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Jorgeson Recognized for Operation Iraqi Freedom Support

Jeffrey D. Jorgeson photo Dr. Jeffrey D. Jorgeson of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Miss., was recently awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the National Intelligence Council for his support to the intelligence community during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In ceremonies held at Central Intelligence Agency headquarters on Aug. 12, the chairman of the National Intelligence Council cited Jorgeson for "outstanding contributions and exceptional service" for his work on river and flood assessments during recent conflicts in Iraq.

Jorgeson is group leader for Military Hydrology and Watershed Systems in the ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory. His areas of expertise include watershed hydrology, rainfall/runoff modeling, application of geographic information systems to watershed analysis, river hydraulics, coupling radar-derived precipitation with distributed watershed models, dam breach modeling, and military hydrology.

Jorgeson received bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering from California Polytechnic State and Mississippi State Universities, respectively. He earned his doctorate in civil engineering from Colorado State University.

Jorgeson and his wife, Leah, live in Clinton, Miss., and have two sons, William and Adam.

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