The best part about RSI is the people that you meet because the people there are just amazing. They're all really, really smart and really, really intensely interested in the things that they're doing.

- Kallie, DoDEA RSI Alumni

Application Packets for DoDEA students are due to the Area Office no later than February 20, 2009 rather than January 16, 2009 as specified in the program application. Click here for more details.

Download this PDF ApplicationRSI Application Brochure:

(NOTE: DoDEA dates differ from the dates on the application, please follow DoDEA dates. There is no processing fee for DoDEA applicants).

RSI: Research Science Institute
RSI: Research Science Institute Video

Research Science Institute

RSI | Why & How | Speaking from Experience


Still not convinced? Still not sure the RSI is right for you? OK then, drum roll please! Here are 5 more great reasons to apply:

#5 >> Boston--or as the locals say--Bahwstun--for free!

#4 >> A summer away from your parents and pesky brothers and sisters--who wouldn't love that!?

#3 >> If our universe is in a state of constant expansion, why not your comfort zone? You'll forge new friendships with others who share your love of science and make valuable contacts for wherever the future takes you.

#2 >> You and your new friends can conduct substantive, hands-on research with renowned scientists, mathematicians and engineers from leading universities, research organizations and corporations all the while obtaining a remarkable experience to highlight in your future college admission applications.

And the #1 Reason to apply >> Why not? No really, think about it... why not? Take a few minutes right now and fill out the application. The only thing you have to lose is a golden opportunity to put your talent in motion!

Did we mention it's free!?


It's easy, really! Follow these steps and be sure to check the CEE Web site for additional information:

  • Make Sure you're eligible: The RSI is open to high school students that will have completed their third year of high school, or equivalent, by the summer of 2008. High school seniors are not eligible. Also, you should have high marks in your science and math courses with demonstrated success in student leadership and the verbal arts.
  • Fill out the application: It only takes a few minutes and it's available right here.
  • Submit your application to your Principal but before doing so, make sure your packet includes the following:
    • The completed application
    • Your self nomination and responses to the essay questions
    • Sealed recommendations from 2 teachers
    • A photocopy of your official high school transcript
    • A photocopy of your official standardized scores (e.g. PSAT math and verbal scores or equivalent SAT or ACT scores)

Submit your application packet to your Principal with a reminder that they must submit it to their Area office no later than 7 February 2009. Then sit back and relax. Those selected will be notified by mail beginning 31 MARCH 2008. If you're selected, you can plan to be at MIT from 22 JUNE 2008 to 2 August 2008.

Whatever the outcome, you'll never have to ask yourself, what if?

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Images of MIT generously provided by Manolis Kellis of MIT © 2005

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