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Cold Regions Lab Employees Deploy to Support Iraqi Freedom

16 Mar 04--Hanover, N.H.--Charles P. Zdunczyk and Pamela O. Weaver with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center's (ERDC) based out of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, N.H., have recently volunteered for deployment to support the U.S. military mission, Iraqi Freedom.

Zdunczyk serves as the ERDC's director of logistics, while Weaver is the property book officer for the logistics office.

Zdunczyk has been with the Corps of Engineers for 27 years. Before assuming his duties with ERDC in Hanover, he worked for the Corps' Europe District for 13 years.

"It's a challenge both personally and professionally," said Weaver of her decision to deploy. Weaver has worked with the government for more than 30 years.

They expect a 120-day deployment working with the Corps of Engineers' Gulf Region Division's Central District while stationed in Baghdad.

Zdunczyk and Weaver are residents of Lebanon, N.H., and Wilder, Vt., respectively.

CRREL is one of seven laboratories that make up the ERDC. The ERDC is the premier research and development facility for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with more than 2,000 employees, $1.2 billion in facilities, and an annual research program exceeding $698 million. It conducts research in both military and civil works mission areas for the Department of Defense and the nation. CRREL is the only Department of Defense laboratory addressing problems and opportunities unique to the world's cold regions. Located in Hanover, N.H., CRREL also has field offices in Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska.



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