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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 50. Percentage distribution of kindergarten teachers and parents indicating the importance of various factors for kindergarten readiness, by control: Fall 1998

                                 |Perception of importance for parents and teachers|        Perception of importance for
                                 |          public kindergarten children           |          private school children
       Teacher and parent        |_________________________________________________|_________________________________________________
  perception of student skills   |   Not   |Not very |Somewhat |  Very   |         |   Not   |Not very |Somewhat |  Very   |
                1                |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11
                                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Kindergarten teachers\1\         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Can count to 20 or more .......|12  (0.7)|38  (1.3)|36  (1.2)|11  (0.7)| 2  (0.3)|10  (2.0)|37  (3.1)|34  (3.0)|12  (2.0)| 6  (2.3)
  Knows most of the alphabet ....| 9  (0.7)|30  (1.2)|43  (1.2)|14  (0.9)| 4  (0.5)| 6  (1.4)|26  (2.8)|41  (2.7)|19  (2.6)| 8  (2.3)
  Takes turns and shares ........| #  (0.1)| 1  (0.2)|25  (1.1)|58  (1.4)|16  (1.0)| #  (0.3)| 1  (0.4)|25  (2.5)|58  (3.2)|16  (2.4)
  Sits still and pays attention .| 1  (0.2)| 4  (0.4)|36  (1.4)|47  (1.3)|13  (0.8)| 1  (0.5)| 3  (1.1)|35  (3.8)|52  (3.1)|10  (2.7)
  Is able to use pencils and     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
   paint brushes ................| 4  (0.5)|14  (0.9)|47  (1.3)|29  (1.5)| 6  (0.5)| 5  (1.4)|12  (2.2)|42  (3.1)|32  (3.3)| 9  (2.5)
                                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Kindergarten parents\2\          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Can count to 20 or more .......| 1  (0.1)| 6  (0.3)|30  (0.6)|46  (0.7)|17  (0.4)| 2  (0.2)| 9  (0.6)|33  (1.0)|35  (1.1)|21  (1.0)
  Knows most of the alphabet ....| 1  (0.1)| 4  (0.3)|25  (0.6)|51  (0.8)|19  (0.4)| 1  (0.2)| 7  (0.6)|29  (1.1)|41  (1.0)|22  (1.0)
  Takes turns and shares ........| #  (0.0)| #  (0.0)| 5  (0.2)|63  (0.6)|32  (0.6)| #  (0.0)| #  (0.1)| 7  (0.5)|55  (1.0)|38  (0.9)
  Sits still and pays attention .| #  (0.0)| 1  (0.1)|14  (0.5)|60  (0.6)|25  (0.5)| #  (0.1)| 2  (0.3)|22  (1.1)|51  (0.9)|25  (0.8)
  Is able to use pencils and     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
   paint brushes ................| #  (0.1)| 2  (0.2)|23  (0.5)|53  (0.7)|21  (0.4)| #  (0.1)| 3  (0.4)|27  (1.0)|43  (1.1)|26  (0.9)

# Rounds to zero.
\1\Estimates pertaining to teachers are based on the responses of a nationally representative sample of kindergarten children's teachers.
\2\Estimates pertaining to parents are based on the responses of a nationally representative sample of kindergarten children's parents.

NOTE: Standard errors appear in parentheses. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K), fall 1998, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2001.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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