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Strategic Plan

Food and Nutrition Service - FY 2007 Priority Initiatives

USDA Goal 5 - General

Farm Bill Reauthorization: Focuses on finalizing and supporting enactment of Administration proposals for reauthorization of nutrition assistance programs in the Farm Bill process.

USDA Objective 5.1: Improve Access to Nutritious Food

Increasing Food Stamp Program Access: Continues and enhances efforts pursued in FY 2006 to ensure eligible people, especially underserved groups such as working poor families, poor elderly and legal immigrants, can receive food stamp benefits with dignity and respect.

Summer Nutrition Access: Focuses on a communications strategy to promote access to meals for low-income children through the Summer Food Service Program and the "Seamless Summer" provisions of the National School Lunch Program.

Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: Involves faith-based and other community organizations in the delivery of Federal nutrition assistance programs through outreach activities and communications strategies.

USDA Objective 5.2: Promote Healthier Eating Habits and Lifestyles

Implementation of 2005 Dietary Guidelines in Program Policy: Focuses on completing design and begin implementation of policy and program delivery changes based on the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), and the MyPyramid food guidance system.

Enhancing Nutrition Education and Promotion: Promotes healthy eating and active living behaviors through program-specific nutrition education and integrated cross-program nutrition education and promotion.

USDA Objective 5.3: Improve Nutrition Assistance Program Management and Customer Service

Improving Food Stamp Integrity: Maintains current error reduction strategies to continue improvement in food stamp certification error, and to address trafficking of benefits for cash.

Improving Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Management: Continues strategies to resolve CACFP operational problems, and evaluate the effectiveness of recent program management improvements and policy changes.

Building a New FNS: Seeks to redesign FNS organizational processes, structure, and workforce in order to meet the demands of the work of today and prepare for the work of tomorrow.

Last modified: 12/04/2008