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PFS Federal Regulation Notices

  Details for CMS-1502-FC

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Regulation # CMS-1502-FC
Display Date 11/02/2005
Publication Date 11/21/2005
Calendar Year 2006
Regulation Type FC
Description Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2006 and Certain Provisions Related to the Competitive Acquisition Program of Outpatient Drugs and Biologicals Under Part B (PDF 3MB). This document was published at the Office of the Federal Register on Monday, November 21.
Comment Period Date N/A
Supporting Documentation See download section below.

Supporting Documentation:

Addendum B - CMS 1502FC

Direct Practice Expense Values Used to Create Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units for Calendar Year 2006: This file contains resource inputs used in establishing resource-based practice expense (PE) values for the new and revised CPT codes for 2006. The PE relative value units (RVUs) for the previously existing codes (with few exceptions), do not reflect the direct input changes made to this file (as a result of this year’s rulemaking process - including the RUC/PERC recommendations), because these PE RVUs were maintained at the 2005 level. There are 3 different types of practice inputs: clinical staff, medical supplies and medical equipment. The source of the resource inputs are from one of the following: (1) Clinical Practice Expert Panels (CPEPs) convened in 1995 to develop estimates of the different types of resource inputs necessary to perform medical services (2) A crosswalk to a related service developed based upon a clinical opinion by CMS (formerly known as HCFA) (3) the AMA's Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) (4) refinement of the CPEP inputs by the AMA's Practice Expense Advisory Committee (PEAC) or the Practice Expense Review Committee (which replaced the PEAC in September 2004) (5) CMS 's clinical judgment or (6) A medical specialty society. 


CMS 1502-FC [PDF 3MB]

Addendum B - CMS 1502FC [ZIP 486KB]

Direct Practice Expense Values Used to Create Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units for Calendar Year 2006 [ZIP 2MB]

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Last Modified Date : 11/17/2005
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