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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 28. Households contributing to education and other charitable organizations and average annual donation, by type of charity: 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1995

                        |           1989                |              1991             |             1993             |             1995
                        |          |  Average annual    |          |  Average annual    |          |  Average annual   |          |  Average annual
                        | Percent  |   contribution     | Percent  |   contribution     | Percent  |   contribution    | Percent  |   contribution
    Type of charity     |of total  |____________________|of total  |____________________|of total  |___________________|of total  |___________________
                        |  house-  | Per con- |Per total|  house-  | Per con- |Per total|  house-  |Per con- |Per total|  house-  |Per con- |Per total
                        | holds\1\ |tributing | house-  | holds\1\ |tributing | house-  | holds\1\ |tributing| house-  | holds\1\ |tributing| house-
                        |          |household |  hold   |          |household |  hold   |          |household|  hold   |          |household|  hold
           1            |    2     |    3     |    4    |    5     |    6     |    7    |    8     |    9    |   10    |    11    |   12    |   13
  Total ................|     75.1 |     $978 |    $734 |     72.2 |     $899 |    $649 |     73.4 |    $880 |    $646 |     68.5 |  $1,017 |    $696
Religious ..............|     53.2 |      896 |     477 |     51.3 |      800 |     410 |     49.2 |     817 |     402 |     48.0 |     868 |     417
Health .................|     32.4 |      143 |      46 |     32.9 |      154 |      51 |     25.7 |     139 |      36 |     27.3 |     214 |      58
Human services .........|     23.0 |      263 |      60 |     27.5 |      260 |      71 |     26.7 |     208 |      56 |     25.1 |     271 |      68
Youth development ......|     21.6 |      129 |      28 |     22.1 |      114 |      25 |     17.9 |     106 |      19 |     20.9 |     137 |      29
Education ..............|     19.1 |      291 |      56 |     21.1 |      225 |      47 |     17.5 |     424 |      74 |     20.3 |     318 |      65
Environment ............|     13.4 |       88 |      12 |     16.3 |       99 |      16 |     11.6 |      89 |      10 |     11.5 |     106 |      12
Arts, culture, and      |          |          |         |          |          |         |          |         |         |          |         |
 humanities ............|      9.6 |      193 |      19 |      9.4 |      194 |      18 |      8.1 |     139 |      11 |      9.4 |     216 |      20
Public and societal     |          |          |         |          |          |         |          |         |         |          |         |
 benefit ...............|     11.2 |      120 |      13 |     11.2 |      132 |      15 |     11.2 |     160 |      18 |     10.3 |     122 |      13
Private and community   |          |          |         |          |          |         |          |         |         |          |         |
 foundations ...........|      6.4 |      116 |       7 |      6.0 |      113 |       7 |      5.3 |     144 |       8 |      6.1 |     181 |      11
Recreation, adults .....|      6.2 |      135 |       8 |      6.3 |      164 |      10 |      4.6 |     193 |       9 |      7.0 |     161 |      11
International, foreign .|      4.2 |      202 |       8 |      3.5 |      198 |       7 |      2.8 |       ‡ |       ‡ |      6.1 |     283 |      17
Other ..................|      3.0 |      195 |       6 |      2.8 |      233 |       7 |      4.7 |      81 |       4 |      2.1 |     160 |       3

‡ Reporting standards not met.
\1\Percents do not add to total because of respondents giving to more than one type of charity.

NOTE: Details for total households do not add to totals because details only include households which reported a donation amount for the particular type of charity. The percentage of total includes households which reported giving donations, but did not specify amount.

SOURCE: Independent Sector, The Gallup Organization, Giving and Volunteering in the United States, 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1995. (This table was prepared April 1997.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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