DOE Occupational Radiation Exposure: 2005 Annual Report
Exhibit B-1. Site Dose Data - 2003.


  Collective TEDE (person-rem) Percent Change from 2002   Number with Meas. Dose Percent Change from 2002   Avg Meas TEDE (rem) Percent Change from 2002   Percentage of Coll. TEDE above 0.500 rem Percent Change from 2002
Albuquerque Site Office and Other Facilities 1.3 -47%down arrow 107 -9%down arrow 0.012 -42%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Los Alamos National Laboratory 240.0 47%up arrow 2,047 21%up arrow 0.117 22%up arrow 49%space 14%up arrow
Pantex Plant 35.9 -24%down arrow 290 -1%down arrow 0.124 -24%down arrow 26%space -6%down arrow
Sandia National Laboratory 10.2 125%up arrow 250 129%up arrow 0.041 -2%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Chicago Site Office and Other Facilities 1.2 -73%down arrow 153 -16%down arrow 0.008 -68%down arrow 0%space -12%down arrow
Argonne National Laboratory - East 21.4 -9%down arrow 231 -1%down arrow 0.093 -8%down arrow 8%space -31%down arrow
Argonne National Laboratory - West 28.8 15%up arrow 277 0%space 0.104 16%up arrow 22%space 14%up arrow
Brookhaven National Laboratory 12.2 -54%down arrow 306 -30%down arrow 0.040 -33%down arrow 5%space -15%down arrow
Fermi Nat'l. Accelerator Laboratory 25.7 101%up arrow 612 57%up arrow 0.042 28%up arrow 7%space 7%up arrow
Idaho Site 64.0 -16%down arrow 1,141 5%up arrow 0.056 20%up arrow 3%space -1%down arrow
Nevada Test Site 3.2 251%up arrow 69 130%up arrow 0.047 53%up arrow 0%space 0%space
Oakland Site Office and Other Facilities 0.9 -72%down arrow 64 -21%down arrow 0.014 65%up arrow 0%space -19%down arrow
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1.0 16%up arrow 20 -39%down arrow 0.052 91%up arrow 0%space 0%space
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 36.4 30%up arrow 202 24%up arrow 0.180 5%up arrow 69%space 9%up arrow
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 3.1 2%up arrow 109 38%up arrow 0.029 -26%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Oak Ridge Site Office and Other Facilities 1.3 -8%down arrow 98 -5%down arrow 0.013 -3%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Oak Ridge Site 116.0 8%up arrow 2,389 4%up arrow 0.049 4%up arrow 6%space 2%up arrow
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant 3.2 -64%down arrow 38 -84%down arrow 0.084 122%up arrow 0%space 0%space
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant 0.6 -39%down arrow 26 -30%down arrow 0.023 -13%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Ohio Site Office and Other Facilities 0.7 27%up arrow 47 -4%down arrow 0.016 33%up arrow 0%space 0%space
Battelle Memorial Institute - Columbus 35.9 -19%down arrow 100 -3%down arrow 0.359 -17%down arrow 73%space -6%down arrow
Fernald Environmental Management Project 16.2 -5%down arrow 631 10%up arrow 0.026 -14%down arrow 0%space 0%space
Mound Plant 5.8 112%up arrow 237 20%up arrow 0.025 77%up arrow 0%space 0%space
West Valley Project 41.7 37%up arrow 207 -13%down arrow 0.202 58%up arrow 64%space 41%up arrow
Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site 198.6 -21%down arrow 1,761 -19%down arrow 0.113 -2%down arrow 27%space 3%up arrow
Hanford Site 280.8 2%up arrow 2,626 1%up arrow 0.107 2%up arrow 37%space 8%up arrow
Savannah River Site 258.6 30%up arrow 3,446 7%up arrow 0.075 21%up arrow 16space 1%up arrow
Totals 1,444.6 6%up arrow 17,484 3%up arrow 0.083 4%up arrow 29%space 5%up arrow

Note: Boxed values (gray background) indicate the greatest value in each column.