DOE Occupational Radiation Exposure: 2006 Annual Report
Exhibit B-13. Distribution of TEDE by Facility Type Listed in Descending Order of Average Measurable TEDE for Research, Fusion, 2006.


Number of Individuals Receiving Radiation Doses in Each Dose Range (rem)

Site/Contractor Less than Meas. Meas. 0-0.1 0.10-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-0.75 0.75-1.00 1.00-2.00 >2 Total Monitored Percent of
Monitored with Meas. TEDE
No. with
Meas. TEDE
Collective TEDE
Avg. Meas. TEDE (rem)
Los Alamos National Laboratory 31 4           36 14% 5 0.221 0.044
Sandia National Laboratory 31 3             34 9% 3 0.091 0.030
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 204 155             359 43% 155 1.544 0.010
Totals 266 162 1           429 38% 163 1.856 0.011

Note: Arrowed values indicate the greatest value in each column.