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OASIS Data Set

OASIS-B1 (01/2008) Data Set - Approved Final Version

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announces the approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the final rule regarding changes to the OASIS that will provide information needed for the revised PPS effective 1/1/2008.

OASIS B1 Copyright Information

The Outcome and Assessment Data Set (OASIS) B1 (1/2008) is in the public domain and may not be copyrighted. No permission is needed to copy and use the data set.

Please note that the new OASIS-B1 (01/2008) applies to:

  • OASIS Recertification-Follow-up assessments (RFA 4 and RFA 5) with completion dates (M0090 date) on or after 12/27/2007 for episodes beginning on or after 1/1/2008
  • All assessments effective 1/1/2008

CMS has removed the following items from the OASIS Recertification and Follow-up assessments: (RFA 4 and RFA 5)

  • M0175
  • M0610

CMS has added the following items to the OASIS Recertification and Follow-up assessments: (RFA 4 & RFA 5):

  • M0470
  • M0474
  • M0520
  • M0800

CMS has added the following item to the OASIS Start of care, Resumption of care, Recertification and Follow-up assessments: (RFA 1, 3, 4, 5):

  • M0110 to identify early and later episodes

Also, effective 12/07, 2 additional quality measures will be publicly reported on the Home Health Compare website, for a total of 12 quality measures to be posted there. The new quality measures include:

  • Percentage of patients whose wounds improved or healed after an operation (New Measure)
  • Percentage of patients who need unplanned medical care related to a wound that is new, is worse, or has become infected. (New Measure)

The following adjustments have been made to existing OASIS items:

  • Replacement of M0825 with M0826 (identifies the number of projected therapy visits for the episode. This affects the case-mix group to which that episode will be assigned).
  • Replacement of M0245 with M0246 (allows for submission of payment diagnoses for any of the diagnoses entered in M0230/M0240, including multiple coding where required by ICD-9-CM coding guidelines).

In addition to adding, deleting and replacing OASIS items, the data set changes include associated modifications of skip language and instruction at various time points to support data accuracy, efficiency and compliance.

OASIS Data Set 2008/01 [ZIP 592 KB]

Archived Data Set Fact Sheet [PDF 21K]

Archived Data Set Information 2002/12 [ZIP 129K]

Archived: The Right to Copy, Print and Use OASIS [PDF 18K]
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Page Last Modified: 11/19/2008 2:44:53 PM
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