

Special Status Plants of the Eagle Lake Field Office

This plant guide identifies the special status plants that are known to occur on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, but they may only be suspected on land administered by the Eagle Lake Field Office.  To view a photograph and more information on an individual plant, click on the plant's common name below. To see a complete list of all plants, regardless of if it is known or suspected, click here.

Photo Copyright 1992 Gary Larson USDA NRCS

Field Milk-Vetch

Astragalus agrestis
Photo Copyright 1983 CNPS

Silverleaf Milk-Vetch

Astragalus argophyllus var. argophyllus
Photo Copyright 2003 Gary A. Monroe

Lens-Pod Milk-Vetch

Astragalus lentiformis
Ames' Milkvetch; Photo Copyright 1999 Gary A Monroe.

Pulsifer's Milk-Vetch

Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae
Sukdorf's Milkvetch

Suksdorf's Milk-Vetch

Astragalus pulsiferae var. suksdorfii
William's combleaf; Photo Copyright James Morefield NNHP

Williams's Combleaf

Polyctenium williamsiae
Baker's Globe Mallow; Photo Copyright Charles Webber California Academy of Sciences

Baker's Globe Mallow

Iliamna bakeri
Howell's Thelypodium; Photo Copyright 1990 Dean Wm. Taylor

Howell's Thelypodium

Thelypodium howellii var. howellii
Little Ricegrass; Photo Copyright 1950 Hitchcock, A.S. (rev A. Chase)

Little Ricegrass

Oryzopsis exigua (Syn= Piptatherum exiguum)
Ornate Dalea

Ornate Dalea

Dalea ornata
Sagebrush Loeflingia

Sagebrush Loeflingia

Loeflingia squarrosa var. artemisiarum
Sierra Valley mousetail; Photo Copyright 2002 Gary A. Monroe Plumas Co

Sierra Valley Ivesia

Ivesia aperta var. aperta
Susanville Beardtongue; Photo Copyright 2002 Dean Wm. Taylor

Susanville Beardtongue

Penstemon sudans
Webber's Ivesia

Webber's Ivesia

Ivesia webberi
Boggs Lake Hedge Hyssop

Boggs Lake Hedge Hyssop

Gratiola heterosepala
Dwarf Lousewort

Dwarf Lousewort

Pedicularis centranthera
Ephemeral monkeyflower; Photo Copyright 2001 Steve Schoenig

Ephemeral Monkeyflower

Mimulus evanescens
No Picture available

Playa Phacelia

Phacelia inundata

Special status plants are those plants whose survival is of concern due to 1) their limited distribution, 2) low number of individuals and/or populations, and 3) potential threats to habitat.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) uses the term "special status plants" to include: http://www.blm.gov/publish/content/ca/en/prog/ssp/main_status.html1) Federal endangered, threatened,proposed and candidate species; 2) California State endangered, threatened, and rare species; and 3) BLM Sensitive plants. Sensitive plants are those species that do not occur on Federal or state lists, but which are designated by the BLM State Director for special management consideration.

It is BLM policy to manage for the conservation of special status plants and their associated habitats and to ensure that actions authorized, funded, or carried out do not contribute to the need to list any species as threatened or endangered.