9|  12.0|   28.0|  42.8|  37.7|  39.3
Kentucky ...............|    26,370|   5,261|   5,044|    577|   6,558|   2,862|   1,826|    262|   3.4|   8.3|   5.2|   9.4|  13.7|  15.2|  14.2|  20.7|   24.9|  54.4|  36.2|  45.5
Louisiana ..............|    25,587|   3,309|   7,007|    362|   7,900|   1,820|   2,195|    181|   5.0|   9.5|   3.8|   9.4|  16.1|  17.3|  12.2|  18.9|   30.9|  55.0|  31.3|  49.9
Maine ..................|     5,506|     719|   3,503|    104|   1,597|     325|     996|     53|   4.6|   7.6|   3.9|  10.9|  15.8|  16.7|  13.7|  21.4|   29.0|  45.2|  28.4|  51.0
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Maryland ...............|    24,813|   9,979|  14,308|    204|   8,045|   4,356|   4,527|     99|   4.0|   6.1|   2.5|   8.1|  12.4|  14.1|   8.1|  16.8|   32.4|  43.7|  31.6|  48.4
Massachusetts ..........|    19,290|   8,012|  67,587|    467|   5,580|   3,406|  16,603|    204|   4.2|   6.3|   2.9|   8.1|  14.4|  14.7|  12.0|  18.5|   28.9|  42.5|  24.6|  43.7
Michigan ...............|    52,833|  11,865|  11,661|    168|  16,527|   5,432|   4,330|     65|   4.4|   9.1|   6.8|   8.5|  14.0|  19.8|  18.3|  21.8|   31.3|  45.8|  37.1|  38.8
Minnesota ..............|    23,975|   7,044|  11,669|    633|   6,175|   3,836|   4,410|    305|   4.1|   9.7|   5.4|   8.2|  16.1|  17.8|  14.4|  16.9|   25.8|  54.5|  37.8|  48.2
Mississippi ............|    19,163|   5,453|   1,715|    243|   3,859|   2,540|     560|    113|   3.0|   9.1|   8.4|   3.8|  15.0|  19.5|  25.6|   8.2|   20.1|  46.6|  32.6|  46.4
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Missouri................|    26,489|   5,666|  24,249|    994|   7,680|   2,627|   7,675|    454|   3.8|   8.8|   3.4|   8.4|  13.1|  19.1|  10.7|  18.3|   29.0|  46.4|  31.6|  45.7
Montana ................|     5,670|     686|     728|    106|   1,804|     311|     268|     26|   5.1|   7.3|   5.4|   5.1|  15.9|  16.0|  14.7|  20.7|   31.8|  45.3|  36.9|  24.8
Nebraska ...............|    12,632|   2,890|   4,657|    276|   3,647|   1,323|   1,606|     97|   3.6|   7.4|   4.1|   7.5|  12.4|  16.2|  12.0|  21.2|   28.9|  45.8|  34.5|  35.2
Nevada .................|     5,970|   2,216|     301|    234|   1,919|   1,100|     142|    103|   5.1|   9.7|  10.2|  12.7|  15.7|  19.6|  21.6|  29.0|   32.2|  49.7|  47.3|  44.0
New Hampshire ..........|     4,075|   1,171|   6,707|    119|   1,192|     722|   1,687|     47|   5.3|   5.1|   3.3|  10.1|  18.1|   8.2|  13.1|  25.8|   29.3|  61.6|  25.1|  39.2
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
New Jersey .............|    31,229|   8,606|  12,893|     56|   8,636|   3,702|   3,879|     31|   3.7|   9.7|   4.3|  24.5|  13.2|  22.5|  14.2|  44.0|   27.7|  43.0|  30.1|  55.7
New Mexico .............|    13,875|   4,821|     867|     99|   3,010|   1,859|     406|     64|   2.9|   6.4|   8.2|  10.0|  13.5|  16.5|  17.5|  15.5|   21.7|  38.6|  46.9|  64.6
New York ...............|    49,808|  20,312| 107,666|  2,554|  17,944|   9,080|  34,860|  1,156|   5.5|   8.3|   3.5|   8.9|  15.4|  18.5|  10.9|  19.8|   36.0|  44.7|  32.4|  45.2
North Carolina .........|    36,836|  18,002|  35,090|    212|   9,706|   9,891|   8,072|     80|   4.0|   6.1|   1.9|   6.9|  15.1|  11.1|   8.5|  18.2|   26.3|  54.9|  23.0|  37.8
North Dakota ...........|     5,529|   1,026|     488|    232|   1,798|     421|     224|     50|   4.8|   6.7|   7.7|   1.4|  14.6|  16.3|  16.8|   6.5|   32.5|  41.0|  45.8|  21.6
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Ohio ...................|    55,447|  11,559|  24,822|  1,033|  14,018|   5,564|   8,606|    463|   4.0|   8.6|   4.4|  11.4|  15.8|  18.0|  12.8|  25.5|   25.3|  48.1|  34.7|  44.8
Oklahoma ...............|    19,787|   4,618|   4,297|    123|   5,484|   1,762|   1,496|     46|   4.3|   8.1|   5.3|   8.4|  15.6|  21.2|  15.2|  22.5|   27.7|  38.1|  34.8|  37.6
Oregon .................|    19,660|   8,246|   5,036|    140|   5,783|   3,369|   1,953|     52|   3.3|   5.9|   4.8|   9.3|  11.1|  14.5|  12.5|  25.1|   29.4|  40.9|  38.8|  37.2
Pennsylvania ...........|    49,047|   8,298|  57,866|  3,481|  17,286|   4,400|  18,529|  1,367|   4.4|   7.7|   3.6|   7.9|  12.5|  14.6|  11.2|  20.2|   35.2|  53.0|  32.0|  39.3
Rhode Island ...........|     3,451|     693|   8,609|      †|   1,052|     286|   2,301|      †|   5.3|  13.1|   4.0|     †|  17.3|  31.7|  14.9|     †|   30.5|  41.3|  26.7|     †
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
South Carolina .........|    18,349|   5,860|   4,826|    175|   5,799|   2,715|   1,618|     57|   4.1|   7.3|   5.8|   8.7|  13.0|  15.8|  17.4|  27.0|   31.6|  46.3|  33.5|  32.4
South Dakota ...........|     4,333|     539|   1,055|     30|   1,478|     275|     370|     18|   5.8|   8.4|   6.1|   5.5|  17.0|  16.4|  17.5|   9.0|   34.1|  51.1|  35.1|  60.5
Tennessee ..............|    22,160|   5,298|  22,742|    696|   6,364|   2,377|   5,350|    285|   4.6|   9.2|   2.3|   7.6|  15.9|  20.5|  10.0|  18.6|   28.7|  44.9|  23.5|  41.0
Texas ..................|    90,485|  34,334|  25,440|  1,481|  23,243|  15,089|   7,940|    636|   4.1|   8.3|   4.1|   9.4|  16.0|  18.8|  13.1|  21.8|   25.7|  43.9|  31.2|  42.9
Utah ...................|    14,076|   2,306|   4,964|    220|   4,342|     887|   1,691|    107|   5.5|   8.0|   7.3|  12.9|  17.9|  20.8|  21.4|  26.5|   30.8|  38.5|  34.1|  48.7
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
Vermont ................|     4,126|     354|   3,687|    373|   1,316|     225|   1,070|    151|   3.3|   5.7|   3.7|   1.3|  10.5|   9.0|  12.7|   3.1|   31.9|  63.5|  29.0|  40.4
Virginia ...............|    40,262|   7,007|  12,383|    650|  11,379|   3,876|   3,933|    324|   3.8|  11.1|   4.0|   8.4|  13.3|  20.1|  12.6|  16.9|   28.3|  55.3|  31.8|  49.9
Washington .............|    27,449|  12,218|   6,213|    328|   7,265|   5,281|   2,387|    156|   3.2|   9.5|   5.8|   9.9|  12.0|  22.0|  15.1|  20.7|   26.5|  43.2|  38.4|  47.7
West Virginia...........|    10,383|     520|   2,195|    135|   3,839|     220|     734|     56|   5.7|   8.4|   4.1|  21.2|  15.5|  19.8|  12.4|  50.9|   37.0|  42.4|  33.5|  41.6
Wisconsin ..............|    27,761|  12,096|  11,102|    146|   7,875|   6,115|   4,038|     57|   4.8|   5.0|   4.2|   5.3|  16.8|  10.0|  11.5|  13.5|   28.4|  50.6|  36.4|  38.9
Wyoming ................|     2,684|   1,715|       †|    270|     867|     772|       †|     81|   3.8|   6.2|     †|   5.7|  11.6|  13.8|     †|  19.0|   32.3|  45.0|     †|  30.1
                        |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
U.S. Service Schools ...|     1,947|       †|       †|      †|     593|       †|       †|      †|   7.5|     †|     †|     †|  24.6|     †|     †|     †|   30.4|     †|     †|     †
   Outlying areas ......|    13,237|   1,556|   8,427|    531|   4,460|     655|   3,451|    256|   5.0|   4.8|  10.9|  13.0|  14.9|  11.4|  26.6|  27.0|   33.7|  42.1|  40.9|  48.1
American Samoa .........|         †|     218|       †|      †|       †|      91|       †|      †|     †|   3.8|     †|     †|     †|   9.2|     †|     †|      †|  41.8|     †|     †
Federated States of     |          |        |        |       |        |        |        |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
  Micronesia ...........|         †|     323|       †|      †|       †|      94|       †|      †|     †|   5.6|     †|     †|     †|  19.2|     †|     †|      †|  29.1|     †|     †
Guam ...................|       613|     225|       †|      †|     206|     114|       †|      †|   4.2|   3.5|     †|     †|  12.5|   6.9|     †|     †|   33.6|  50.6|     †|     †
Marshall Islands .......|         †|     158|       †|      †|       †|      55|       †|      †|     †|   1.4|     †|     †|     †|   3.9|     †|     †|      †|  35.0|     †|     †
Northern Marianas ......|       248|       †|       †|      †|     110|       †|       †|      †|   2.6|     †|     †|     †|   5.9|     †|     †|     †|   44.4|     †|     †|     †
Palau ..................|         †|     147|       †|      †|       †|      39|       †|      †|     †|   3.1|     †|     †|     †|  11.6|     †|     †|      †|  26.3|     †|     †
Puerto Rico ............|    11,856|     486|   8,427|    531|   3,994|     262|   3,451|    256|   5.2|   7.0|  10.9|  11.4|  15.5|  12.9|  26.6|  23.7|   33.7|  53.9|  40.9|  48.1
Virgin Islands .........|       520|       †|       †|      †|     150|       †|       †|      †|   3.0|     †|     †|     †|  10.6|     †|     †|     †|   28.8|     †|     †|     †

† Not applicable.

NOTE: Data include imputations for nonrespondent institutions.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Winter 2001-02 and Spring 2002. (This table was prepared September 2003).

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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