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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 194. Total fall enrollment in private degree-granting institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1970 to 2001

                      |  Institutions of higher education\1\  ||                   Degree-granting institutions\2\
        State         |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |Percent
          or          |  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   ||  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   |  Fall   |change,
     jurisdiction     |  1970   |  1980   |  1990   |  1995   ||  1996   |  1997   |  1998   | 1999\3\ |  2000   |  2001   |1996 to
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         | 2001
          1           |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    ||    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |  12
   United States .....|2,152,753|2,639,501|2,973,920|3,169,407||3,247,021|3,306,215|3,369,198|3,481,825|3,559,503|3,694,831|   13.8
Alabama ..............|   16,052|   20,632|   22,650|   22,447||   24,180|   24,811|   25,556|   25,971|   26,527|   27,761|   14.8
Alaska ...............|      908|      735|    2,041|      980||      978|    1,198|    1,356|    1,261|    1,394|    1,206|   23.3
Arizona ..............|    2,304|    8,682|   15,935|   19,451||   28,873|   31,898|   34,021|   49,891|   57,968|   72,311|  150.4
Arkansas .............|    8,440|   11,539|   11,780|   11,113||   11,231|   11,487|   11,487|   11,766|   13,397|   13,332|   18.7
California ...........|  133,716|  191,155|  214,030|  252,812||  275,078|  293,722|  303,179|  324,876|  328,937|  336,908|   22.5
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Colorado .............|   14,833|   17,318|   26,478|   32,427||   35,929|   38,770|   40,896|   42,308|   45,975|   46,477|   29.4
Connecticut ..........|   51,309|   61,844|   59,048|   57,156||   57,803|   58,087|   59,037|   60,073|   60,216|   60,961|    5.5
Delaware .............|    4,109|    4,614|    7,752|    8,103||    8,259|    8,395|    8,898|    9,718|    9,703|   10,594|   28.3
District of Columbia .|   64,964|   72,775|   67,561|   67,614||   66,724|   67,510|   66,978|   66,769|   67,190|   81,663|   22.4
Florida ..............|   46,075|   77,542|   99,005|  106,696||  116,410|  123,538|  129,266|  143,778|  150,772|  164,633|   41.4
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Georgia ..............|   24,611|   44,001|   55,373|   66,030||   70,591|   71,227|   73,757|   74,401|   74,449|   77,883|   10.3
Hawaii ...............|    3,599|    3,912|   10,708|   13,000||   15,474|   15,972|   16,345|   16,099|   15,603|   16,085|    3.9
Idaho ................|    7,495|    8,527|   10,566|   10,580||   10,605|   11,408|   11,755|   12,046|   11,843|   13,001|   22.6
Illinois .............|  136,512|  152,971|  177,913|  187,606||  188,663|  189,621|  195,790|  199,660|  209,763|  214,164|   13.5
Indiana...............|   55,929|   58,029|   60,879|   64,820||   69,217|   70,995|   70,726|   73,915|   74,311|   79,457|   14.8
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Iowa .................|   40,512|   42,995|   52,681|   51,439||   52,937|   52,894|   52,642|   53,027|   53,966|   54,595|    3.1
Kansas ...............|   14,270|   14,618|   14,616|   17,194||   17,419|   17,589|   18,967|   19,649|   19,992|   20,770|   19.2
Kentucky .............|   21,351|   28,182|   30,757|   30,050||   31,481|   32,629|   34,206|   35,068|   36,368|   36,490|   15.9
Louisiana ............|   19,601|   23,355|   28,550|   29,062||   28,770|   30,017|   31,214|   32,775|   34,587|   34,081|   18.5
Maine ................|    8,729|   11,386|   15,686|   18,352||   17,757|   18,358|   18,350|   17,473|   17,811|   18,702|    5.3
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Maryland .............|   30,619|   30,475|   38,917|   43,453||   43,480|   44,012|   46,118|   48,011|   49,948|   51,429|   18.3
Massachusetts ........|  187,682|  234,650|  231,798|  237,017||  237,822|  237,926|  237,125|  238,181|  237,894|  238,180|    0.2
Michigan .............|   53,101|   65,984|   82,444|   85,949||   88,640|   91,181|   94,431|   97,173|   99,770|  103,844|   17.2
Minnesota ............|   30,221|   44,312|   54,578|   63,567||   71,680|   66,799|   71,190|   75,282|   74,828|   82,292|   14.8
Mississippi ..........|    8,999|   11,703|   13,845|   12,090||   11,122|   11,714|   11,607|   11,801|   12,034|   12,226|    9.9
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Missouri..............|   51,390|   69,242|   89,806|  101,543||  103,733|  112,288|  116,045|  118,156|  119,839|  124,859|   20.4
Montana ..............|    2,775|    3,999|    4,011|    5,239||    5,550|    5,439|    5,382|    4,778|    4,853|    5,564|    0.3
Nebraska .............|   15,461|   15,979|   18,217|   20,119||   20,972|   22,128|   22,083|   22,420|   23,586|   24,178|   15.3
Nevada ...............|       93|      175|      486|    1,143||    2,045|    3,108|    3,973|    4,441|    4,773|    6,578|  221.7
New Hampshire ........|   13,421|   22,675|   27,347|   28,258||   28,031|   28,552|   28,597|   28,439|   25,848|   27,807|   -0.8
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|   70,748|   74,582|   62,685|   62,762||   63,547|   64,389|   65,793|   66,785|   69,024|   70,852|   11.5
New Mexico ...........|    3,666|    3,206|    2,097|    5,185||    6,744|    7,852|    7,660|    8,771|    9,289|    9,103|   35.0
New York .............|  357,042|  428,986|  431,402|  453,075||  455,869|  456,605|  447,018|  454,685|  459,978|  473,187|    3.8
North Carolina .......|   48,164|   59,383|   66,733|   68,931||   70,054|   71,684|   73,297|   74,596|   75,230|   77,100|   10.1
North Dakota .........|    1,303|    2,360|    3,188|    3,589||    4,377|    3,900|    4,177|    4,408|    4,234|    4,283|   -2.1
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Ohio .................|   95,168|  107,380|  130,077|  130,457||  137,263|  132,475|  133,590|  137,004|  138,392|  143,958|    4.9
Oklahoma .............|   18,717|   23,107|   22,148|   22,650||   22,785|   22,585|   22,711|   23,694|   24,317|   26,449|   16.1
Oregon ...............|   13,694|   17,356|   21,314|   23,528||   25,233|   25,510|   26,730|   27,458|   28,309|   28,733|   13.9
Pennsylvania .........|  178,062|  215,217|  260,582|  277,831||  252,266|  253,284|  257,702|  268,353|  270,292|  276,349|    9.5
Rhode Island .........|   20,371|   31,817|   35,923|   35,447||   34,945|   34,827|   35,602|   36,171|   36,992|   38,086|    9.0
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
South Carolina .......|   22,417|   24,793|   28,168|   25,419||   25,940|   27,584|   28,811|   30,130|   30,412|   32,929|   26.9
South Dakota .........|    6,703|    8,433|    7,612|    7,002||    6,959|    6,179|    7,457|    7,950|    8,364|    8,224|   18.2
Tennessee ............|   36,206|   47,746|   51,189|   52,826||   53,499|   56,289|   57,926|   59,269|   61,380|   63,838|   19.3
Texas ................|   76,703|   87,839|   99,123|  115,674||  120,755|  123,597|  129,475|  128,316|  137,439|  140,852|   16.6
Utah .................|   32,099|   34,389|   35,195|   36,764||   38,566|   39,272|   39,917|   41,033|   40,730|   43,255|   12.2
                      |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |
Vermont ..............|    9,673|   12,644|   15,488|   14,595||   15,640|   15,942|   16,505|   16,148|   15,468|   15,871|    1.5
Virginia .............|   28,636|   34,004|   62,156|   62,792||   62,778|   63,310|   64,687|   66,434|   68,113|   63,095|    0.5
Washington ...........|   20,826|   27,575|   35,752|   39,184||   41,091|   40,576|   41,927|   43,308|   46,912|   48,109|   17.1
West Virginia.........|   11,790|   10,745|   10,682|   11,177||   11,983|   11,887|   11,785|   11,880|   11,752|   13,015|    8.6
Wisconsin ............|   31,684|   33,907|   46,245|   54,453||   54,462|   54,390|   54,501|   55,168|   57,442|   57,962|    6.4
Wyoming ..............|        0|       26|      703|      756||      811|      805|      950|    1,058|    1,289|    1,550|   91.1
   Outlying areas ....|   20,557|   77,057|   98,374|  106,607||  103,453|   97,439|   98,707|  101,325|  110,169|  116,107|   12.2
American Samoa .......|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †  
Federated States of   |         |         |         |         ||         |         |         |         |         |         |      
  Micronesia .........|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †
Guam .................|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †
Marshall Islands......|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †
Northern Marianas ....|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †
Palau ................|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      †
Puerto Rico ..........|   20,557|   77,057|   98,374|  106,607||  103,453|   97,439|   98,707|  101,325|  110,169|  115,257|   11.4
Virgin Islands .......|       0 |       0 |        0|        0||        0|        0|        0|        0|        0|      850|      †

† Not applicable.
\1\Institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education.
\2\Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that participated in Title IV federal financial aid programs.
\3\Data were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys, 1970 and 1980; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys, 1990 through 1999, and Spring 2001 and Spring 2002 surveys. (This table was prepared August 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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