2001 CMDL Poster Session


Boulder, Colorado
May 16 and 17

David Skaggs Research Building, Room GC 401
325 Broadway

Poster Session

Get Acrobat ReaderWednesday, May 16 - 3:00 - 6:00

  Aerosols, Radiation, and Transport
P1 In Situ Aerosol Profiles Over the Southern Great Plains CART Site - E. Andrews (CMDL)
P2 Advances in Sustained Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements - E. Dutton (CMDL)
P3 Ultraviolet Radiation and Total Ozone Correlations at Mauna Loa Observatory and Boulder, Colorado - B. Bodhaine (CMDL)
P4 An Investigation of Pyranometer Zero-Offset Effects on the Historical CMDL Surface Radiation Measurement Data - D. Nelson (CMDL)
P5 Causes and Effects of the Advancing Date of Spring Snowmelt in the Alaskan Arctic - B. Stone (CMDL)
P6 Preliminary Aerosol Observations With the CMDL Boulder Lidar - J. Barnes (CMDL, MLO)
P7 Assimilating Old and New In Situ Data: Extending Halocarbon Trends into the 21st Century - G.S. Dutton (CMDL)
P8 The Construction of a Unified, High-Resolution Nitrous Oxide Data Set for ER-2 Flights During SOLVE - D. Hurst (CMDL)
P9 Identification of Seasonality in Oceanic Methyl Bromide Saturations - D. King (CMDL)
P10 Measured SF6 Loss and Its Influence on Age of Air Calculations - F. Moore (CMDL)
P11 International Comparisons of Primary Gas Standards - R. Myers (NIST)
P12 Distinction Between Vortex and Midlatitude Air Masses From Tracer-Tracer Correlations and Lower Stratospheric Halogen Burdens From SOLVE - P. Romashkin (CMDL)
  Carbon Cycle
P13 Vertical Profiles of CO2 and Other Trace Gas Species Over the Amazon Basin - P. Bakwin (CMDL)
P14 The Global Distributions of N2O and SF6 - E. Dlugokencky (CMDL)
P15 Coupled Inverse Modeling of CO2 and CH4 in the Troposphere Using Novel Constraints - S .Mikaloff-Fletcher (CMDL)
P16 NOAA/CMDL Correlative Measurements in Support of MOPITT Validation - P. Novelli (CMDL)
P17 CO2 Reference Gas Prepared in NIES for Intercomparison of Isotope Analysis - H. Mukai (NIES, Japan)
P18 The GLOBALVIEW-CO2 Data Product - K. Masarie (CMDL)
P19 In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric CH4 Mixing Ratio at Cape Ochi-ishi and Hateruma Island, Japan - Y. Tohjima (NIES, Japan)
P20 Results From the Zugspitze Ozone Records - H. Scheel (IFU, Germany)
P21 Ozone Change at the South Pole: A 40-Year Record of Observations - S. Oltmans (CMDL)
P22 Meteorological Measurements at the CMDL Baseline Observatories - T. Mefford (CMDL)
P23 SO2 Measurements at MLO: 1989-2001 - S. Ryan (NOAA, MLO)
P24 Climate Change Signal Detected at Cape Grim? - N. Tindale (Cape Grim, Australia)
P25 ARM Northslope of Alaska - B. Zak (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico)