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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 96. Public elementary and secondary schools, by type and state or jurisdiction: 1990-91 to 2001-02

                       |        |        |        |                              Number of schools, 2001-02
                       |        |        |        |______________________________________________________________________________________________________
       State or        | Total, | Total, | Total, | Total |Elemen-|Secon- |  Combined elementary/secondary\3\     |        ||        |        |
     jurisdication     |  all   |  all   |  all   |       |tary\1\|dary\2\|_______________________________________|        ||        |        |
                       |schools,|schools,|schools,|       |       |       |      | Prekinder-  |  Other  |        |        ||Alterna-|Special |   One-
                       |1990-91 |1995-96 |2000-01 |       |       |       |      |garten, kin- | schools | Other  |Other\4\||tive\5\ | educa- | teacher
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |Total | dergarten,  | ending  |  com-  |        ||        |tion\5\ |schools\5\
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |or 1st grade |  with   | bined  |        ||        |        |
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      | to grade 12 |grade 12 |schools |        ||        |        |
           1           |   2    |   3    |   4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |  8   |      9      |   10    |   11   |   12   ||   13   |   14   |     15
   United States ......|  84,538|  87,125|  93,273| 94,112| 65,228| 22,180| 5,288|        2,784|    2,001|     503|   1,416||   5,483|   1,987|       408
Alabama ...............|   1,297|   1,319|   1,517|  1,526|    917|    401|   207|          134|       54|      19|       1||      76|      28|         0
Alaska ................|     498|     495|     515|    522|    193|     92|   237|          222|        9|       6|       0||      33|       2|        24
Arizona ...............|   1,049|   1,133|   1,724|  1,815|  1,173|    459|   133|           71|       42|      20|      50||      78|      13|         7
Arkansas ..............|   1,098|   1,098|   1,138|  1,153|    717|    420|    16|            4|        7|       5|       0||       5|       0|         0
California ............|   7,913|   7,876|   8,773|  8,916|  6,435|  2,058|   421|          344|       59|      18|       2||   1,127|     122|        52
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Colorado ..............|   1,344|   1,486|   1,632|  1,667|  1,188|    385|    77|           32|       37|       8|      17||      90|      22|         2
Connecticut ...........|     985|   1,045|   1,248|  1,246|    877|    217|   151|          120|       22|       9|       1||     203|      30|         0
Delaware ..............|     173|     181|     191|    199|    135|     43|     9|            5|        3|       1|      12||      10|      14|         0
District of Columbia ..|     181|     186|     198|    198|    130|     47|     5|            4|        1|       0|      16||       6|      10|         0
Florida ...............|   2,516|   2,760|   3,316|  3,419|  2,241|    451|   727|          311|      386|      30|       0||     180|     131|         3
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Georgia ...............|   1,734|   1,763|   1,946|  1,969|  1,589|    339|    41|           17|       21|       3|       0||      28|       1|         0
Hawaii ................|     235|     246|     261|    279|    204|     57|    17|           15|        1|       1|       1||       1|       3|         2
Idaho .................|     582|     618|     673|    688|    418|    232|    38|           25|       11|       2|       0||      68|      11|        11
Illinois ..............|   4,239|   4,142|   4,342|  4,351|  3,197|    983|   138|           61|       52|      25|      33||     132|     264|         2
Indiana................|   1,915|   1,924|   1,976|  1,980|  1,419|    456|    75|           26|       43|       6|      30||      73|      39|         0
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Iowa ..................|   1,588|   1,556|   1,534|  1,521|  1,045|    428|    38|            1|       37|       0|      10||      37|      10|         5
Kansas ................|   1,477|   1,487|   1,430|  1,431|    996|    424|     2|            1|        1|       0|       9||       0|       0|         0
Kentucky ..............|   1,400|   1,402|   1,526|  1,459|  1,010|    346|    85|           19|       64|       2|      18||     173|      12|         0
Louisiana .............|   1,533|   1,470|   1,530|  1,540|  1,028|    329|   165|          102|       56|       7|      18||     117|      31|         0
Maine .................|     747|     726|     714|    711|    533|    163|    15|           11|        4|       0|       0||       0|       3|         7
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Maryland ..............|   1,220|   1,276|   1,383|  1,385|  1,089|    256|    28|           15|        9|       4|      12||      65|      50|         0
Massachusetts .........|   1,842|   1,850|   1,905|  1,908|  1,452|    330|   121|           31|       25|      65|       5||      38|       5|         0
Michigan ..............|   3,313|   3,748|   3,998|  3,984|  2,739|    851|   158|           74|       62|      22|     236||     214|     175|        11
Minnesota .............|   1,590|   2,157|   2,362|  2,408|  1,276|    753|   157|           46|       72|      39|     222||     555|     228|         4
Mississippi ...........|     972|   1,011|   1,030|  1,037|    587|    319|   116|           68|       47|       1|      15||      59|       0|         0
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Missouri...............|   2,199|   2,256|   2,368|  2,380|  1,567|    644|   124|           42|       77|       5|      45||      84|      62|         1
Montana ...............|     900|     894|     879|    871|    509|    362|     0|            0|        0|       0|       0||       5|       2|        78
Nebraska ..............|   1,506|   1,411|   1,326|  1,307|    903|    345|    48|           47|        0|       1|      11||       0|      58|        93
Nevada ................|     354|     423|     511|    531|    386|    126|    10|            2|        6|       2|       9||      37|      14|        11
New Hampshire .........|     439|     460|     526|    472|    377|     95|     0|            0|        0|       0|       0||       0|       0|         0
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
New Jersey ............|   2,272|   2,279|   2,410|  2,430|  1,883|    455|    11|            2|        5|       4|      81||      18|      83|         0
New Mexico ............|     681|     721|     765|    793|    557|    200|    36|           24|       10|       2|       0||      58|      15|         2
New York ..............|   4,010|   4,149|   4,336|  4,351|  3,119|    937|   151|           79|       54|      18|     144||      86|      26|         1
North Carolina ........|   1,955|   1,985|   2,207|  2,234|  1,749|    377|    81|           19|       46|      16|      27||      77|      20|         0
North Dakota ..........|     663|     613|     579|    569|    331|    204|    34|           33|        1|       0|       0||       0|      31|         5
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Ohio ..................|   3,731|   3,865|   3,916|  3,912|  2,716|    948|   143|           58|       43|      42|     105||      48|      32|         5
Oklahoma ..............|   1,880|   1,830|   1,821|  1,824|  1,223|    589|     2|            0|        1|       1|      10||       3|       1|         1
Oregon ................|   1,199|   1,216|   1,273|  1,300|    962|    284|    49|           33|       15|       1|       5||      75|      12|        13
Pennsylvania ..........|   3,260|   3,182|   3,252|  3,251|  2,388|    795|    56|           17|       23|      16|      12||      13|      12|         2
Rhode Island ..........|     309|     310|     328|    333|    265|     64|     4|            3|        0|       1|       0||       5|       4|         0
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
South Carolina ........|   1,097|   1,095|   1,127|  1,145|    844|    281|    18|            7|        7|       4|       2||      17|       7|         1
South Dakota ..........|     802|     824|     769|    762|    461|    276|    15|            7|        8|       0|      10||      32|       6|        33
Tennessee .............|   1,543|   1,563|   1,624|  1,646|  1,223|    344|    70|           37|       30|       3|       9||      24|      20|         0
Texas .................|   5,991|   6,638|   7,519|  7,761|  5,077|  1,780|   887|          435|      426|      26|      17||     860|     133|         2
Utah ..................|     714|     735|     793|    791|    510|    246|    16|            4|        8|       4|      19||      53|      19|         4
                       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
Vermont ...............|     397|     384|     393|    392|    277|     69|    46|           37|        8|       1|       0||       2|      61|         3
Virginia ..............|   1,811|   1,889|   1,969|  2,090|  1,482|    406|    48|           29|       15|       4|     154||     150|      59|         0
Washington ............|   1,936|   2,124|   2,305|  2,233|  1,413|    617|   165|           72|       48|      45|      38||     256|      82|         8
West Virginia..........|   1,015|     877|     840|    822|    597|    196|    21|           10|        5|       6|       8||      24|      11|         0
Wisconsin .............|   2,018|   2,037|   2,182|  2,212|  1,558|    589|    65|           22|       36|       7|       0||     164|      12|         0
Wyoming ...............|     415|     410|     393|    388|    263|    112|    11|            6|        4|       1|       2||      24|       1|        15
Bureau of Indian       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
  Affairs .............|   ---  |   ---  |     189|    189|    106|     26|    56|           49|        3|       4|       1||       0|       0|\6\     26
Department of Defense  |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
  dependents schools:  |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
   Domestic schools ...|   ---  |   ---  |      71|     70|     58|      7|     5|            2|        2|       1|       0||       0|       0|         0
   Overseas schools ...|   ---  |     171|     156|    154|    105|     38|    11|           11|        0|       0|       0||       0|       0|         0
  Outlying areas       |        |        |        |       |       |       |      |             |         |        |        ||        |        |
American Samoa ........|      30|      31|      31|     31|     24|      6|     0|            0|        0|       0|       1||       0|       1|         0
Guam ..................|      35|      35|      38|     38|     34|      4|     0|            0|        0|       0|       0||       0|       0|         0
Northern Marianas .....|      26|      24|      29|     29|     24|      4|     0|            0|        0|       0|       1||       0|       0|         0
Puerto Rico ...........|   1,619|   1,561|   1,543|  1,538|    917|    379|   201|            4|        8|     189|      41||      25|      29|         0
Virgin Islands ........|      33|      34|      36|     36|     24|     11|     1|            0|        0|       1|       0||       2|       0|         0

---Not available.
\1\Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and with no grade higher than 8.
\2\Includes schools with no grade lower than 7.
\3\Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and ending with grade 9 or above.
\4\Includes schools not classified by grade span.
\5\Schools are also included under elementary, secondary, combined, or other as appropriate.
\6\Data are for 1998-99.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 1990-91 through 2001-02. (This table was prepared April 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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