House Committee on Ways and Means

Let me start by writing that I appreciate the opportunity to submit this letter regarding the FY 2009 Executive Budget Proposal and be heard.

However, and truthfully, I cannot believe what I have learned about it.  To me, it does not seem at all rational to say the least.  As we are staring into the teeth of a domestic recession, our Chief Executive Officer puts together a so-called budget that increases deficit spending and totals 3.1 trillion dollars.  This is totally unbelievable.  This should be stopped dead and a new rational budget be formulated.

We are told that the administration wants to make up the deficit spending by cutting domestic programs.  Which to me (and many others like me) is not acceptable and also not the least bit rational.

A temporary tax rebate measure made up of more borrowed money?  De-valuing our own currency to the enjoyment of all of our competitors in the market place.

Spending out of control in Iraq.  Billions of dollars missing / unaccounted for.  No clue where it is.  And the war dragging on for five (5) years.

Just allow me a word on the war please.  If this country is involved in a life or death ideological struggle of the age – then use the nuclear weapons in our arsenal and put an end to the struggle a positive winner – do not drag it out for generations / forever spending the priceless blood of our youth as if it were salt water and bankrupting our country’s treasure.

The sub-prime mortgage debacle – another great injustice allowed to happen by de-regulation.

Adding 1100 Diplomats to the Federal payroll.  Just what we need – more overhead.

I should say this spending is anything but Conservative.  It appears FAR RIGHT WING RADICAL EXTREME NEO-LIBERAL to me.

Stop spending all of our money overseas attempting to build nations and markets for only those who are already rich beyond belief.

Spend our money here at home.  Our domestic programs need to be bolstered and made solvent.  Social Security Solvency and Universal Health Care For All Citizens (Medicare For All) needs to happen NOW.  Every other major country in the world has it and knows it is the right thing for a government to do for it’s general population.  Our money buys $3.00 a gallon gasoline / expensive fossil fuels to heat our homes and enriches and provides cradle to grave domestic care for those we are purchasing from.  That in itself is mad.

The way I see it we should install Trade Regulations that level the field in the world market.  Doing so will create incentive to produce more here at home.  Domestic business will prosper.  When the appropriate Trade Regulations take affect and we purchase fewer products from overseas, our overseas trading partners will lose market share and will increase the cost of their products to consumers within their borders to fund their corporations – further leveling the field.  They will then borrow from us to keep their corporations in business.

Stop selling out our country by making it more profitable for business (including manufacturing) to move out of country.

People living in this country have a much higher cost of living than those people in 3rd world overseas economies.  People cannot earn a living in this country being paid $1.00 to $3.00 per hour – they need a good job that pays a good wage and at least a living wage as opposed to a minimum wage.

Here in Northeast Ohio the economy (especially my economy) is horrible.  Last year was the worst year in business that I can remember.  50% down from the year previous.

It seems every measure taken by every segment of our government is another attempt (greater than the previous) to euthanize our private sector domestic economy.

This needs to be fixed and it’s going to take a government that is responsive to the people to fix it.

This administration and it’s policies cannot end quickly enough to suit me.

Yours truly,

Joseph E. Powell, President,

J. E. Powell Technical Services Company, Inc.