Mission &  Installation Contracting Command (MICC)
Directorate of Contracting - West Point

Welcome to the United States Military Academy (USMA), Directorate of Contracting (DOC) Home Page.

The DOC is the installation contracting office for the USMA and supported tenants. The DOC purchases equipment, consumable supplies, utilities, construction and base operation type services. These acquisitions include both appropriated funded (taxpayer money) and nonappropriated funded (monies generated by business activities, e.g. Army football). These are acquired through competitive solicitation and awarding of various types of contracts and include purchase orders, visa card purchases and placing orders against contracts awarded by General Services Administration (GSA) and various agencies in the Department of Defense.

For more information call the Directorate of Contracting at 845-938-3417. 

DOC Organizational Chart
Vendor Information
Electronic Commerce (EC)
Small Business Information
Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program 
Procurement Administrative Lead Times Guide for Customers

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