On this page, you can see all the lists you are subscribed to, or all the public lists on the server (see the "Show" option in the navigation panel). The list table can display selected subscription settings for each list (your settings for the lists you are on, and the default settings for the other lists).
You are not currently logged in. Before you can subscribe to any lists, or change existing list subscriptions, you will need to log in. If you already have a password on this server, you can Log in. If you do not have a password yet, or have forgotten it, you can get a password.
Once logged in, you can do the following:
Mail Style
Mail Status
Header Style
Post Setting
Subscription Date
To subscribe to one or more lists:
To signoff from one or more lists:
To change your subscription settings on one or more lists:
Alternatively, you can also view and change your subscription options for individual lists by clicking on the list name.
Invert: If you check this box, the operations are performed on all lists except those that are checked off.
Do not send e-mail notification: If you check this box, LISTSERV will not send you e-mail informing you of your subscription changes. You will still receive welcome and/or farewell messages for lists that are set up to send them to incoming and/or departing subscribers.